Author Topic: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.  (Read 11332 times)

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Offline Sarah

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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #25 on: August 09, 2007, 05:52:27 PM »
So you were a shia?

Yep. You kind of have to be in Iran cause Sunnis are very heavily discriminated against.

Its stupid. They are both rather the same.

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2007, 07:40:05 PM »
Cleric Praising Female Mutilation

Contains adult subject matter and some music intro. For those that don't like Michael Savage, I did put a short intro in the vid. These people are barbaric, and islam continues too hit new lows every day.
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Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2007, 07:51:52 PM »
I don't know anymore. I can't believe we have a monster like this living here. My mother is freaked out now. The neighbors said the girl was screaming for a half hour before the authorities came. I wonder if the guy used a rusty nail like chaim said. In any event, I saw the muslim man walking here so he is not even in prison. I bet he will get off the hook by claiming he is being prevented from practicing his religion.
I am urinating on a Koran.


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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #28 on: August 09, 2007, 07:54:51 PM »
I don't know anymore. I can't believe we have a monster like this living here. My mother is freaked out now. The neighbors said the girl was screaming for a half hour before the authorities came. I wonder if the guy used a rusty nail like chaim said. In any event, I saw the muslim man walking here so he is not even in prison. I bet he will get off the hook by claiming he is being prevented from practicing his religion.
From news reports I have seen, that I will not be reposting as I can't bear to look at them to find the links, the most common device used is a pari of rusty scissors.

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2007, 08:04:20 PM »
FTF I've seen one vid of female mutilation. The only other clip that made me sick too my stomach and lose sleep for a period of time was a beheading clip. I don't know what it says about me as a person, these videos do not phase me any more. It's just reality now. These are sick , demented, scum. I have no mercy for them, maybe  G-d does. I could care less about such animals, that do this too a child.  I don't know why we let these people into our lands.
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Offline cjd

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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2007, 08:14:57 PM »
I'd feed those b@stards to wild pigs! What a farshtunken people!!

After reading this thread I am with newman his solution is the best answer for animals like this. When the wild pigs get done with the degenerate parents  there would not be enough of them left to worry about.
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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2007, 08:17:00 PM »
I've never seen it being done, and to be honest I think I'd be sick if I did, reports upset me enough as it is, maybe I'm weak.

Offline jdl4ever

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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2007, 08:19:46 PM »
This is some story.  Even better than the story I wrote before about a black lady getting arrested in court for calling up threatening to bomb the court house.   Be sure it will get buried by the news stations. 
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
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Offline mosquewatch

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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2007, 08:36:22 PM »
FTF, you are not weak, you are honest. The vids are not too be taken lightly. They are graphic and they will change you in a way I can not explain. They will make you livid, angry and sick to the extent of being physically sick. They will though show you , what these demons believe in. For a lack of better terms, it will be like eating from the tree of knowledge. You will have it, but for the rest of your life, you won't forget it.

And you will take the memories of watching the vids too your grave.
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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2007, 08:38:55 PM »
If I was going to go and fight Muslims physically, I would probably watch some of the videos first to prepare me for what I was going to face, but at the moment, I don't see any reason to scar myself.

Offline Sarah

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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #35 on: August 10, 2007, 08:24:14 AM »
If I was going to go and fight Muslims physically, I would probably watch some of the videos first to prepare me for what I was going to face, but at the moment, I don't see any reason to scar myself.

The videos would certainly spur you on.


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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #36 on: August 10, 2007, 08:26:12 AM »
If I was going to go and fight Muslims physically, I would probably watch some of the videos first to prepare me for what I was going to face, but at the moment, I don't see any reason to scar myself.

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Offline Ehud

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Re: An interesting Islamic experience I had this morning.
« Reply #37 on: August 10, 2007, 09:42:34 AM »
The KNOWN genital mutilation rates in the U.K. are in the couple thousand range yearly.  Those are the ones that are KNOWN.  Muslims keep very close knit social networks and they would never rat each other out because it would bring them shame and they would be excluded.  I imagine that the actual rates are higher.

The article was honest about FGM crossing religious boundaries though.  It's mostly Africans who practice it, not necessarily Muslim Africans and it's pretty sparse in Arab Muslim countries although it used to be widely practiced.  The FGM rates in Arab Sunni countries like Saudi Arabia are actually very low.  It's more common among Beduins. 

The Africans who are Muslim do the genital mutilation in a disproportionate amount though, Islam definitely doesn't help out the situation

Sadly, female genital mutilation has always been an African practice and it even predates the Islamic influence.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris