Hello newman, and good day to you.
I'll be interested in hearing a bit more about this story. I was a tad concerned with this quote: "A friend of mine found a rabbi willing to convert me in Canada and put forward a request for me to visit her there to undergo the conversion process," explained Abbadi..."
I don't know if she's referring to her friend, or the actual rabbi here.
Kindest regards and awaiting Shiloh,
I didn't catch that but that would obviously imply she would undergo a reform conversion and then be eligible for the right of return. I don't think that's a bad solution for her either. If she has the desire to do this and that is the only way then fine, she will probably do an orthodox later on anyways. Why we as Jews like to talk about reform/conservative converts not being real Jews is beyond me- in theory I agree however I think it turns alot of converts off to going ahead with the orthodox conversion, in general I think we should be more welcoming of people with any desire to convert to any sort of Judaism however obviously with hopes they will see the beauty of orthodox.
I have to respectfully disagree with this. The reason Jews talk about reform/convervative converts as not being real Jews is because they are NOT real Jews. Conversion is a process defined and dictated by halacha (Jewish Torah law). Reform and Conservative conversions are NOT done in accordance with halacha as even they will tell you. Those people they "convert" are 100% non-Jewish. Though they are tragically deceived and told that they are.
100 years ago there was no such thing as a conversion to Judaism outside of halacha. This is a modern invention that corrupts the true definition of "who is a Jew"-and imposes obligations on the person they don't have and causes them to abandon the obligations they do have.
The result is a lot people thinking they are Jewish, and are not, leading to intermarriage confusion and all sorts of other calamities.
We don't need more Jews. The Bible says we are specifically few in number (this week's parsha!). Our problem is not numbers. Our problem is the Jews we have are not doing what they are supposed to do. Every danger we face, we Jews have brought upon ourselves in some way or another by not doing things the Torah way.
Accepting these phony "conversions" would be a curse for the Jewish people, not a blessing.