Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

My First Trip to Serbia!

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Hi guys!
Sorry I haven't been able to be on the forum as much as I wanted, but at least I'm productive while here.LOL
Today I'm traveling to Serbia for the first time, my family immigrated from there in the 80's and I haven't ever been there.
I hope that things are not as bad as I've heard so... I'll try to make it a positive experience and gain something form it.
I thank all of you for having this forum and giving people an alternative to the brainless chatter that goes on the other blogs... OORRAHH

Bon Voyage, Marino. You might run into our other poster Serb Chetnik while you're there.

Please write me and tell me your impressions.  I'd like to know as I wish to visit that area one day soon.  Good trip... :)


--- Quote from: newman on August 03, 2007, 09:21:26 AM ---Bon Voyage, Marino. You might run into our other poster Serb Chetnik while you're there.

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Thanks Newman, I hope so... because he is a Real Serbian Patriot!


--- Quote from: MarZutra on August 03, 2007, 09:24:05 AM ---Please write me and tell me your impressions.  I'd like to know as I wish to visit that area one day soon.  Good trip... :)

--- End quote ---
Thanks MarZutra, I'll try to make a video journal of my trip... I'll be there for 3 weeks so there should be plenty of footage to take.


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