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Salam - I am Iranian

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jdl4ever is right.

I guess your right. He was probably a Mullah spy. Most Iranians I know aren't that hard headed... I pray that he returns to his heritage one day.


--- Quote from: Cyrizian on August 05, 2007, 02:29:41 AM ---I guess your right. He was probably a Mullah spy. Most Iranians I know aren't that hard headed... I pray that he returns to his heritage one day.

--- End quote ---

In all earnest, it's a p*ss poor shame about Persia. Thank G_d India was saved from that madness!

Dave the Marine:
In fact, in Iran, if we see a "subhuman" (as the westerners say), we help him.
What may I ask (or who) is a subhman?

I was about to ask you to stop this guy!!!!


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