Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Serbian Historian - The Serbs are of Hebrew origin

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Ephraim Ben Noach:

--- Quote from: ForLorN on February 13, 2014, 06:00:14 AM ---No, not at all. I was implying that you are someone else, black dude in this case, just like you call people who are not trolls-trolls, and those who are truly trolls, you say nothing. So now you saw how it is like to be called something you aren't Mr Herkul Poaro.

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Okay, so you are not josh. So who are you originally? You have been around since he was. Tell me you have never done anything against JTF... You never helped him?

Ephraim Ben Noach:
It doesn't bother me, I think you're pretty funny, except for when you call me a pagan or a baal worshipper. Also I'm an American, I don't know who the heck Herkul Poaro is...


--- Quote from: אפרים בן נח on February 13, 2014, 11:23:01 AM --- I don't know who the heck Herkul Poaro is...

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Poaro or Poirot is a fictional detective, created by Agatha Christie. He always solves mysteries in the end. I am starting to think you are not the real Poaro because you didn't guess that guy is supermentalita pretending to be a new member from Belgium, you said hello to him, he fooled you  ;D


--- Quote from: אפרים בן נח on February 13, 2014, 11:10:49 AM --- Okay, so you are not josh. So who are you originally? You have been around since he was. Tell me you have never done anything against JTF... You never helped him?

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I am a member of a well known Serbian forum. 5 people who were here on JTF had left the forum 4 years ago and we made a forum which I cannot advertise here. The guy Josh was banned from our Serbian forum because he advertised his work on our forum behind the charade phrase "I support Serbia". It was a no go for our forum.


--- Quote from: serbian army on February 12, 2014, 11:43:10 PM ---you punk.
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ćaskali smo na ovom forumu ranije a ti sada vređaš.


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