Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

My First Trip to Serbia!

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--- Quote from: MARINO on August 03, 2007, 09:26:48 AM ---
--- Quote from: newman on August 03, 2007, 09:21:26 AM ---Bon Voyage, Marino. You might run into our other poster Serb Chetnik while you're there.

--- End quote ---
Thanks Newman, I hope so... because he is a Real Serbian Patriot!

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PS: The hunting is good in Serbia. It's muzzie season all year round!

Have a good trip and lets us know how the theif Albanians are doing ,i hope not well

Have a good trip we'll see you next fall... ;D.JK
Hope you have some great stories to tell. Take care !

Enjoy !  ;)

The trip was Awesome.... I came back about a week ago!
I just started my fall semester at Rutgers, GO Scarlet Knights!!!

P.S. I have may pic form my trip... I'll post them a bit later.


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