Author Topic: Fatah: 'Two-State Solution Is Dead, Time for Armed Conflict'  (Read 3256 times)

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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: Fatah: 'Two-State Solution Is Dead, Time for Armed Conflict'
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2014, 01:33:45 AM »

I am not putting words in your mouth. You have been speaking Lashon Hara against Israel in this thread as bad or worse than the 10 Spies in the desert.

I have said many times I am not in Israel now, and I have pointed out that I need to be able to take care of my parents. My parents (my mother and step-father) are getting old and they do not want to make the trip to Israel. I understand where they are coming from, and with my step-dad suffering with cancer currently I cannot confront them nor force them. He needs the care from the good doctors he has currently.

I know there are good jobs for me in Israel, I receive almost daily a list of companies hiring in my field. So I have the plan to make aliyah when the time is appropriate.

I will not sit around and lament how bad things are there. I know how bad they are, and I pray daily that things will be better when I get there. I will not point out every blemish and hardship to live there, I am of the opinion that our entire life is a life of hardship. We all suffer one way or another (physically, mentally, emotionally)... And I am prepared to suffer in Israel.

Yes, I do live comfortably here in California. I do work hard and invest a lot of time and effort in my profession. And it is because of my natural ability in computer programming that I am able to live this way. Baruch Hashem, may we all utilize our skills to maximize our income.

I am not knocking you, I am not really saying what you said is not true... I am just disappointed to see a good Jew saying these kinds of things especially here.

I can understand wanting to care for your family...  I apologize for overlooking that.. Yes, I can understand your desire to care for your family.. However, you were saying you are always looking for a job in Israel, so I previously thought you have not made aliyah , because you stated you couldn't find a desired job.. I know that was BS, because a guy like you could probably get a better job and make more money in Israel than most native Israelis can..  Had, you originally said it was because of your parents, I would have not have criticized you.

Saying what things?? What Lashon Hara??  Saying the truth???  Do you really think my intentions for Israel are bad??    Maybe, I have more insight into the reality of the grim situation in Israel right now..  If I thought just packing my bags in moving there would make it better, I would have already done it.  And, considering you and everyone else here bad mouths the leaders of Israel and the situation of Israel all the time, maybe it is you and everyone else who is speaking Lashon Hara , as well???   How is my criticism of Israel worse than many others, who are always insulting Israel's leadres, like Netanyahu, Olmert, Barak, Livni, etc...  I am not saying these people don't deserve criticism, but don't lay it all on me, as I am the one who speaks Lashon Hara!! 

 There are hateful words to me..   To make enemies with your fellow Jew is not a good thing, Muman.    I have mostly been rejected and hated by my own Jewish people anyhow..   I find that we spend so much time bickering and hating on each other, we never really solve many problems, hence why thugs like Netanyahu take control of the country and sell off our land, while we fight it out among ourselves and they laugh at us.

And, before  everyone condemns me for not wanting to live in Israel and for criticizing the situation in Israel, I would like to ask what do you think I could do better in Israel there?  I will lose my right to own a gun and self-defense..  I am now live among Muslims, many who have more rights and more access to weapons than myself.    I am an older guy now and don't have a college degree.. I am software developer , but have taught myself and work for small family business.. THere is a good chance I will not find a job and may be homeless, having no means to work..  So, then what??  I live on welfare and suck off of the Israeli tax system and add to Israel's burden?  They already have a lot of Arabs and African immigrants to support with that welfare money.    Maybe they will give me a job of working as a janitor, thats great!  Considering, I will be poor, have no means of self-defense and not be able to save any money, I don't see how I will make a great change.  If can become an Israeli citizen and buy land there.. IF I make money in USA and then invest in the country, eventually buying a house, rather than be stuck living in a poor apartment I share with other people, I think I will do more to benfit Israel than just go there, be poor and helpless and be another crying victim you read about on the news who was thrown out of his home, was beaten by Arabs while walking to synagogue, etc.

What Israel truly needs is a revolution..  The Israeli government is ruled by Yetzer Hara because it has betrayed its own people.. As far as I can tell, Israel is under siege ..  We need to reclaim our country.. The fact many of you think we are in control of our country is your own delusion..  If we were in control of our country, Rabbi Kahane would be alive today, Chaim would have not been thrown out of Israel and we would not have a "Palestinian" people harassing us day to day , bombing our towns and taking control of our homes.

Anyhow, I understand I will be hated here.. Even though I am hated by own my Jewish people for my controversial views, I know I have to love them unconditionally , even when it hurts.. 

What we Jews should do is what the Bielski brothers did during the Shoah, form a community in the wilderness.. Arm ourselves, build a community, harvest our own food.. Slaughter our own animals..   Why are we such weak people that we are so dependent on other people?? Why cannot we help ourselves.. We, a nation , that survived in the wilderness for 40 years..  The Jews can overcoming anything.. Why are we so helpless to think that if we don't all live in a neighborhood with great schools, kosher meat shops and a large synagogue that we will shrivel up and die..  We have preserved our heritage in the greatest times of adversities and in pagan lands..  All our creature comforts have not made us stronger people , but weaker people.  We Jews have shown our greatest glory in times of peril..  Let us think back to the time of the Makabis.
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Re: Fatah: 'Two-State Solution Is Dead, Time for Armed Conflict'
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2014, 01:45:55 AM »

Let me be the first to say I don't think anyone here is 'hating' you at all.

I really enjoy being able to express these things, and while I pointed out that it could be similar to 'lashon hara' of the spies I am just saying that because I do care about you and your situation. There is no way I harbor any hatred for what you say here. Quite the opposite, your ability to communicate has impressed me and I think most people here can understand where you are coming from.

I do not share your outlook for your livelihood. If I remember some PM's we shared in the last few years, you should have accumulated a lot of practical experience in the 'small company' work you have had. I started (in my 20s) working for a small company which struggled to make payroll. But I was able to turn that experience into better opportunities because I saw demand for digital video programmers. You work in imaging (if I recall) and there is demand for people with skills in computer imaging, and if I can find some, there may be some in Israel which you would qualify for.

I do not personally know you, but my experience with you at JTF has been a joy for me. I apologize if you felt I was judging you in my replies. I only intend on keeping the spirit, the hope, and the Jewish vision going. I do not suggest it is easy... And I don't think it is wrong to point out the failings in the Israel government (so-called 'leaders' like Bibi must be replaced with true National leaders)...

But regardless of how bad it gets I think I will always hold hope for things to turn around.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: Fatah: 'Two-State Solution Is Dead, Time for Armed Conflict'
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2014, 01:57:28 AM »

Let me be the first to say I don't think anyone here is 'hating' you at all.

I really enjoy being able to express these things, and while I pointed out that it could be similar to 'lashon hara' of the spies I am just saying that because I do care about you and your situation. There is no way I harbor any hatred for what you say here. Quite the opposite, your ability to communicate has impressed me and I think most people here can understand where you are coming from.

I do not share your outlook for your livelihood. If I remember some PM's we shared in the last few years, you should have accumulated a lot of practical experience in the 'small company' work you have had. I started (in my 20s) working for a small company which struggled to make payroll. But I was able to turn that experience into better opportunities because I saw demand for digital video programmers. You work in imaging (if I recall) and there is demand for people with skills in computer imaging, and if I can find some, there may be some in Israel which you would qualify for.

I do not personally know you, but my experience with you at JTF has been a joy for me. I apologize if you felt I was judging you in my replies. I only intend on keeping the spirit, the hope, and the Jewish vision going. I do not suggest it is easy... And I don't think it is wrong to point out the failings in the Israel government (so-called 'leaders' like Bibi must be replaced with true National leaders)...

But regardless of how bad it gets I think I will always hold hope for things to turn around.

Well, I appreciate your response..  I consider you , as many others here as brothers. I always respected your knowledge in halacha and wisdom, especially on spiritual issues, Muman..   I wouldn't want you to think I have hatred towards Israel.. Quite the contrary, it is my ancestral homeland and I only want the best for it.  My life here in Galut is not so great either!! However, I feel there is more good things I c an do for Israel and my Jewish people here where I am, then in Israel, itself now.. However, in my heart, Israel is where I belong ,as with every JEw. I am a Middle Eastern Jewish person, inside, not a Westerner, even though I have been raised and adapted to the environment I am now. .     I want Israel to be free of its suffering and I guess I have my own way of thinking of solving the problem.  Yes, it may not be considered the most rational way according to others here.  However , I have my own vision of what can be done to save Israel from the problems it is facing and making it a powerful , successful and free Jewish nation.   

In my vision, what I would like to see is a mass exodus of millions of JEws from around the globe to reclaim the stolen Jewish lands from the Arabs.. We should run those Arabs out of our land to house the millions of new Jewish inhabitants.  Israel , is only 20% or so of its original land and will hardly be able to adequately house all the new Jewish immigrants we are talking about..  Seriously, 12 million people in such a small area?  Los Angeles county is larger than the current boundaries of Israel..  We need push these Arab invaders out of Yehudah and Shomron and the traitors in the Knesset need to be ousted, by force if necessary.    There is a lot of things we can learn from the Egyptians, actually!  Look at how the Egyptians liberated their country from the Islamists with a coup!!   If only Israel could follow suit and liberate its country in a similar manner, our country could be free of the corruption and tyranny it faces by its crooked and Anti-Jewish government.

As far as finding work, I will see how things pan out with my business ventures before I start looking.. I am currently educating myself in web technology to prepare myself for expanding my career potential , should my business ventures fail here..
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Fatah: 'Two-State Solution Is Dead, Time for Armed Conflict'
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2014, 07:26:47 PM »
The parent who is being hunted in the woods or the one who was thrown out of his home and had it given to Arabs.

You are being hunted in the woods?

I don't understand what you are saying.  Your whole original comment was explaining away all the bad aspects of Jewish life in America and you said that american Jews would just save so much money if we would accept to not send our kids to expensive Jewish schools.  And at the same time you are claiming this helps Jewish survival.   Insane.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: Fatah: 'Two-State Solution Is Dead, Time for Armed Conflict'
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2014, 08:40:26 PM »
You are being hunted in the woods?

I don't understand what you are saying.  Your whole original comment was explaining away all the bad aspects of Jewish life in America and you said that american Jews would just save so much money if we would accept to not send our kids to expensive Jewish schools.  And at the same time you are claiming this helps Jewish survival.   Insane.

You are not getting anything I am saying...  We are not being hunted yet..Go read a history book about the Holocaust in Belarus (or watch a historical movie at least, Defiance perhaps?) and learn what happened to my relatives in Belarus, the ones who lived were lucky enough to hide in the forests.  The ones who were not being hunted in the forest were the ones who were laying in shallow graves in their villages after being mass murdered.

What is insane is that a group of people who has been exterminated throughout their history over and over again keeps making the same stupid mistakes. Congregating in concentrated areas where they are not allowed possess any weapons or mean of defense and are easily accessible to those who hate them..  Never Again, we say??? Umm... 

Anyhow, I am glad your kid is going to a great Jewish school..  I think all kids should receive the best Jewish education.. I am just saying if Sh*T his the fan, you may not have any teachers around to give your kids the education you desire.

If my great grandfather Efraim was alive, he could tell you what became of his Jewish School that he attended as a kid in Belarus.

We Jews should be self-sufficient and be able to fend for ourselves, not rely on the government or large organizations to keep us going..  The fact many of us cannot probably even grow a tomato or chamber a rifle round I think emphasizes this unfortunate dilemma.
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Re: Fatah: 'Two-State Solution Is Dead, Time for Armed Conflict'
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2014, 08:56:52 PM »
What is insane is that a group of people who has been exterminated throughout their history over and over again keeps making the same stupid mistakes. Congregating in concentrated areas where they are not allowed possess any weapons or mean of defense and are easily accessible to those who hate them..  Never Again, we say??? Umm...  "

I agree!
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Fatah: 'Two-State Solution Is Dead, Time for Armed Conflict'
« Reply #31 on: May 04, 2014, 05:07:00 PM »
You are not getting anything I am saying...  We are not being hunted yet..Go read a history book about the Holocaust in Belarus (or watch a historical movie at least, Defiance perhaps?) and learn what happened to my relatives in Belarus, the ones who lived were lucky enough to hide in the forests.  The ones who were not being hunted in the forest were the ones who were laying in shallow graves in their villages after being mass murdered.

What is insane is that a group of people who has been exterminated throughout their history over and over again keeps making the same stupid mistakes. Congregating in concentrated areas where they are not allowed possess any weapons or mean of defense and are easily accessible to those who hate them..  Never Again, we say??? Umm... 

People are allowed to have weapons in america.  No one is currently hunting us in woods so there is no reason not to try to give kids a quality Jewish education.  It is expensive and difficult.   Your excuse-making about the clear obvious difficulties of living Jewish in america is just a form of denial. 
Embracing the exile is making the same mistake we have made over and over again in history, and that is what you are advocating in this series of posts.   You will not allow yourself to see any positive about living in Israel, and that is very tragic.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 11:59:55 PM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: Fatah: 'Two-State Solution Is Dead, Time for Armed Conflict'
« Reply #33 on: May 05, 2014, 05:20:32 AM »
Every Jew, what about Jewish home schooling?

Great ideas Lisa!!! Where there is a will there is a way!!  We Jews need to start thinking about self-sufficiency and survival..      I know Jews have been educating themselves in Torah and making great accomplishments with minimal resources.  In all honesty, with internet technology and ease of access to information, video conferencing, nanotechnology, to store large amounts of data in tiny data storage mediums,  etc we can actually become more independent from mainstream society than ever before.  Of course, even with minimal resources, we can become self-sufficient and educate ourselves.  In many ways, all our creature comforts and demands have convoluted our vision and made us less devout.   I always felt the greatest people are those who overcame great struggles to achieve their goals. 

The way I look at it, the path we are headed, my feelings are the outlook is quite grim..  If every Jew doesn't have the means to support himself and keep himself alive, he weakens not only himself, but his entire community ,especially when our enemies seek to destroy our communities, as they did in the times of Ha Shoah.
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