Author Topic: I archive the hate-crime atrocities targeting Jews and Christians in SAfrica  (Read 4350 times)

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Offline AdrianaStuijt

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My name is Adriana Stuijt. I am a retired Dutch-South African journalist, formerly of the Rand Daily Mail, the Sunday Times of Johannesburg. Since my retirement I have been logging the horrific atrocities targeting 'white' people in South Africa by large, well-organized, heavily-armed black youth gangs. And despite the fact that out of the 51-million South Africans, only 75,000 Jews and 3,5-million Christian Afrikaners now remain in South Africa, both groups are hit by unprecedented black-racist hatespeech and physical attacks against their families. Since June 2010, I have started logging these incidents on an archive, . These violent incidents include great acts of cruelty and sadism, hours of torture, mutilations and humiliation of the victims by the black perpetrators. These facts are being denied by the ANC-regime which refuses to archive hate-crimes, even though they are required to do so under the Rome Convention which they have signed to uphold. The archive I have built up with the help of many skilled crime-experts inside South Africa, shows that these atrocities form part of a pattern which also includes a constant stream of hatespeech and demonization from the highest levels in the South African government. Examples of the worst forms of this hatespeech are logged on the archive. An average of one to two daily murders also take place carried out by black-racist gangs whose members often torture their victims extensively - and even take away body-parts which are turned into so-called 'muthi',  African traditional medicine. These gruesome practices do not get published often in the SA news media - as the socalled Traditional Healers Council are advisors to president Zuma and their 'witchcraft-practices' have been legalized by that government. I urge the Jewish people in South Africa to also help my archive by submitting incidents which you believe may be a hatecrime targeting Jewish people in South Africa, on Please note that anyone with a 'paler skin colour' is targeted by these atrocities but that 'special attention' is given to Jewish people and Christian Afrikaners in this regard. My email is [email protected]. Please feel free to write me any time. We know many more people are being murdered and assaulted than is being admitted to by the SA regime. Please help us get these atrocities on record so that we can fight this evil with the truth.
Retired medical journalist, Sunday Times of Johannesburg, South Africa. Archivist at logging atrocities against Christians and Jews under Marxist regime in South Africa

Offline Israel Chai

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Welcome. I am ashamed to say I have Jewish liberals close to me that helped these monsters get into power, and they go crazy when I call them terrorists today. I am following the stories closely from there, and am indignant at Australia's denial of white South African refugee requests.

Has Canada been willing to accept refugees from there? It's probably the safest place to be at this moment.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Lisa

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Hello Adriana.

Welcome to JTF. 

Offline mord

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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03