Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Serbian Historian - The Serbs are of Hebrew origin
Ephraim Ben Noach:
Oh okay, I think I got it... you're implying that that I'm a crazy white trash trailer park honky. That hurts... hurts so bad. I think I'll go cry myself to sleep. :'( :::D
Israel Chai:
Everyone is really Jewish according to historians. Serbia has history to be proud of. Stick with it.
serbian army:
--- Quote from: ForLorN on February 11, 2014, 07:14:14 AM ---Theory number one---->serbs are ancient iranic tribe which all 'slavs' descend from this is why serbs are darker in appearance while the rest of the slavs that migrated ...
The truth is there are people who call themselves Serbs when in fact they aren't.
The dark appearance "Serbs" are originally Turks or Serbs mixed with Serbs. The real Serbs cannot be dark. Those are fake Serbs: Vlade Divac, Janko Tipsarevic........Do they look Slavic? No. They look like Turks or at least like Slavs mixed with Turks from Ottoman era and because of people like them the Serbs are stigmatized as dark in general.
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Turks are Mongoloid race you punk. Why are the Serbs from Montenegro the "darkest" ones in appearance if the Turks could not conquer their lands?
We are the oldest of all European nations. We had a great civilization in India more than 10,000 years ago and Indians documented this in their holy books.
--- Quote from: serbian army on February 12, 2014, 11:43:10 PM ---Turks are Mongoloid race you punk. Why are the Serbs from Montenegro the "darkest" ones in appearance if the Turks could not conquer their lands?
We are the oldest of all European nations. We had a great civilization in India more than 10,000 years ago and Indians documented this in their holy books.
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It is not my issue if you look like Vlade Divac or Janko Tipsarevic. Screw you with your insane India theories. You should work on your accent too instead of complaining how it is tough to be an Eastern European in the USA. Peace out paljevino.
--- Quote from: אפרים בן נח on February 12, 2014, 01:27:41 PM ---Oh okay, I think I got it... you're implying that that I'm a crazy white trash trailer park honky. That hurts... hurts so bad. I think I'll go cry myself to sleep. :'( :::D
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No, not at all. I was implying that you are someone else, black dude in this case, just like you call people who are not trolls-trolls, and those who are truly trolls, you say nothing. So now you saw how it is like to be called something you aren't Mr Herkul Poaro.
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