Author Topic: Another unbelievably dark day in the Union of Socialist States of America.  (Read 2860 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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  >:( >:( Soldier Sentenced To 110 Years In Prison  >:( >:(

Quote from: Yahoo News
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. - A soldier convicted of rape and murder in the death of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the slayings of her family was sentenced Saturday to 110 years in prison.

The sentence was part of a plea agreement attorneys for Pfc. Jesse Spielman had made with prosecutors that limited the number of years he could serve in prison, regardless of the jury's recommendation.

Spielman was convicted late Friday of rape, conspiracy to commit rape, housebreaking with intent to rape and four counts of felony murder.

Military prosecutors did not say Spielman took part in the rape or murders but alleged that he went to the house knowing what the others intended to do and served as a lookout.

Spielman, 23, of Chambersburg, Pa., received the longest sentence of four soldiers who have been convicted. Three other soldiers pleaded guilty under agreements with prosecutors for their roles in the assault and were given sentences ranging from five to 100 years.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (AP) — A military jury heard arguments Saturday about whether a soldier who was to be sentenced to life in prison in the slayings of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and her family should be eligible for parole.

Jurors deliberated much of Friday evening before convicting Pfc. Jesse Spielman, 22, of conspiracy to commit rape, rape, housebreaking with intent to commit rape and four counts of felony murder, despite testimony that cast doubt on his involvement.

Spielman, of Chambersburg, Pa., faces a mandatory life sentence, but the jury could allow him to become eligible for parole

He was charged in connection with the March 12, 2006, rape and slaying of Abeer Qassim al-Janabi and the killings of her family. The attack took place in Mahmoudiya, a village about 20 miles south of Baghdad.

Military prosecutors did not say Spielman took part in the rape or murders, but alleged he went to the house knowing what the others intended to do and served as a lookout.

Spielman had pleaded guilty on Monday to lesser charges of conspiracy to obstructing justice, arson, wrongfully touching a corpse and drinking.

Spielman's grandmother, Nancy Hess, collapsed outside the courtroom after the verdict was read and prosecutor Maj. William Fischbach ran to her side and called 911. Soldiers in Spielman's unit fanned the woman with napkins.

Spielman's sister, Paige Gerlach, screamed: "I hate the government. You people put him (in Iraq) and now, this happened."

Defense attorneys left the courthouse immediately following the verdict and could not immediately be reached for comment.

Prosecutors rested their case Thursday amid struggles to overcome a fellow soldier's recanting of a story that Spielman acted as a lookout during the attack last year.

Spc. James Barker, who has admitted his own role in the assault, said in earlier testimony that he had allowed investigators to draft sworn statements for him that implicated Spielman in the crime.

Barker testified Wednesday that several portions of the document were untrue, including references to Spielman's role in the conspiracy to attack the family and his knowledge of plans to rape the girl.

But another soldier convicted in the attack, Sgt. Paul E. Cortez, testified that Spielman stood guard as his fellow soldiers raped the girl. Cortez said Spielman was within a few feet of the others as they held down the screaming girl but did nothing to stop them.

Barker, Cortez and another soldier, Pfc. Bryan L. Howard, pleaded guilty for their roles in the slayings and received sentences of five to 100 years under plea agreements with prosecutors.

Steven D. Green, who was discharged from the Army before being charged, faces a possible death sentence when he is tried in federal court in Kentucky. He has pleaded not guilty to charges that include murder and sexual assault.

Barker and Cortez have given investigators conflicting statements about whether Spielman knew of the plan to rape the girl and was present when they discussed it over swigs from bottles of whiskey and gin mixed with energy drinks, according to testimony.

During their courts-martial, Barker and Cortez testified they took turns raping the girl while Green shot and killed her mother, father and younger sister. Green shot the girl in the head after raping her, they said.

The girl's body was set on fire with kerosene to destroy the evidence, according to previous testimony.

Fort Campbell is a sprawling military post on the Kentucky-Tennessee border.

So let's get this straight. A soldier is sentenced to 110 years in prison for supposedly killing an Amalek Nazi whore who, along with her family, sheltered and fed soldier-murdering, Jew-murdering Iraqi Nazi insurgents. That's more than ten times the average sentence of wetback Aztlan terrorist cop killers, black rapists, serial killers of American white women, and so on and so on.

Let's check on the total number of Iraqi terrorists since 2003 tried and convicted of anything, much less sentenced to anything. Hmmm.... that would be a grand total of... zero::) (But we've released hundreds of these murderers of our soldiers to prove our "goodwill" towards the Iraqi beasts.)

Are there any words left to describe how depraved and abominably treasonous Jorge the Bush and his soldier-killing JAG prosecutor friends are? How is Bush (yimach schmo vezichro) any less fiendish than Hitler (yimach schmo)?

"If you are kind to the cruel, you will be cruel to the kind."

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."

Unlike Israelis, I do not believe the majority of Americans support these wicked kangaroo prosecutions. However, whether they care to do anything about it is a different story.  :'( :'( :'(

(An enraged) Chaimfan


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What a sick joke! The army should revolt.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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If the 130,000 soldiers in Iraq mutinied this instant, these satanic perversions would stop really fast.

Offline Lisa

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I agree with you Chaimfan.  Excellent post.

Offline mord

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I like how they call it a Jury it's a court martial a tribunal where the Judges are the  Judge and Jury :-X

Spielman's grandmother, Nancy Hess, collapsed outside the courtroom after the verdict was read and prosecutor Maj. William Fischbach ran to her side and called 911.
oh that real kind of the Maj William Fiscbach after sending her grandson to jail for drinking and no other real proof he did anything more
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 08:06:14 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Thanks a lot. A lot of people would say these soldiers deserve whatever they get. I don't. I don't even know that these charges are not total fabrications and that these guys aren't sacrificial lambs being served up to Bush's Saudi assboys.

You are one of the best Jews I know, Lisa. It's because of people like you that I don't totally agree with Chaim saying all Jews belong in Israel. People like you bless this once-great nation every single day.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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I like how they call it a Jury it's a court martial a tribunal where the Judges are the  Judge and Jury :-X
Yeah, we read about kangaroo cases every day in textbooks in other countries. How America today is any different than Iran is something I cannot see.

Offline Lisa

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People like you bless this once-great nation every single day.

That's such a nice compliment coming from you.

Offline Ehud

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I agree with everything you said EXCEPT what you said about most Americans not agreeing with this sentence.  Most Americans don't understand YET that "civilians" in the Muslim world are involved with sheltering, aiding, abetting, supporting, and praising Muslim Nazi terrorist murderers and that those, yes, men, women and children are equally and fully responsible for whatever acts that the Muslim Nazi terrorists commit  and deserve the same fate of the people who directly carry out attacks themselves.  I guarantee you that the majority of Americans agree, even though they might know that the family including the daughters sheltered and supported terrorists, that what the soldiers did was utterly reprehensible and that they deserve to spend long jail sentences.  Most Americans still don't understand that in order to defeat terrorist infrastructure which includes their emotional, financial, and moral support, we must destroy the people who support terror as well as the people who carry out acts of terror.

I do think that every act against a Muslim supporter of terror, whether it be rape, murder, and torching of their bodies, is fully justified and is how we need to carry out our campaign against the Muslim savages.  If I were calling the shots, soldiers who murder supporters of terrorists would be given medals.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Zeev, I like the way you think, but just like I differ with Chaim when he states with certainty that most Israelis do not like Kahanism being outlawed, I don't think that most Americans have a great deal of sympathy for mass-murdering animals in their hearts. Unlike Israel after more than a century of non-stop Arab mass murder, Americans were pissed and out for blood after 9/11. We may be a selfish, immoral, lazy, secular nation, but we aren't yet at the level of self-hating depravity. Huge majorities of Americans, left and right, supported the war against Afghanistan (which was a scapegoat, but I digress) and even with Iraq at first. Americans still first and foremost want to see the ragheaded butchers lose and our country victorious.

In my gut, do I really think that average Joes and Janes here would support executing or jailing for life soldiers who administered proper justice to a family of Iraqi "civilians" who were using their home as a base for insurgents? No.

Offline Ehud

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Zeev, I like the way you think, but just like I differ with Chaim when he states with certainty that most Israelis do not like Kahanism being outlawed, I don't think that most Americans have a great deal of sympathy for mass-murdering animals in their hearts. Unlike Israel after more than a century of non-stop Arab mass murder, Americans were pissed and out for blood after 9/11. We may be a selfish, immoral, lazy, secular nation, but we aren't yet at the level of self-hating depravity. Huge majorities of Americans, left and right, supported the war against Afghanistan (which was a scapegoat, but I digress) and even with Iraq at first. Americans still first and foremost want to see the ragheaded butchers lose and our country victorious.

In my gut, do I really think that average Joes and Janes here would support executing or jailing for life soldiers who administered proper justice to a family of Iraqi "civilians" who were using their home as a base for insurgents? No.

When you say that most Americans don't have sympathy for Islamic mass-murderers you are right.  That is not the problem with the way most Americans think about Islamic terrorism.  Yes, Americans were angry at Muslims after 9/11 but who were they angry at?  Were they angry at the 13 year old girls who support what terrorists are doing, or were they angry about the ones committing the terrorist acts themselves?  Were they openly calling for the murder of anyone who supports terrorism in any way whether it be financial, emotional, or political?  Look, Americans have a very simplistic way of understanding terrorism, they haven't studied it enough or been exposed to it enough as the people on this forum have.  They have the typical Western duality of thinking about warfare, there are civilians, and there are those who carry out acts of war.  We have been raised with the notion that it is ok to kill soldiers, but it isn't ok to kill civilians, therefore, the idea that we should kill "civilians" in Muslim countries is unacceptable to most Americans.  The problem with Americans and indeed people of the West, is that they don't understand that there isn't such a clear line between civilian/soldier in Muslim countries as there is in Western societies.  In Muslim countries, the civilians are the terrorists and the terrorists are civilians.

The bottom line is, if you ask a typical American whether he thinks it's ok to "extra-judiciously" murder men, women, and children who aid, support, and fund terrorism, if none of the members of that family were "directly" involved in carrying out the terrorist attack themselves, they wouldn't.   
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris