Author Topic: More proof what savage Nazis these Terrorstinians are.  (Read 678 times)

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Offline Dan193

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More proof what savage Nazis these Terrorstinians are.
« on: February 05, 2014, 12:36:40 PM »
The Israeli people will realize Chaim Ben Pesach is the only answer to defeat Muslim Nazis.
East Jerusalem terror cell charged with planning attack on wedding hall
Men planned to enter Bayit Vagan wedding hall in haredi dress, carry out shooting attack with mini Uzi guns. wedding hall
Nof Wedding Hall that was target of terror plot
The Jerusalem District Attorney's Office on Wednesday filed an indictment with the Jerusalem District Court against an alleged terror cell of four east Jerusalem residents for planning to attack the "Nof" wedding hall in Bayit Vagan, Jerusalem.

The cell included Anas Ouisat, Basel Abidat, Ahmed Sarur and Amru Abado of the Jabal Muchbar neighborhood all between the ages of 19-21, said the indictment.

The indictment's details were as follows: Ouisat and Abidat decided in December 2013, based on nationalistic motivations, that they would carry out an attack against Israeli civilians in Jerusalem and in coordination with terror groups.

Ouisat suggested a shooting attack on the Nof hall both because there would be a large number of casualties, between 800-1500 attendees, and because he had previously worked there.

They planned to enter the hall in haredi dress in which they would conceal mini Uzi guns and they got an estimate of NIS 50,000 from a weapons dealer.

At some point, Sarur joined the group, including performing surveillance of the hall to plan the attack.

However, he had a dispute with the original two, eventually dropped out and was eventually replaced by Abado.

The head of the wedding hall, Gilad Pinchas, expressed his immense relief and gratitude in an interview with The Jerusalem Post.

"Nof is a place of celebration," said Pinchas, "the indictment is a gift from God.  Nof has top security conditions, and we will continue to consider security a top priority at our hall for all our events and all our guests."

The prosecution has requested to remand all four to police custody until the end of the proceedings.

Offline Dan193

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Re: More proof what savage Nazis these Terrorstinians are.
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2014, 12:37:36 PM »
common sense • 2 hours ago −
I keep thinking: How is it possible for anyone to sit and plan a such an evil crime of mass murder of innocent people they never met - especially on such a festive occasion? The simple fact is that there is only one entity that encourages such behavior and is currently involved in nearly all the murders, mayhem and misogyny around this planet - the cult of Islam. However, what is even more revolting are those who somehow try to rationalize/justify such evil...