The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Pig Pictures - Ideal For Avatars
Why do you jump to defend to Islam then?
Yochanan Zev:
--- Quote from: Rhuan on October 11, 2006, 03:58:34 PM ---Why do you jump to defend to Islam then?
--- End quote ---
Those avatars would be offensive to all Muslims, not just fundamentalists. It isn't right to antagonize the entire Muslim community just because of the ones who don't want peace.
Yochanan Zev:
I'm a black convert, just like Sammy Davis, Jr. :)
Islam = following the quran.
Look at what the quran says before complaining about these things.
By definition a "peaceful" muslim is either fifth column or not a muslim.
I don't care a toss what race someone is, it's what is inside rather than what you look like that matters.
Yochanan Zev:
I don't have to know what the Quar'an says to do what's right. That's why we have Torah. We are supposed to be example people.
I do agree that the Muslim community are not doing enough to make the peace and are allowing radical elements to forward their determination. Therefore the MC is not acting responsibly towards these terrorists, and indeed their faith. I don't believe political correctness is the answer, but I know that antagonizing them will not help matters.
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