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one view
« on: August 04, 2007, 10:18:42 AM »

Bush has friends, but look who they are.
Posted: Tuesday, July 31, 2007
- written by jerry golden


Twenty Billion Dollars in high tech arms sales to the enemies of Israel.  Most of that is going to the great friends of the Bush family, the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia.  The fact that Saudi Arabia is the number one financier of Islamic Jihad teaching around the world makes little difference to President Bush.  Or the fact that 15 of the 19 terrorist of 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia is not important to the Bush family either. Or the fact that the large majority of the insurgents killing coalition solders are Saudis doesn’t count.  That Saudi Arabia is a country sworn to the destruction of Israel.  That over the past few years there has been numerous reports that al-Qaida has infiltrated the Saudi military mostly their Air Force and that they are planning to use a Saudi Air Force base Tabuk in North Western Saudi Arabia, to attack Israel, only 10 minutes from Eilat.


But when you consider that the Bush Road Map is in fact the Saudi Peace Plan you begin to see the connection.  Today I heard Rice tell the heads of Arabs States in Egypt that the US was their friend and that Bush wanted to make sure they have what it takes to defend themselves.  But the truth is he wants to make certain they have what they need to destroy Israel.  Those of you living in the US need to prepare yourself once again, for God will not be mocked.  These men and others unknown are moving forward with their plans and as conspiracy theory as that sounds I believe it is true.  It would be very wise for each of you to stock up on food and lots of water in fact you can’t have to much water. 


Bush has two very important political friends; one is Tony Blair who now heads up the negotiations and PR for the Quartet (UN, US, EU and Russia) his job is to make sure Israel gives up the mountains of Israel, Judea, and Samaria (West Bank).  That it too will become a terrorist base just like Gaza to insure the total destruction of Israel.  Bush’s second good friend is an enemy to the entire free world and his name is Vladimir Putin of Russia.  Putin can do what Bush cannot and that is to make sure Iran is armed for its attack on Israel.  Putin just made a deal with Iran to sell them 250 Russian Sukhoi Fighter – Bombers capable of striking Israel with heavy payloads even nuclear bombs. Bush also knows the first sign of attack on Iran they will send all they have at Israel, all the missiles and now the Russian Bombers.  Knowing that Syria will unleash all of their long range missiles armed with chemical and biological warheads.  So you see Bush is doing his part, while Blair and Putin are doing their part, and it is all aimed at Jerusalem.  This may not make a lot of since to some because all they know is what comes across the TV News and you must know that is controlled.  But there is a grand master plan that has several sides to it.  One is the Illuminati has always started wars and rumors of wars so they can sell arms to the countries they are willing to sacrifice.  They have of course a final plan for mankind and have been held back by the hand of God until this time.  It would appear they have been turned loose and the world is in for a global holocaust.


So it seems that Israel just sits and waits for something to happen, knowing that Russia’s Putin, US President Bush, Tony Blair and other world leaders are dead set for destroying Israel.  With North Korea and China doing all they can to supply the needed hardware for the coming war against Israel.  I find it amazing that the American people are so gullible to go for the spin that comes out of the White house, you see Bush knows he cannot openly state his purpose of destroying Israel that he must do it with much deception and camouflaged behind a act of being a great Christian and that is not my judgment on Bush just the plain facts. 


For a couple of years or more I’ve been shouting that Bush is the most dangerous man that has ever sat in the Oval Office, now many are seeing that I was right.  Some tell me that Bush is a good Christian man, that he just doesn’t understand the Scriptures in regards to Israel, and that he has bought into the replacement theology.  If that is true his stupidity still is bringing the judgment of God down on the US.  And you can believe that there are Islamic terrorist cells all over the US just sitting there waiting for the order to cut loose with the worse horrible attack that will make what happens in Israel look pale in comparison.   This time Israel will not be able to depend on the US to save them, they will be forced to look at the One who put us on this land. 


My KJB tells me that God will save Israel but it also tells me that terrible things will happen and have to happen to bring His people back to Him and they will seek Him with all their hearts. 


The Devil has turned loose his final plan and it now looks like Islamic Terrorist are his main weapons against God’s people and mankind in general, but there is a more cynical and dangerous enemy prepared by the Devil, it is a group of men who believe they are saving mankind by killing two thirds of it.  For those of you who have read and studied God’s Word have come to the conclusion, possibly you haven’t put it together quiet yet but you will. 


The truth is there isn’t a whole lot you and I can do about it, other than to realize we are not citizens of this world but have been born again into the Kingdom of God.  That eternity waits for us if we but overcome in that name above all others, Yeshua.  For us it is a spiritual battle and the victories we may have in the natural world around us will only serve to be a witness for the One we know as God. 


I know this letter will frighten some and infuriate others, some will simply unsubscribe, but after much prayer I have decided to send this out knowing the consequences.  It is my prayer that it will cause you to prepare to help your family first and above all else, for some very hard days are coming.  I would also ask you to consider what God has called us to do, and realize we have precious little time to get ready. 


In the coming week it is necessary for me to travel outside of Israel, it is a very difficult time for me to leave Connie for fear of war separating us, but we both know we have to follow the leading of the Rauch Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit).  Contacts need to be made and other ministry operations need to be established.  But of the greatest importance we simply need a larger boat and we are many thousands of dollars short of being able to shop for that boat.  I can only ask you to pray asking God what your part in this Ministry is. 


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers, Pray for this Ministry and your part in it.  Shalom, jerry golden


The Golden Reort 

Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in Heaven.

Offline mord

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Re: one view
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2007, 10:33:51 AM »
President Bush with CAIR head who was found to have meet with Hamas a few times

Shot at 2007-08-04

CAIR director attended Hamas meeting
After denial, evidence on Nihad Awad surfaces in terror-funding trial

Posted: August 4, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

Nihad Awad
Despite a previous denial, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations – which regards itself as the leading U.S. Muslims civil rights group – participated in a three-day summit of members of the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi terrorist group Hamas.

The evidence surfaced at the trial of the Texas-based Islamic charity Holy Land Foundation and five of its former organizers, who are accused of supporting Hamas. Prosecutors named the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the case.

According to Steve Emerson's Investigative Project on Terrorism, FBI Special Agent Laura Burns testified Thursday that the "Nihad" listed in documents related to the 1993 meeting of Hamas members in Philadelphia was Nihad Awad.

(Story continues below)

CAIR is a spinoff of the defunct Islamic Association for Eretz Yisrael, or IAP, launched by Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook and former university professor Sami al-Arian, who pleaded guilty last year to conspiracy to provide services to PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi Islamic Jihad. Awad served as the IAP's public relations director.

Nihad Awad with then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush

Several CAIR staffers have been convicted on terrorism-related charges, and CAIR founder Omar Ahmad – also an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case – allegedly told a group of Muslims they are in America not to assimilate but to help assert Islam's rule over the country.

In 2003, Awad was confronted about the Philadelphia meeting during a deposition for a civil rights lawsuit, the Investigative Project on Terrorism noted. Initially Awad said he didn't think he attended, but when pushed, he replied, "I don't remember."

A videotape from a 1994 seminar at Miami's Barry University captured Awad acknowledging, "I am in support of the Hamas movement." CAIR officials have refused to condemn Hamas by name after it carries out a bombing attack.

The Philadelphia meeting took place just after a White House ceremony that formalized the Oslo Accords, which sought to end the Israeli-PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi conflict.

FBI agents listened in on the meeting, the Investigative Project on Terrorism said, and concluded the two-dozen men present were Hamas members or supporters who sought to kill the peace accord.

The men tried to hide their true agenda, according to FBI reports, by agreeing not to use the word Hamas in private conversations.

Previously available evidence shows Awad was at the 1993 Hamas meeting, according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism. The idea for the meeting was discussed in a telephone call recorded by the FBI on Sept. 14, 1993 between Ahmad, then president of the IAP, Shukri Abu Bakr, president of the Holy Land Foundation and now on trial, and Abdelhaleem al-Ashqar, executive director of a Hamas-linked charity Al Aqsa Educational Fund.

The men mentioned "Nihad" in the conversation, referring to his work in "media." At that time, Awad was the spokesman for the IAP. Abu Bakr refers to a Dallas Morning News story that quotes "Nihad." On the day of the meeting the paper published a story that extensively quoted Awad.

Among other evidence was transcripts released in U.S. v. Marzook et. al. confirming "Nihad LNU (Last name unknown)" spoke at the Philadelphia meeting.

In March, the House Republican Conference urged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to cancel an event hosted on Capitol Hill by CAIR, calling the group "terrorist apologists."

CAIR's regular meetings with the Justice Department and FBI have prompted complaints from case agents, who say the bureau rarely can make a move in the Muslim community without first consulting with CAIR, which sits on its advisory board.

CAIR has conducted "sensitivity" and cultural training with federal agencies such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement and with the military. In June, a senior Department of Homeland Security official from Washington guided CAIR officials on a behind-the-scenes tour of Customs screening operations at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport in response to CAIR complaints that Muslim travelers were being unfairly delayed as they entered the U.S. from abroad.

Last year, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., withdrew an award she gave to a local CAIR official, saying she was concerned about some statements by CAIR leaders.

CAIR says its aim is "to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding."

Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: one view
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2007, 10:44:12 AM »
You know what i think will happen instead (Gd willing)?  Saudi Arabia and Iran will be at a war for hegemony if this deal goes through...I think Shiite would rather kill Sunnis and Sunnis kill Shiite rather than kill Jews...

Anyway, may Gd foil the plans of our enemies to come after us, but end up killing each other mercilessly so that not an evil one will ever exist. And when our enemies realize this, they will see that Gd is the Gd of Israel and should she should be blessed.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: one view
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2007, 10:57:02 AM »
May the leftist Jews in Israel wake up and see what their 'friends' in the EU and UN have planned for them.