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Offline nessuno

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Re: Pastor Manning makes Christianity look awesome
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2014, 07:48:00 AM »
Not to start another controversy but it is my understanding that their so-called messiah has abolished the commandments of the Torah thus the xtian has no need to perform any of the 613 commandments. I don't know if he also abolished the Noachide laws (I would assume he did) as the prohibition of sexual immorality does apply to the Noachide.

But I don't think the church has any desire to reinstitute the 613 commandments for gentiles. If so they would have quite a problem on their hands.. (Do not worship idols, Keep the Sabbath, Kosher food, Sacrifices, etc.)...
We just observe G-d differently than you do.
We don't worship idols, we have our own holy day of the week, and we have periods of fasting.
I certainly can't come up with an equivalent for sacrifices...unless they are symbolic.
Why must you continue to beat a dead horse.

Christian and Jewish beliefs are different. (okay)
Not all Christians are good people. (okay)
Your horse is better than mine. (okay).

But remember, the Christian that is coming here to support YOU will eventually be driven away by your own stupidity.
Dan Ben Noah should consider the same thing.
Most people are too polite to argue with someone they consider decent and are in close quarters with.
So, they will eventually just walk away a bit bitter.

Rebuking and stoning are two different animals.
I'm sure Pastor Manning could have come up with a clever way to say the same thing.
For example,  there is no place in heaven for unrepentant homosexuals...if that is what he believes.
But...that wouldn't get as much publicity.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Pastor Manning makes Christianity look awesome
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2014, 05:17:51 PM »
We just observe G-d differently than you do.
We don't worship idols, we have our own holy day of the week, and we have periods of fasting.
I certainly can't come up with an equivalent for sacrifices...unless they are symbolic.
Why must you continue to beat a dead horse.

Christian and Jewish beliefs are different. (okay)
Not all Christians are good people. (okay)
Your horse is better than mine. (okay).

But remember, the Christian that is coming here to support YOU will eventually be driven away by your own stupidity.
Dan Ben Noah should consider the same thing.
Most people are too polite to argue with someone they consider decent and are in close quarters with.
So, they will eventually just walk away a bit bitter.

Rebuking and stoning are two different animals.
I'm sure Pastor Manning could have come up with a clever way to say the same thing.
For example,  there is no place in heaven for unrepentant homosexuals...if that is what he believes.
But...that wouldn't get as much publicity.
Good post. I like Pastor Manning but I'm not seeing how this billboard will win people to Christianity or out of homosexuality.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: Pastor Manning makes Christianity look awesome
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2014, 12:56:36 AM »
Not true. The world will function the way it is, definitely at the beginning stages of Moshiah. The only difference is that Am Yisrael will be free from the yoke of the nations. That is all. Yetzer Hara will still exist. Only at a much later time will or can humans evolve into much higher consciousness (if you will) and the elimination of the Yetzer Hara can be achieved.

You mean Techiyat HaMeitim is after the time of Mashiach? When we say the Next World, we mean when the righteous will be resurrected and all evil people will be eliminated. There will be no more illness or death.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: Pastor Manning makes Christianity look awesome
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2014, 01:06:28 AM »
We just observe G-d differently than you do.
We don't worship idols, we have our own holy day of the week, and we have periods of fasting.
I certainly can't come up with an equivalent for sacrifices...unless they are symbolic.
Why must you continue to beat a dead horse.

Christian and Jewish beliefs are different. (okay)
Not all Christians are good people. (okay)
Your horse is better than mine. (okay).

But remember, the Christian that is coming here to support YOU will eventually be driven away by your own stupidity.
Dan Ben Noah should consider the same thing.
Most people are too polite to argue with someone they consider decent and are in close quarters with.
So, they will eventually just walk away a bit bitter.

Rebuking and stoning are two different animals.
I'm sure Pastor Manning could have come up with a clever way to say the same thing.
For example,  there is no place in heaven for unrepentant homosexuals...if that is what he believes.
But...that wouldn't get as much publicity.

Christianity has not eliminated all of the Noahide Laws, only some. Christianity is against homosexuality just as Noahides are. They also claim to follow the Ten Commandments even though it doesn't apply to them. Some of the Ten Commandments are part of the Noahide Laws, and some aren't. They say they keep Shabbat (But changed it to Sunday.) but they don't and according to Judaism, Gentiles are not allowed to keep Shabbat so it's just as well. They say they keep the Ten Commandments because of Replacement Theology but got rid of most of the others. They kept some of the others such as the prohibition not to charge interest on a loan to their fellows (Jews can't charge Jews interest.) which is why Jews were in the business of money lending in Europe.

Offline nessuno

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Re: Pastor Manning makes Christianity look awesome
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2014, 06:29:23 PM »
There are two issues here: The first is how should homosexuals be viewed. The second is how religious Jews and Christians are viewed. I don't approve of homosexual acts but I don't judge thoughts. I would encourage people who do these sorts of things (homosexual acts) to stop. That's as far as I am prepared to go.

As far as how religious Jews and Christians are viewed, think for a moment of Iran, a country where homosexuals are hanged from cranes.  It's an evil, primitive society, suitable perhaps for Islam, but not in line with Judaism and Christianity.

I am certain that the pervasiveness of atheism these days is largely attributable to countries like Iran and bad religion like Islam, where homosexuals are hanged and prayers are shouted before the murder of innocents. Islam makes G-d look like a monster. And children who are raised in a secular family grow up to see this, and so what other conclusion can they come to other than that religion is awful?

How does the sign outside of the Atlah church make Christianity look? Be honest, how does it look? Are people going to see this sign calling for the stoning of homosexuals and be drawn to G-d? This sign makes Atlah look like the  primitive savages of Iran.

Frankly, I'm embarrassed that any of you approve of this. This is anything but "awesome".
I agree with you.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.