Michael Savage Hosts Jew-Hating Nazi Conspiracy Loon
As usual Chaim was right about this disgusting and hideous San Francisco queer and all the other "conservatives" were wrong. Now Debbie is saying the same thing. Not only is this beast a blatant plagiarist and a fake conservative, but he's apparently turned into a Nazi anti-Semite a la uber-kapos "Bro" Nathanael Kapner and Bobby Fischer (yimach shemam vezichram). He's cozied up to the Nazis Alex Jones, Paul Craig Roberts, and other Nazis like them, and on occasion has even spewed their garbage himself.
Yimach shemo vezichro to this monstrous closeted sodomite self-hater.

I listened to his Feb. 27th show when he had this guest on. He warned his listeners twice before Paul Craig Roberts came on his show that he had views "you may not agree with", and said in his first warning that he allows many opinions on his show whether he agrees with them or not.
He didn't endorse all of Roberts' views, and when he brought up dual Israeli citizenship, there was a long moment of silence from Savage that followed. Savage clearly knew in advance he had some radical views, but he had him on to talk about the Ukraine situation, not to fight with him, and wasn't going to bash him before he came on his show.
Savage says things on occasion that are wrong or bizarre, but do you expect something different from someone who makes a living talking on the radio for hours on end 5 days a week?
For much of the rest of the show, Savage talked about a racist proposal by Obama to help only poor Blacks & Hispanics and not poor whites, but Schlussel says Savage doesn't have any scruples/morals.
She says "Savage said nothing as he let Roberts go on and on and on about how U.S. foreign policy is run by “neocons many of whom have dual Israeli citizenship”". When Roberts mentions "dual Israel citizenship", there's a moment of silence afterwards; he doesn't go on & on with it. And Savage let his listeners know twice they were going to hear irregular views to say the least. On foreign policy, Savage criticizes John McCain (who is a neoconservative and once considered running for president as a Democrat).
Ted Cruz can say Rand Paul has been a voice of liberty, and he can praise Mandela, but Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Sean Hannity like him, so that's OK.