Kosovo is a special locale on the globe know as a "Zone of Destiny".
The Serbs and Turks mutually exterminated each other in the huge "Battle of Kosovo" 1389
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_kosovoNext time the Serbs, with Greek, Russian & Israeli help, will win.
Luverly Greek nymphettes will once again get to cool their tootsies in the Bosphorus, & Istanbul will be restored to its name Constantinople!
Israel & Greece have a secret pact that if Erdogan goes "Turk-Stupid" they will take him & his armies out, & Greece will reclaim the lands she lost in 1920. Turks are not Arabs and they don't run from fights, but enough was learnt from the droves of Aussies slain unnecessarily at Gallipoli to know how to roughly handle "Johnny Turk"!