Belarus is a former soviet republic which has a staunch socialist government. Their leader, Aleksandr Lukashenko, is an open communist whose party was called The Communist Party of Byelorussia. He even grew mustache to look like Stalin. He also praised Adolf Hitler as one of the greatest leaders in human history.

Belarus still have KGB which is controlled by Lukashenko himself. For many years now, Belarussian KGB agents have been kidnapping, torturing, and eventually executing those whom they considered "enemies of the regime". Belarus also maintain close ties with evil nations like Iran, Iraq, Libya, Venezuela, North Korea, and Zimbabwe, and refer to America as a "Zionist-controlled puppet". Believe it or not, Belarus government have been allegedly offering the political asylum to Iraqi and Libyan officials. Kurmanbek Bakiyev, the overthrown president of Kyrgyzstan, has been living in Belarus since 2010.
Here is an interesting article about Belarus: