Asian-American Christians See Insensitivity In Saddleback Church's Facebook Post looks like Whoren needs to stick to stuffing his face with garbage and leave his pitiful attempts at being hip and funny to people who really know what they are doing. Do any of you think Whoren would have posted an image of a member of Idi Amin's harem or Qaddafi's Amazonian Guard for laughs? Hell no!
This being said, I think that this picture of a Maoist Youth paramilitary thug proves beyond any shadow of a doubt what we already suspected about Whoren--that he's a dyed-in-the-wool Bolshevik. Of course he sympathizes with Mao! He probably has fond memories of the Sh*tler Youth as well.
It's good to see this monster getting some (well-deserved) heat. If there are any righteous people belonging to his Baal temple, they need to leave it now and find a real church.
Whoren posted this image of a member of Mao's Red Guard in reference to his "church"'s employees.