Author Topic: False Messiah BerGOGlio (ysv) Pretends To Oppose Abortion To Appease Rightists  (Read 770 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Pope Francis Calls Abortions "Horrific" After Criticism From Conservatives

Who does this satanic ghoul think he his kidding? After all this time of beating up on his own church for caring too much about abortion, we are now supposed to believe that he's seen the light? Only a complete moron would buy a word of this bull. This lying snake has about one tenth the credibility of Bill Clinton.


Offline GreenLightToGo

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Pope Francis Calls Abortions "Horrific" After Criticism From Conservatives

Who does this satanic ghoul think he his kidding? After all this time of beating up on his own church for caring too much about abortion, we are now supposed to believe that he's seen the light? Only a complete moron would buy a word of this bull. This lying snake has about one tenth the credibility of Bill Clinton.


If you're suggesting that the Pope claimed abortion isn't an issue (or a big issue) I don't believe he did. Unless I'm mistaken, he said rather that he believed it wasn't the only issue and that other issues were being neglected.

You say the Pope has a tenth the credibility of Bill Clinton, and that only a moron would buy a word of his bull. I'll be a moron and believe that he is sincere (even if I don't agree with him on some issues), and you can trust Rush Limbaugh who clowns around and plays fiddle while the country burns.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Rush Limbaugh told the truth--that this pope preaches Marxism. That's all there is to say about that.

Righteous Catholics should demand that this pope resign like Benedict did.

Offline GreenLightToGo

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Rush Limbaugh told the truth--that this pope preaches Marxism. That's all there is to say about that.

Righteous Catholics should demand that this pope resign like Benedict did.

I don't think the Pope's ignorance on the economy makes him a committed leftist, or a "satanic ghoul". Rush Limbaugh would not show concern for the Pope's thoughts on anything outside of economics. He's a essentially a "fiscal conservative". Someone like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity would only criticize Hollywood for discriminating against conservatives, and not for promoting promiscuity, vulgarity, or anything that doesn't lead to success (even though the garbage Hollywood promotes eventually leads to government dependence, which will hurt their wallets).

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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I don't think the Pope's ignorance on the economy makes him a committed leftist, or a "satanic ghoul". Rush Limbaugh would not show concern for the Pope's thoughts on anything outside of economics. He's a essentially a "fiscal conservative". Someone like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity would only criticize Hollywood for discriminating against conservatives, and not for promoting promiscuity, vulgarity, or anything that doesn't lead to success (even though the garbage Hollywood promotes eventually leads to government dependence, which will hurt their wallets).
Rush Limbaugh is a mainstream conservative. He does oppose abortion and the sodomite agenda. Granted he is not a right-winger by JTF standards but he opposes all the main tenets of leftism, not just economic socialism. He and Sarah Palin were spot on about Bergoglio.

But let's pretend that's the only thing they care about--why don't they have the right to criticize the pope in that field? By your own admission, Bergoglio is at minimum "ignorant". However, I find it very hard to believe that the most powerful and influential religious figure in the whole world is stupid or naive and doesn't know what he's talking about. He is a diehard advocate of Latin American Marxist liberation theology and that's as far removed from real Christianity as Shiite Islam is.

Offline GreenLightToGo

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Rush Limbaugh is a mainstream conservative. He does oppose abortion and the sodomite agenda. Granted he is not a right-winger by JTF standards but he opposes all the main tenets of leftism, not just economic socialism. He and Sarah Palin were spot on about Bergoglio.

But let's pretend that's the only thing they care about--why don't they have the right to criticize the pope in that field? By your own admission, Bergoglio is at minimum "ignorant". However, I find it very hard to believe that the most powerful and influential religious figure in the whole world is stupid or naive and doesn't know what he's talking about. He is a diehard advocate of Latin American Marxist liberation theology and that's as far removed from real Christianity as Shiite Islam is.

1.) I know Rush Limbaugh is mainstream, but I think that's a bad thing. Chaim, you, and some others are critical of Michael Savage. Whatever you think of his personality, Michael Savage talks about the "3rd-world invasion", and actually uses the term "sodomite". I don't think I have heard any conservative commentator on TV or radio besides Savage say that the Republican party isn't going to get most of the Hispanic vote (no matter what they do). Edit: actually Jay Severin has talked about that as well, but I can't think of anyone else.

2.) They do have the right to criticize him in that field, but I don't think Republicans should be resentful to him because of his ignorance on an issue. Why isn't it an opportunity to enlighten, and why isn't it an opportunity to point out the left's deception (glorifying a religious figure because of only one of his views, even though they're disdainful of the church he represents)?

3.) I can believe that he's capable of ignorance; he's human.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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I'm really not sure what you're getting at GLTG. The Pontiff speaks ex cathedra which means his words are the direct words of God according to the Catechism of the RCC. Obviously Islam and Catholicism are not the same. So, either God is lying or the pope is or the pope is very badly mistaken. If the latter is correct he has no business being pope. But he knows what he is doing.

Offline GreenLightToGo

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I'm really not sure what you're getting at GLTG. The Pontiff speaks ex cathedra which means his words are the direct words of God according to the Catechism of the RCC. Obviously Islam and Catholicism are not the same. So, either God is lying or the pope is or the pope is very badly mistaken. If the latter is correct he has no business being pope. But he knows what he is doing.

I'd be interested to know who you have in mind to replace him when you say he has no business being Pope. I don't believe that behind closed doors, he supports the left's general direction of promoting moral decline & Islamic world domination. Here's an interview with Bergoglio:

At 5:15, he says with regard to cosmetics that "we wear a costume when we don't have the beauty of God". Is that a belief of the left?