Benito Di Caprio, a.k.a. Supermentalita, you were already banned from this forum for your anti-Semitic tirades about how we only care about Jews. Whenever we oppose Jew-hating movements in Europe, you say we only care about Jews. Whenever we criticize anyone who is Catholic, you say we only care about Jews. You are a typical anti-Semite.
You want Europe to become one country. This is what the New World Order types wanted when they created the disastrous European Union (EU). A true Dutch nationalist would consider you to be a traitor for proposing that Holland be swallowed up by Europe. If Europe became one big country, Germany would dominate all of Europe just as Germany today dominates the EU. Hitler's dream of Europe being controlled by Germany would finally come true.
You also blindly follow the new left-wing Pope who attacks free market economics and tells Catholics to stop concentrating on issues like abortion and homosexuality. I guess you also agree with the Church's position that Third World immigrants should be allowed to flood into Europe. The Church favors legalizing all illegal aliens in Europe and in the United States.
When the Pope and the Catholic Church demand that Israel commit national suicide, we are not allowed to respond according to you. If you are stupid enough to want to destroy your country Holland by proposing a European (German) takeover, that's your business. But don't come on our forum and tell us that we have also have to accept the destruction of our country Israel.