Author Topic: Ukrainian Jews: situation & assessment  (Read 478 times)

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Ukrainian Jews: situation & assessment
« on: April 25, 2014, 09:30:13 AM »
There are between 100,000 and 200,000 Jews in Ukraine among 44 million. Recently, there've been a violent revolt that overthrew democratically elected President & government. It been replaced by a 1st since WWII neo-nazi Ukrainian nationalist junta. In the past 3 months, there been numerous attacks on Ukrainian Jews: stabbings, synagogue arsons, beatings, visious intimidation & threats.
I communicate with Jews in Ukraine weekly. They are scared. Junta was installed by extreme neo-nazi Ukrainian nationalists headed by the "Pravyi Sektor" alliance. These, along with "Batkivschyna", Tyagnibok's Party, staged neo-nazi marches in Kiev, Lviv & other cities under nazi swastika banners, nazi uniforms, guns, pics. of their "heroes" - nazis Bandera & Shuhevich. Latter are new "official" heroes of Ukraine. Shuhevich commanded murder of 50,000 Kiev Jews in Baby Yar in September 1941. Bandera sided with Hitler & helped raise Ukrainian nazi SS division "Galichyna" in 1943.
Most neo-nazis came from Western Ukraine, Lviv area. They form Pravyi Sektor & staged most anti-jewish attacks. Nationalist coalition added by Batkivschyna, Svoboda & Udar parties. Svododa passed to their youth t-shirts "Smash Jews!" few month ago. Pictured.
Sad part is that Ukrainian Jews been betrayed by their leaders & rabbis. Oligarch Kolomoyskiy financed neo-nazi junta & appointed as a governor of Donetsk region. Udar's Klichko's grandma was a Jewish Holocaust survivor. Rumors is that present PM's Yatsenyuk mother attends Kiev Brodsky synagogue. Former dissident Zissels supports neo-nazis & circulates petitions for them among Jews. 2 jews been killed on Maidan fighting for neo-nazis. 1 rumored to be a "Sotnik" - 100 commander on Maidan.
Most Ukraine's rabbis are either totally stupid or intimidated by neo-nazis, or both. US-born Bleich - one of few self-proclaimed "chief rabbis" kisses neo-nazis, put ads in US newspapers soliciting funds that go to his pocket. Asman, who controls Brodsky Synagogue in Kiev, does same. Both are chabad. These idiots called Ukrainian Jews to go fight Russia & Russian Jews. They argued with Russian chief rabbi Lazar, who is chabad too. Ain't it funny?!!!
All this is reminiscent of acts of betrayal by Judenrats, Jewish Police & kapos during the Holocaust.
As a result, Ukrainian Jews got no voice & no representation. They are doomed & at the mercy of Pravyi Sektor neo-nazis.
To appease, Asman even hired Pravyi Sektor bodyguards, paying them $20/hr.
Western diplomats put strong pressure on cash-strapped neo-nazi regime to stop anti-jewish attacks. Pravyi Sektor sometimes obeys... but for how long?
Note that most Ukrainians, 8 million Russians in Ukraine & others, especially in South East, actively resist neo-nazis. Crimea voted in referendum & broke away, joining Russia. South-East formed a Donetsk People's Republic, will hold referendum & will seceed too. Jews are represented among the fighters there. 1 converted former Jew was killed there.
Prognosis is that there will be more jew-hating attacks in Ukraine. There will be more combat in South-East & it will spread to center, to Kiev, before the neo-nazi regime will be deposed. Economy is in ruins. Looming humanitarian disaster. Few Jewish aid organizations, Ezra in Kiev & others, can't help much, as most funds are stolen. Ukraine is a failed state. The only hope if Russia will step in & help. Crysis will take years to resolve.
Jews caught in the middle of this disaster. Call on Ukrainian Jews to leave for Israel. Israel must declare Ukrainian Jews - refugees & offer assistance. Right now Jews are leaving for Israel increased three-fold. Need for rest of Ukrainian Jews to leave.

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Re: Ukrainian Jews: situation & assessment
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2014, 03:26:56 PM »
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.