Author Topic: God's chosen people - The Last Generation of Polands Jews (film)  (Read 5376 times)

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Offline Michael Schudrichs Fan

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Old Jewish ladies, Holocaust survivors, talking about WW2 (ladies speak Polish, English and German, there are also English subtitles):

Offline Michael Schudrichs Fan

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Re: God's chosen people - The Last Generation of Polands Jews (film)
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2014, 04:50:46 PM »
Percent of Jews in Poland (in 1931) by county / city, compared to former borders between Prussian, Austrian and Russian Empires:

That was caused by mass expulsions of Jews from Prussia by Frederick the Great, Frederick William II, Frederick William III, etc.

In general - expulsions of Jews by these Germs from Germ-any.

Here is what a modern Jewish historian - David Solomon - said about Jews and Germ-any during one of his lectures:

"(...) The Shoah is not an isolated event. The project to exterminate the Jews of Germany happens here [pointing at the timeline of history], and here, and here, and here, and here, and here. And so people say - so why did Jews keep going back to Germany? Why did Jews keep going back? And I say - look at your own generation. Only half a century after the Holocaust, and what is the largest growing Jewish community in the world outside of Israel? It's Germany. And yet surely the lesson of this entire wall [pointing at the timeline of history] is that Jews should not be living in Germany. We hope and we pray... in the end of the day, in hundreds of years from now, I'm hoping that... well, if I'm starting to explain that more I'm gonna get further and further into problem, so I'm gonna stop, let's go back to history (...)"

Here is the lecture in question (and the excerpt I quoted above starts at 0:55:50 and ends at 0:57:10 of the video):

Germs probably have Anti-Semitism in their genes.

Offline Michael Schudrichs Fan

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Re: God's chosen people - The Last Generation of Polands Jews (film)
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2014, 09:59:12 AM »
Die Deutsche Wochenschau - Germ Anti-Jewish and Anti-Polish propaganda:

From 2:48 to 3:17 of the video:

"(...) Polish Jews in many cases turned out to be guilty of inciting to crimes against German population. Out of these circles were recruited criminals and murderers, who after 1918 deluged defenceless Germany, and their names, Barmad or Putiska, remain deeply in our memory. Brothers and sons of these Eastern Jews are nowadays sitting in England and France, inciting to war which is supposed to destroy the German nation. (...)"

From 1:36 to 2:02 of the video:

"(...) German troops are following thick on Polish Army's heels. One of their first tasks is to clear the captured settlements of rabid Polish mobs, who had been incited by the Polish government to treacherous partisan combats against the German soldiers. (...) captured Polish debtors are being interned in huge camps. (...)"



"Clearing the settlements of rabid Polish mobs" = mass executions of innocent civilians (both Jews and Catholics).