Author Topic: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..  (Read 4605 times)

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I don't know where to begin once again..  Things were really looking up at my synagogue and I addressed my previous issues with the Rabbi and he made me feel welcomed.  Me, the Rabbi and a couple other frummish/shomer members spent the last week together eating, drinking and enjoying our company.  It was a wonderful occasion and I was starting to feel happy and welcomed at my new synagogue which is not far from where I live. 

I always was a bit uneasy at some of the liberalism at my Chabad, but I was willing to overlook all of this for the greater good of forming a Chavurah with my fellow Jews in a community that has no real Orthodox synagogue or community at all.  The town the synagogue is located is also very liberal and in a college area.  However, I was hoping the more conservative-minded Chabad and its Rabbi could provide a good community to myself and others in the area.  Indeed, last night's service was going well throughout the whole night.  We had a minyan and we sang and danced and had a very inspirational service.  There was few women there and it was a whole large gathering of Jewish brothers.

However, something horrible happened yesterday evening during the Shabbat meal.    There is this one member at the Chabad who I thought was a good guy at first.  Even, I bumped into this guy at a health food store, seeing him wearing a kippa and a beard and asked him about synagogues and he was the guy who informed me about the Chabad Shabbat evening services and told me to come.   Sadly, my relationship with this guy and even my entire lookout on the community I am attending would take a piercing, sharp 180 turn that night.   That night we were giving special L'Chaim's and prayers for the return of the 3 children who were kidnapped by Hamas.  It was a bit of an emotional evening and there were conversations started.  Well, I brought up to everyone about how we needed to boycott the Olympia Food-Coop which is the first grocery store in the USA to officially make a full boycott of all Israeli "Jewish" products.   As I was telling people about how the Olympia Food Co-op is funneling money to terrorist groups like Hamas and Al-Aqsa Martyrs (PLO militant wing)  via crooked and deceptive Palestinian run NGOs, then this man (who's name I won't mention) spoke out against me.

This is where things became very heated, tense and extremely shocking.  He yelled at me, "NO.. THE OLYMPIA FOOD CO-OP DOES NOT SUPPORT TERRORISM".  I then proceeded to ask him about this and explain to him what I learned from my research and discussed with him about how they have boycotted all Jewish Israeli goods from their store.  He then told me he is a member of the Olympia Food Co-op Board and that he knows that they do not support terrorism.  At that point, I was shocked, with my jaw opened.  I then, being shocked, asked him why he would be a member of a co-op that hates Israel, Jewish people and supports terrorism.  Then he starts arguing with me and defending his position and the Co-op.   At this moment, I could see this evil traitor's eyes growing very dark as I opened a pandora's box that he was quietly keeping secret.    However, this is only the beginning of the treachery and anti-Jewish/anti-Israel fanaticism that was culminating underneath the peaceful hippy Jewish looking exterior of this liar and traitor.   

Then, after he tells me he is a member of the Olympia Food Co-op, he proceeds to tell me he was friends with Rachel Corrie, met Rachel Corrie and her family and knows Rachel Corrie does not hate Jewish people.  The topic of Rachel Corrie was brought up after I started discussing how she was involved with the Olympia Food Co-op in the boycotting of Israeli products, supporting, assisting and protecting Palestinian terrorists and trying to strong-arm Jews into ceding Israeli land with her political activism.   He then proceeds to tell me that he is a member of the Rachel Corrie Foundation and that they are very Jew-friendly and that they do not support Palestinian terrorists.  He said he is doing good work with them and he supports the BDS movement.  I SAID, at this point, furious with anger and in a very heated tone, "YOU SUPPORT THE BDS MOVEMENT AND BOYCOTT THE ISRAELI NATION?"  I then yelled at him that he wants to destroy Israel and he supports the very same terrorists , who kidnapped those three Jewish children.  Me and him started yelling back and forth and some people ended up taking his side.  Other people around me, said "Yonatan, please, don't believe everything you read on the internet..  I am sure you don't know everything about Rachel Corrie ".  I think a lot of the people around me may have been young and naive and others have seen this traitor come and attend the synagogue for the last couple years and grew to like him, not knowing anything of his Anti-Israel political activism.  This same guy has made multiple trips to Israel studying Hebrew for the very purpose of joining up with far-left, anti-Israel organizations, such as Rachel Corrie Foundation and BDS.   If you go to the BDS's website you will never find a more Jew-hating/Anti-Semitic website, in addition to Anti-Israel.  They make claims saying how JEwish made products are inferior and Jewish people are warmongers, how Einstein is a fraud, etc etc.  The BDS website is pure Nazi propaganda..

I saw that me and this guy were just exchanging harsh words and then I said to him its best we don't speak anymore.  And , he said the same.  But, I could see that any little thing could set me off and wanting to slug this guy out cold and turn the entire Shabbat experience into a night of terror and fiasco.  To avoid making anybody upset or causing anymore friction and animosity I stopped my meal. I  stood up and announced to everyone I am not hungry, I am leaving and told them I cannot eat at the same table with a person like this.  People were looking at me like I was being hard-headed and confused and many of them seem to not have a clue as to what we were arguing about.

Let me say that me and this guy both have an agenda.  He comes off as the peace loving, warm, hippy Jewish guy, with his beard , kippa.  His wife is a naturopath and liberal hippy girl.  Everybody seems to like them.  But, after looking in his eyes staring at him face to face, I could see this guy has a serious agenda and he is hellbent at promoting his cause, which is the destruction of Israel and helping his friends, the Muslims.  He keeps it quiet, but I wouldn't even be surprised if this guy is a Muslim posing as a Jew.  There is something very strange about him.  I cannot understand why a Jewish guy would so much seek the destruction of his own people and his own homeland.    This guy's mission is to go to synagogues and act friendly, peaceful and win the respect of young and/or naive Jews and try to "EDUCATE THEM" to his thought pattern.  He is like an evangelist for the Palestinians and Anti-Israel movement and he is much more effective and dangerous than the fire-breathing , raging screaming maniacs with their kuffiyahs and PLO flags screaming on the streets.  He is trying to destroy the Jewish people within his own community.  This guy is a parasite and he has found his host.

What I don't understand is why my Rabbi, who appears to be very pro-Israel, nationalistic and right-wing would allow this traitor and tyrant to attend the synagogue and promote his toxic agenda.  Why would he let this tyrant so boldly give honor to Rachel Corrie and other Neo-Nazi/Jew-hating like people who are bent on the destruction of our homeland.  Also, he supports the enemies, the same people who kidnapped the three innocent Jewish children and who have murdered , wounded and tormented countless other Jewish people.

PLEASE.. I ask people in friendship and respect to help me.. As fellow nationalistic, Pro-Israel, Kahanist Jews, please help me and guide me.. What should I do?   My Rabbi saw me storm out of the synagogue and I told him as I was leaving, it wasn't his fault and I would talk to him about it later, that I was having a problem with a member.  I am not sure what to tell him.  I'm afraid he may laugh at me and call me a trouble maker, since I am accusing of wrong-doings one of his longer term members of the synagogue.  I am also going to advocate for the expulsion of this member, as I know making teshuva is not in his interests, but rather promoting his anti-Israel/anti-jewish, pro-Palestinian agenda.

What I like to ask is what is the point of davening/making tefillot for the sake of davening/making tefillot?  Is there a point just to pray when after you are done praying your purpose is to bring the destruction of your own Jewish people and support the enemies (The Palestinians) who have sought to kidnap, murder, torture Jewish men, women and children?  These very same people seek the destruction of the entire Jewish nation and to establish an Islamic empire in our Holy Land.    What is the point of singing, dancing , praying and eating at my synagogue with a man like this??   I cannot ever go back to that synagogue until this traitor is removed.  I won't be able to feel good in my heart, to enjoy my food or the fellowship and community with my fellow Jews looking at this scum-sucking/Jew-hating traitor's face.    I do not want any physical confrontation..   But, I know being side by side with this traitor and fraud we will have great animosity for each other and I would have to restrain myself every time.  No, I cannot live like that..  I cannot attend a synagogue that brings a traitor into its midst and considers him part of the family.  I can tolerate a lot of things.. If somebody is a drug addict, alcoholic, fornicator, homosexual, cheater, thief, etc. Assuming they want to change ,of course.  However, a Traitor???  I cannot accept a Traitor.

All I know is, if the Chabad will tolerate such fanatical Jew-haters/Anti-Israel/Pro-Palestinian people in its synagogues, it is doing a much greater disservice to the Jewish people than any good it could have been doing.  It's one thing to help a person who wants to change their views and open dialogue, its another thing to give a person like this refuge and to give them a box to stand on to promote their views and manipulate other Jews who come to a religious Zionistic/Orthodox type of Jewish community for a safe haven and community.  I know that I cannot be part of a community where people will support a guy like this.   Everyone around me was looking at me like I was in the wrong for challenging this TRAITOR about BDS, RACHEL CORRIE and OLYMPIA FOOD CO-OP.

I am going to do what I can to voice my concerns out to my Rabbi and the Chabad movement in general about people like this who they allow as long term members , as well as allow them to promote their anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian views in the synagogue.

For those of you who don't know who is the BDS, Rachel Corrie or about the Israeli boycott at the Olympia Food Co-op, I have some good articles for you to read over, that discuss an overview of these issues:

BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) Movement's Main Home Page

The Lies about Rachel Corrie, Corrie assisted Palestinian Terrorists to Harm IDF Soldiers and can be labelled as "Enemy Combatant"

Olympia Food Co-op Israeli Jewish Product Boycott (They will carry Arab Israeli products)

Please, before I go and call my Rabbi and discuss with him all that I discussed with people here, I would like people's input. I  don't want my Rabbi to think I am some lunatic and that I am just attacking and abusing a fellow member.  I need to do this intelligently , I think.  I was also thinking about not contacting this Rabbi, but contacting another pro-Israel Rabbi that I was close with at a much larger synagogue who maybe can talk to the Rabbi for me and address the issue.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 02:46:19 AM by EveryJewA44 »
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2014, 06:47:09 AM »
First things first. I wouldn't accuse those whole Chabad or all if the Chabad movement doing bad. And I probably reserve judgement on the rabbi who didn't speak up. Not everyone can be like kahane and Chaim and speak up.

Secondly, kol ha kavod for speaking up!!!! It takes enormous guts even at a place where you might not be welcome back to in the future.

However, instead of arguing with yelling and convincing nobody or possibly being seen like you could be the extremist to Jews that are convincable, you can argue with tact like kahane used to when he was presented in front if self hating Jews and PLO supporters.

Unless you are alone on a stage with fellow jtfers, best not argue with your fist and mouth without your brain. When you are in a crowd of people who need convincing along with anti types, you need to show logic in a calmer way. Logic how you are right and how it relates to being pro Israel and logic in a calm way how the other guy who claims to be pro Israel is a self hating Jew and only propagates bad things for Israel...calmly.

Kind of like arguing how a person likes Jewish people who hates Israel and therefore wants to eliminate the single Jewish country by trying to harm it do that Jews should continue living in the galut and another auschwitz and another pogrom and another crusade. Sure Jews can't have their countries but Arabs Muslims who do terrible things to women like in Saudi Arabia who have 22 countries why not boycott their oil. What you need oil?  Well we don't need Olympia foods or Rachel corrie or that unaned Jew!!!  We will go to a different food market even if it is a few blocks further away and a few dollars more expensive!!!

You get it?  How do you learn how to argue and speak like kahane? What his videos a hundred times. Read his books.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Aces High

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2014, 10:32:04 AM »
 No big deal- people fight and argue every day of the week.  Co-workers, employer- employee, family members, boyfriend and girlfriend- nobody is immune.  But if going there causes you
un-needed stress, screw it, just leave!   I know, I would.  Life is hard enough as it is.

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2014, 12:09:03 PM »
I didn't read it (the post here) but just because you disagree with someone shouldn't make you then just leave everything. Do the opposite, implant the correct ideas within Jewish society and then even after initial problems you will most likely see shifts happening. At least slowly people's ideas change and we must capitalize on these things and bring the correct ideas forward instead of running away from them.
.   ד  עֹזְבֵי תוֹרָה, יְהַלְלוּ רָשָׁע;    וְשֹׁמְרֵי תוֹרָה, יִתְגָּרוּ בָם
4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked; but such as keep the law contend with them.

ה  אַנְשֵׁי-רָע, לֹא-יָבִינוּ מִשְׁפָּט;    וּמְבַקְשֵׁי יְהוָה, יָבִינוּ כֹל.   
5 Evil men understand not justice; but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2014, 02:15:02 AM »
I really appreciate everyone's comments and advice.  As for me, I am far from an ideal Jewish Nationalist or Kahanist.  To compare me to Rabbi Kahane is futile as I am having a hard time fitting into a community, much less wining their hearts and souls. 

I am so exhausted and tired with life.  I've come to the conclusion that I don't have the energy anymore to try to find a good Jewish community to fit into.  For now on, I will be spending my Shabbats in the forest where I will being making my tefillot.   As much as I would love to be part of a good Jewish community and live a good Jewish life, I just find it is impossible for me now.  I am struggling financially, was not raised in an Orthodox or religious Jewish family and have few friends, especially Jewish ones.

I felt like most people at the shul were against me and sided with this guy and could care less about Israel , Rachel Corrie and probably were looking down on me as a  trouble-maker and right-wing Zionist.  It is sad that now Jews will use the word "Zionist"as a bad word , like it is a Nazi.

This guy Jacob (YES, I SAID HIS NAME), the tyrant and traitor to the Jewish people is cancer to the souls of the Jewish people and is like poison being infused into the wine of the Shabbat meals.  This guy who travels to Israel to work with his ultra left-wing Anti-Israel organizations and who quietly and in a most coveted fashion, ingrains himself into Jewish communities so he can spread his venom into the veins of innocent and naive Jewish souls.   It's no wonder he chooses a college Chabad as his host.  I hope Jacob reads this and knows what a two-faced , lying, conniving traitor he is and that one day he will answer to the Wrath of Hashem for  serving the enemy and leading his own Jewish people into the Death Camps as the Judenratt before him have done.  His beard and kippa doesn't fool me..  The vegan food he eats does not make him a kind and loving soul.   He tries to portray himself as some type of kind, gentle loving Jewish hippy, but he is an ultra left-wing Israel/Jew hating radical who devotes his time to bring the destruction of the nation of Israel.

I have his phone number and was debating sending a link to this very post on JTF to his cell phone so he can read it for himself.  As of now though, I probably will avoid any contact with him ever again.  I don't even want to look at his face or be in the same room with him.

What I did do was contact the Rabbi at another Chabad synagogue who knows quite a bit about Rachel Corrie, the Olympia Food Co-op Anti -Israel initiative and the BDS movement.  He seems a bit more firey and pro-active and he said he will talk to the Rabbi on my behalf.  He too was a bit infuriated at him, but also at me, for wanting to leave and letting him get under my skin.  I told him that I cannot share the Shabbat table with him and that there is  no trying to change or convince this Anti-Israel zealot.  In fact, this man is a foot soldier for our enemy and as a friend of Rachel Corrie, he is hardly a layman for his cause, but a proud champion of the Palestinians and a bold warrior against Israel.  Being a Jew, he is IMO, the greatest of heretics. 

I apologize to people here for not being a good Kahanist Jew or Nationalist.   I'm a struggling software developer, who works 12+ hours a day, I am not married and have no Jewish friends.  The only friends I have are gentiles.  I have struggled hard and long to find a Jewish community, but my lack of finances and living in the Northwest USA has made this a challenge.   Right now, I am facing running out of money and my business is struggling.  I have had little rest.

I just don't have the energy to devote to starting a battle in the Chabad or trying to fight Jacob and convince all the others to accept my Zionist/Nationalist/Kahanist views.       I actually came to this CHabad so I could avoid these type of confrontations, not be thrown right into them.  If this is what going my local Chabad means, having to sit side by side and eat food and dance and pray with the enemy of my people and nation, sorry I don't want any more part of it.

There are no Jew haters in the forest..  I will spend my Shabbat there and try to increase my knowledge.. I have books and know there is much studying and learning I can do there.  I regret I never could find a good Jewish community.  Maybe, in a year, when finances are better, I can afford to join one of the Orthodox synagogues in the city.  Although, I have not really loved the mentality and materialism of these communities.  I always felt many of them were more attached to their social status then to Hashem and a Jewish community.

Ideally, one day I would like to join a very Right-Wing Zionistic Mizrachi synagogue, where I will not have to defend my position as a ZIonist or supporter of Israel, but where it will be expected.  Also, the people will not demand I make a certain income, but will be happy with me for who I am , as  a Jew who wants to become more observant and part of the community.

I do regret getting in the argument and allowing it to get heated.  Perhaps, I was taken by suprised and didn't know how to react.  Like I say, I've only been attending the synagogues for the last 3 years and not frequently, so I don't know all the rules of etiquette or minhag.   It just threw me off guard to hear somebody at the Shabbat table boldly defending a person who wants to destroy Israel and then himself proclaiming his support for the destruction of the Jewish Nation. 

Also, the Rabbi was not sitting right next to us during the argument.  So there is a chance he may not have been aware.  However, he saw I was upset and leaving and didn't even bother to really stop me or talk to me.  I personally don't think he really cares about it.. He just wants to run a peaceful, happy, secular type of college Chabad.   As much as I can respect that , I do think there are barriers that shouldn't be crossed.  I can accept a Jewish person who is a homosexual, fornicator, thief, junky, drunk, assuming they want to attempt to make teshuva, but a tratior?? NO!!! I cannot accept a traitor.  I am sorry.    I will not attend a kehillot with PLO/Hamas people or supporters.  Let me add, especially a kehillot where these people are admonished and supported, like they were in the Chabad shul I was attending.  Nobody came to my side at all or supported me, it seemed everyone was against me.  So I shut my mouth after seeing nobody liked that I challenged Jacob and I left immediately, because I did not want to cause more trouble.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 03:28:40 AM by EveryJewA44 »
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2014, 03:22:14 AM »
There is so much to address here. But I will address as much as I can remember what you wrote.

If you have a struggling business and you need to be with kahanist Jews, make Aliyah and move to Judea and Samaria in a community that is like that. And if it us technology you want, you have it there. Or work with your hands and build the land. There are a lot of heroic Jews there who don't have much except for what is adequate for them.

It beats living alone in the forest with no Jewish friends.

The other thing I want to say is take it easy. Please take the time and watch how kahane addressed people who disagreed with him and with people who would never agree with him. Convert the YouTube videos to mp3 and listen to them on your commutes if you are too busy working 12 hrs a day.

If you want up win some hearts and minds over you can show anger and frustration with a loose cannon. It won't work and you'll be alienated.

People just don't wake up like that. Most people respond to logic.
Kahane was very logical. He never went straight into it.  Everything he wanted to do came with logic. Not just Torah logic, but with logic logic. And he made his fiery enemies look dumb in front if a neutral crowd like the one you were in.

And the BDS Movement is a failing movement. Anyone who joins it is anti Semitic and don't believe anyone if that supports it that says they like Jews. If you hate Israel, you support another holocaust if it happens in Israel or outside of Israel.

And to escape anti Semitic people. You will never escape it, so face it. Be a more knowledgable Jew. If you know Judaism, you will be respected by even anti Semites. Better be a Jew hated but not seen like a wimp, than a woody Allen.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2014, 06:10:17 AM »
EveryJewa44, here is a practical suggestion. Make a print out of the picture of Rachel Corrie burning an Israeli flag with her hate filled face. Bring it to the shul and pass it out. Calmly explaining that the [censored] the guy at your shul supports was really like.

"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2014, 09:48:23 AM »
EveryJewa44, here is a practical suggestion. Make a print out of the picture of Rachel Corrie burning an Israeli flag with her hate filled face. Bring it to the shul and pass it out. Calmly explaining that the [censored] the guy at your shul supports was really like.

good idea.  And a very logical thing to do.

Don't let the enemy get the best of you because that is what they do when you lose your temper and want to beat them up.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2014, 12:02:16 PM »
EveryJewa44, here is a practical suggestion. Make a print out of the picture of Rachel Corrie burning an Israeli flag with her hate filled face. Bring it to the shul and pass it out. Calmly explaining that the [censored] the guy at your shul supports was really like.

Yes, yes, now that's something useful. JTF should make printable flyers of all types, which would spread the word fantastically if on a level like that.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2014, 05:32:35 PM »
I appreciate the advice people are giving me here..  YEs, I guess I am just so exhausted with my life I was hoping the synagogue would have been a place I could have been safe, relax and not worry about the outside world of Jew hatred, Anti-Semitism and all the other drama we must face.  Sadly, it seems we Jews have so much self-loathing and hatred that it is impossible to escape Anti-Semitism even within our own communities.  At a place I thought would be a refuge I found myself thrown right into the fray of fury and bigotry, having to defend my own nation and people, at all places the Shabbat table.  My life is so hard already , I just feel like retreating and giving up..    However, I know there is that fire burning within me and I know I must stand up for what I believe in my heart is right, even if I must stand alone.  Even if all the other JEws peacefully walk into the "Work Camps" to help the Fuhrer and others scold me for not being respectful to the leader, I must be the one who struggles and fights and tries to warn the others of the dangers , even if others mock me and the Judenratt threaten me.    Yeah, that is kind of how I felt last weekend at the Shabbat table, like the trouble maker who was going against the status quo.    Jacob gave me the most evil look when I challenged him.  Everyone was looking at me as the "Evil ZIonist" who occupies the land of the Palestinians.  I should shut my mouth , help liberate occupied Palestine and walk back into the work camps like a good little Jewish sheep.  Perhaps, I will go and take a shower in the special bathing facility they have made for me, courtesy of the Palestinian Mufti and his good friend Heinrich Himmler.

I am so frustrated.

Unfortunately, kahaneloyalist, after doing a search on the web, I could not find any pictures of Rachel Corrie burning an Israeli flag.  Corrie was well advised and involved in politics and understood the repercussions of openly burning an Israeli flag.  The only picture I could find was her burning an American flag.   Go figure?? 

She said she couldn't burn the Israeli flag because it had the Star of David on it.. I know she is full of sH*T...   She spent many months being advised by PLO /pro-Arab parties about how she should go about "liberating Palestine " from the occupiers.   She had no problem, however, luring IDF troops into combat zones and forcing them to risk their lives to avoid harming her or her activist friends.  In the same time, she collaborated with Arab snipers, giving them intelligence and providing them needed cover to shoot and murder IDF soldiers.   She worked hand in hand with Palestinian terrorists, posing as a peace activist, when really, she was an aggressor.  Her beliefs of being a liberator meant that murdering Jews was considered a necessary means to rid the land of the "occupiers" .

Corrie believes Jews occupied the land of Palestine and need to go back to Europe or to their host Middle Eastern countries.  Essentially, she was a staunch advocate for the eradication of Jewry in the land of Israel.   Somehow, the Chabad allows one of her friends, a long-term and devoted anti-Israel activist to be an active member of the community.

I don't know what to do.  I was thinking of calling up the Rabbi today on the phone and see what he says.  If he scolds me for being a "trouble maker", I will promise that Rabbi that I will do all I can to expose his ignorance and tolerance of the enemies of the Jewish nation.   This Rabbi has had Jacob the Jew Hater attending his synagogue for over a year now and obviously has not done anything to try to change his mindset.  Quite the contrary, the Rabbi turns his face the other way and seems to tolerate and allow people like Jacob to spread their cancer to other Jews in the community. 

I probably will give the Rabbi a call and let others here know what he has to say to me.   As for me, I am a tired guy who just wants some peace in my life finally.  I have fought and fought and fought for years against Jew haters.  If I cannot find any place of refuge, I know the forest is my only refuge.  I lived alone in the forest for 4 years. That is where I initially made teshuva and became in touch with my Jewish roots and started studying Torah and the Bible, after years of living as a pagan.     I feel like these JEwish communities I have been attending have actually done more to damage me and take me away from JUdaism and Hashem then it has done to connect me.  I know a good Jewish community is a wonderful thing.

One day I may go to Israel and see what good I can do there..  However, I don't want to live as a beggar in the land of Israel or spend the rest of my life digging ditches.  I will have to try to become financally stable int his country. 

In the mean time, I cannot try to fix the messed , overly liberal synagogues here in the Pacific Northwest.  Obviously, the Chabad does not have the guts to stand up to a Jew and Israel hater who sits at their Shabbat tables weekly, why should I go there and  try to change them?  I think the Chabad and its Rabbis should have enough charisma to be defending me and I shouldn't have to go at this alone.  That just lets me know that I am not in the right place.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 06:04:17 PM by EveryJewA44 »
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2014, 06:22:23 PM »
It is my advice, according to my experience, that it is possible to persuade a congregation to our way. It has taken me about six years of being involved in my community till the majority of the minyan I am involved with are very pro Israel and some even border on agreeing with Kahanist ideas entirely. My Rabbi has been supportive of my position and while not everyone agrees with me, we agree to disagree about things. And over time the entire congregation has shifted toward the right. Baruch Hashem there are Jews who want to hear the message of Rabbi Kahane.

EJA44, I think you need to work on how you present your ideas. It should not be attacking or accusing, but rather educating and bringing close to our position. I do not antagonize or un-friend those who do not share our ideas, rather I figure out ways to chip away at the 'adversaries' position till they come to realize the error of their ways.

As another poster suggested, watch more Rabbi Kahane videos to learn how to deal with those who do not understand our position. The righteous Rabbi Kahane was a master of bringing Jews who may not 'get it' to the point where they get it.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2014, 07:40:33 PM »
I can respect everyone's advice here.  Maybe, when things are easier with my life I can go about trying to help win the hearts and souls of Jewish people to become Kahanists and support Eretz Yisrael and I know this may be what is needed to bring the coming of Moshiach.

Sadly, I am not the greatest person as of now to be such a champion of the  cause.  Yeah, I have many problems in my life and struggling day to day.   How can a person who is struggling just to be accepted in a community, who is not so knowledgeable on Jewish Halacha and has a low income be influential in his community?   Not many I think would care much about my arguments, since I am considered a lower-ranking person in most communities.

Also, there is no convincing a guy like Jacob, a devoted, ultra-left wing, Anti-Israel zealot .. He is a very skilled, experienced and devoted person to his cause in bringing the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.

BTW.. I spoke with my Rabbi and got a consensus of the situation.  He appreciated me calling him and explaining.  Also, he assured he is very right-wing and nationalistic, and even said he is "BEYOND A KAHANIST", which I found interesting.  How does someone go beyond being a Kahanist?   However, his argument I found a bit disconcerting, as to why he allows Jacob in the synagogue.   He told me he is aware of Jacob and being staunchly Anti-Israel.    He told me that the Chabad is a place that is open to all Jews and that even if he disagrees with them that he must allow them to come and give them a home.   I challenged him that should the Chabad just allow any Jew into the synagogue and sit at the Shabbat table?   I said I agree that the Chabad should be open to all types of Jewish people, flawed and all, but what if the Jewish person is a convert to Islam, if they are a Judenratt or Neo-Nazi ?  I told him that he is a PLO activist and in my eyes he is a terrorist and an enemy of my people.  I told him that we should not allow enemies into our communities as they are dangerous and will try to being the destruction of the Jewish people.   He seemed to understand my stance and respected it and I respected why he tries to be open and accepting.   

This is a messy situation.. I felt very saddened.  Actually, I really like the Rabbi and think he has good intentions.   However, I told him that the community was too small, close and personal and that sitting at the same table with him and singing and dancing with him would be too much for me to bear.   He seemed to be understanding why I would not come back..      Maybe ,if I was apart of a larger Jewish community, one that is less liberal and where there would be a few more people at my side.  However, as of now, I feel too many people enjoy the company of this heretic and Israel hater and I know that my tired soul cannot handle to both fight and argue with this guy in addition to try to win over the hearts and respect of the community who seems at odd with me now for going against a long-term member, who happens to be a staunch advocate for the destruction of Israel and the Islamification of "Palestine".

Personally, I wish the Rabbi would give this guy the boot.  He should at least enforce that he keeps his mouth shut about anything anti-Israel or promoting any pro-Arab nationalistic ideas in the synagogue.  If he wants to chant about Rachel Corrie, BDS and promote Anti-Israel ideologies, he should just shut his mouth and do it somewhere else.  He already convinced the fellow sitting next to me, a young college kid that Rachel Corrie was a good person.  The guy sitting next to me started telling me that I am probably wrong about this Rachel Corrie and not to believe the internet.  I can see that the young naive guy next to me was persuaded by Jacob, because he felt comfortable with him and known him as a friend.   

I don't know what to say..  I'm love and respect my Rabbi , but I am at odds with his acceptance of staunch Anti-Israel terrorists in his synagogue.    The fact that this guy boldly proclaims his support for the destruction of Israel and for anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian groups in the synagogue and defends them bold and openly proves to me there is some serious flaws in my community.  I don't know but, in my heart, I just felt like this community is infected with a cancer that cannot be cut out or cured.   It's one thing to allow an Anti-Israel activist to pray and join in at Shabbat meals, but another thing to give him a soapbox to stand on and promote his views.   
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2014, 08:12:25 PM »
If the rabbi is looking the other way, and you do speak to him again, tell him the story if yannai ha melech, the Canaanite servant, and the San hedrin.

I appreciate the advice people are giving me here..  YEs, I guess I am just so exhausted with my life I was hoping the synagogue would have been a place I could have been safe, relax and not worry about the outside world of Jew hatred, Anti-Semitism and all the other drama we must face.  Sadly, it seems we Jews have so much self-loathing and hatred that it is impossible to escape Anti-Semitism even within our own communities.  At a place I thought would be a refuge I found myself thrown right into the fray of fury and bigotry, having to defend my own nation and people, at all places the Shabbat table.  My life is so hard already , I just feel like retreating and giving up..    However, I know there is that fire burning within me and I know I must stand up for what I believe in my heart is right, even if I must stand alone.  Even if all the other JEws peacefully walk into the "Work Camps" to help the Fuhrer and others scold me for not being respectful to the leader, I must be the one who struggles and fights and tries to warn the others of the dangers , even if others mock me and the Judenratt threaten me.    Yeah, that is kind of how I felt last weekend at the Shabbat table, like the trouble maker who was going against the status quo.    Jacob gave me the most evil look when I challenged him.  Everyone was looking at me as the "Evil ZIonist" who occupies the land of the Palestinians.  I should shut my mouth , help liberate occupied Palestine and walk back into the work camps like a good little Jewish sheep.  Perhaps, I will go and take a shower in the special bathing facility they have made for me, courtesy of the Palestinian Mufti and his good friend Heinrich Himmler.

I am so frustrated.

Unfortunately, kahaneloyalist, after doing a search on the web, I could not find any pictures of Rachel Corrie burning an Israeli flag.  Corrie was well advised and involved in politics and understood the repercussions of openly burning an Israeli flag.  The only picture I could find was her burning an American flag.   Go figure?? 

She said she couldn't burn the Israeli flag because it had the Star of David on it.. I know she is full of sH*T...   She spent many months being advised by PLO /pro-Arab parties about how she should go about "liberating Palestine " from the occupiers.   She had no problem, however, luring IDF troops into combat zones and forcing them to risk their lives to avoid harming her or her activist friends.  In the same time, she collaborated with Arab snipers, giving them intelligence and providing them needed cover to shoot and murder IDF soldiers.   She worked hand in hand with Palestinian terrorists, posing as a peace activist, when really, she was an aggressor.  Her beliefs of being a liberator meant that murdering Jews was considered a necessary means to rid the land of the "occupiers" .

Corrie believes Jews occupied the land of Palestine and need to go back to Europe or to their host Middle Eastern countries.  Essentially, she was a staunch advocate for the eradication of Jewry in the land of Israel.   Somehow, the Chabad allows one of her friends, a long-term and devoted anti-Israel activist to be an active member of the community.

I don't know what to do.  I was thinking of calling up the Rabbi today on the phone and see what he says.  If he scolds me for being a "trouble maker", I will promise that Rabbi that I will do all I can to expose his ignorance and tolerance of the enemies of the Jewish nation.   This Rabbi has had Jacob the Jew Hater attending his synagogue for over a year now and obviously has not done anything to try to change his mindset.  Quite the contrary, the Rabbi turns his face the other way and seems to tolerate and allow people like Jacob to spread their cancer to other Jews in the community. 

I probably will give the Rabbi a call and let others here know what he has to say to me.   As for me, I am a tired guy who just wants some peace in my life finally.  I have fought and fought and fought for years against Jew haters.  If I cannot find any place of refuge, I know the forest is my only refuge.  I lived alone in the forest for 4 years. That is where I initially made teshuva and became in touch with my Jewish roots and started studying Torah and the Bible, after years of living as a pagan.     I feel like these JEwish communities I have been attending have actually done more to damage me and take me away from JUdaism and Hashem then it has done to connect me.  I know a good Jewish community is a wonderful thing.

One day I may go to Israel and see what good I can do there..  However, I don't want to live as a beggar in the land of Israel or spend the rest of my life digging ditches.  I will have to try to become financally stable int his country. 

In the mean time, I cannot try to fix the messed , overly liberal synagogues here in the Pacific Northwest.  Obviously, the Chabad does not have the guts to stand up to a Jew and Israel hater who sits at their Shabbat tables weekly, why should I go there and  try to change them?  I think the Chabad and its Rabbis should have enough charisma to be defending me and I shouldn't have to go at this alone.  That just lets me know that I am not in the right place.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2014, 08:25:08 PM »
It's good he's more than a kahanist, whatever that means. Again research the story of yannai ha melech the evil king and how the San hedrin was too afraid to chastise him.

It's like the rabbis in the days of kahane would not chastise the judenrat Israeli leaders when they too agreed with kahane, but remained silent. Kahane would say, "what's the worst that can happen if you speak up? You lose olam hazeh???  And if you stay silent, you will lose olam habah."

Olam hazeh is this world. Olam habah is world to come.

If this rabbi is more than a kahanist, then I think he should know better. Be kind to the merciful and cruel to the self hater.

You should stay in that shul and continue to learn and argue these points. We can try and help and first win the heart of your rabbi who then can exercise justice.

If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2014, 09:50:48 PM »
EveryJew, can you provide a link to this Jaco's Facebook page? 

I think it's time some of us paid the creature a visit. 

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2014, 10:21:08 PM »
EveryJew, can you provide a link to this Jaco's Facebook page? 

I think it's time some of us paid the creature a visit.

I have found his facebook page and also have his full name and contact information.  I am hesitant to post it online and will have to think it over.. But, just viewing his facebook briefly, I see he took a trip to Iran in 2012..  HE TOOK A TRIP TO IRAN!!!!   He is really proud of his Iran trip and has a picture of him on his Facebook background mural standing with Shia muslims and self-hating Jews at a mosque in Esfahan, Iran.   Of all the freaking places in the world for a Jewish American guy to visit, Iran???    He also has a Jewish last name and is clearly Jewish, ethnically.. How is it that he was able to travel freely in Iran without any problems??  I am really starting to get freaked out about this guy.  He is no simple leftist Jewish guy.  There is no doubt in my mind that he is either a Muslim convert portraying as a Jew or a very staunch and devoted Anti-Israel fundamentalist, self-hating Jew.

Also, from browsing more of his photos I can see he has taken trips to what he calls "Palestine".  He has been to Ramallah and the other Palestinian areas browsing the markets, etc..    I have pictures of him in Ramallah.. Once again, a Jewish American guy wandering the streets of "Palestine"..   He obviously has connections with Palestinian people and Iranian people that he is not discussing on his facebook page, that he can so boldly move freely in these countries.

He has 108 likes on his page, which only a couple dozen are visible.. He obviously understands facebook privacy settings and I believe there is a lot of things that are not visible unless you friend him..   I am truly wanting to share his name and facebook page, in addition to his wife/girlfriend who also attends the synagogue and probably shares his views.  However, right this moment, I am afraid to do so.

Here are some of the likes he has visible on his page, which are not all of them:

Seeds of Peace (Sound fine and dandy)

Gaza Youth Breaks Out (Ah, Free Gaza.. A Coveted Hamas Supporting Facebook Page)

Breaking the Silence (A group devoted to exposing the crimes of the evil Israeli soldiers in Occupied Palestine)

Peace Now American Branch (We know their agenda)
Olympia-Rafah Solidarity Mural Project (Devoted to all the innocent Palestinians whose homes were destroyed and were murdered in Rafah by the evil Jews)

Jerusalem Syndrome (Another Anti-Israel Group)

Women of the Wall (Haaa!!)

A Jewish Gandhi Facebook Page (Gandhi lover, figures! The guy who said Jews should have marched proudly into the gas chambers, rather than resisted!)

Barack Obama Facebook Fan (Wow, I cannot believe he is an Obama lover, how shocking!! )

This guy also has other facebook pages of Jewish groups and organizations he is part.  Of course, he seems to need a Jewish community who he can connect with and spread his venom, since Jews are the oppressors of the Palestinian people in his eyes.   There is something very sneaky and curious about him which I know is not being totally exposed here.   He is no ordinary liberal dummy, but he is actually quite indoctrinated, mild mannered and intelligent in his approach.   I truly believe this man to be a terrorist and a very staunch and devoted Palestinian activist and hater of Israel.   You don't simply travel to Iran and to "Palestine" and join groups like Free Gaza, BDS and Rachel Corrie foundation if all you want is peace and solidarity, yet still love being a Jew and love Israel.

I really wish my Rabbi at my Old Synagogue (yes, I say old, because I am not coming back) would not let this guy come, worship , befriend and have a voice in this Jewish community.  He has in fact indoctrinated some members of the synagogue there who know support him and his views.

If winning his heart is the goal, the Rabbi and community at the synagogue has failed miserably, as this guy is still very devoted to the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.  I am truly wondering what my Rabbi thinks he is going to achieve?
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2014, 10:26:36 PM »
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2014, 01:22:55 AM »
The more I read from Jacob's facebook page and see the psychotic anti-Israel /Pro-Arab posts of his facebook friends the more nauseated I get.   Seriously, how does the Rabbi expect a Kahanist Jew to be able to sit side by side with this guy at the Shabbat table and pretend the guy is a Jewish brother and to "keep quiet about politics".  The Rabbi told me he wants me to come back to the kehillot, but to not talk politics with him.  So, I am suppose to keep my mouth shut about Israel , the three kidnapped Jewish boys and the atrocities committed by Palestinians against Jews in the House of G-d?  If these issues cannot be discussed at the Shabbat table, when will we Jews sit down and discuss them?

I am considering sending some of the photos of Jacob in Iran and Ramallah, as well as the anti-Israel protests by his Arab and Persian friends to the Rabbi and see how some live photos may influence him .     I'm really starting to feel ashamed that the Chabad doesn't take a bold stand to boot this guy back to Ramallah.   Yes, maybe it is me who is wrong and I am the condescending person.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 01:34:42 AM by EveryJewA44 »
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2014, 01:44:20 AM »
Why would you run away? This just gives him an opportunity to look like he is right.

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2014, 01:53:20 AM »
Why would you run away? This just gives him an opportunity to look like he is right.

Perhaps, because the whole synagogue is on his side?? That is how I am starting to feel.. What is the point of attending a synagogue that "turns the other cheek" and tolerates a rabid Jew-hater.

Kyel, it gets worse.. I was about ready to show my Rabbi, Jacob's facebook page and all the Jew-hating/Anti-Israel Muslims on his page, his pictures of him in Iran and Ramallah.  Then to my MOST UNPLEASANT SURPRISE, I see that the Rabbi is a friend of Jacob on facebook and has even wished him blessings with the pregnancy of his girlfriend.  No, he is not married to his girlfriend.

NOW I AM REALLY FREAKIN CONFUSED... I thought maybe my Chabad Rabbi was ignorant to this guy's fanaticism , but it seems he is his facebook friend and knows all about Jacob, his venomous anti-Israel agenda and has seen all his pictures of him in Ramallah, Iran and seen the pages of his Jew/Israel hating Muslim friends.

Now, what the h*ll am I suppose to do??   I guess all along I was fighting and wrestling with a phantom.    How could this Rabbi go through his facebook page and be a friend to him?  The Rabbi just wished him best wishes for the pregnancy of his girlfriend.   Why would the Rabbi befriending him , getting involved in the private life of a rabid, unapologetic Jew hater...   

I am so confused.. I guess I really don't understand Jews these days.. I know if a Muslim was pro-Israel that everyone in his mosque would hate him and probably disown him, if not even kill him.  Somehow, we Jews allow rabid Anti-Israel/Anti-Semites to be part of our community and overlook their crimes.

If the Rabbi, himself, is not convinced, why bother trying to save the synagogue? 

I am very disappointed and somewhat shocked!   I'm not sure anymore how to approach this and just don't feel comfortable going into this community where Jacob the Jew Hater is admonished, loved and respected.  I see other members of the synagogue have befriended this guy on facebook as well, including an Israeli girl who is a member of the kehillot.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 02:18:03 AM by EveryJewA44 »
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2014, 02:10:15 AM »

I am going to speak to you frankly so please do not be offended, take what I say and try to understand it.

First, we are all placed into circumstances against our will. We cannot choose who our parents are, where we live in the world (at the time we are born), we cannot choose the color of our eyes, how tall we will grow, and how intelligent we are. We are placed into a challenging world, a world where there is much struggle and still there is beauty and mercy.

Second, Hashem has charged Jews throughout the ages to turn from evil and do good. Each Jewish soul has the ability to influence the entire world. The Talmud says we should think two things, that the entire world was made just for me, and the other that I am nothing but dust and ashes. This is to remind us that we should be humble, but we should look at the world as our domain and we should WANT to rectify a world of problems by righting the wrongs.

Third, the Torah and Talmud teach us that we Jews should look at the world as a big scale where the balance of good and evil is the center. Any good deed we do tips the scale in the direction of good, any bad deed tips it toward evil... Thus it is our free will decision to tip the scale toward good. We have the power within us to change the world. Do not ever give up the will to change the world, but try to find a way to do it which brings the maximum good without engaging in bad to bring it.

The Jewish tongue is a very powerful thing. Speaking is a skill which the higher intellect is responsible for. Being able to put together letters, words, sentences, thoughts and relate ideas to others is something only humans are capable of. Speaking good or speaking evil has incredible power to change the world around us. We should not waste words, we should craft our thoughts in a way which clearly explains our position, without anger and yet with conviction.

Again I will push you to work with your rabbi and attempt to create bonds with your community. While I don't know you personally (and I would like to speak with you personally if you are willing) I am willing to bet you are able to muster the required soul needed to successfully deal with these individuals. You must be able to control your desire to become angry, and I will add that there is a time for anger but not every time we get angry is the right time. Take a long term view of the entire situation. In a little under 10 years I was able to move several of my friends at minyan toward the right.

I hope you consider what I am saying...

The Sages speak about carrying two slips of paper - one in the right pocket and one in the left. On one paper is written: “The entire world was created just for me” (Talmud - Sanhedrin 38a). On the other paper is written the words of Abraham: “I am but dust and ashes” (Genesis 18:27).

The Talmud teaches that a person should always, at every moment, consider himself at the very center of a balanced scale. If he does one sin, he could tip himself and the entire world to the side of negativity. If he performs one good deed, fulfills one Commandment of the Torah, he could tip the scale in the world's favor.2 The reason for this is because at any moment such an existence is a distinct possibility. If not the entire world, smaller segments, such as your city, your family, or even yourself. And even if you do one good deed, perhaps you balanced the world with that one act, and now you need to tip the scale so that the world is in a favorable state of goodness. So you need to do one more good deed.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2014, 06:02:14 AM »
Now to add to muman, if you could do what he has done with his congregation, it will be a huge thing for you. But he's right. There is a time to show anger and a time to not show anger.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2014, 02:09:35 AM »
I've learned so much about this guy, he is very vocal on the web and I am going to devote a new thread to exposing him, giving out his identity of himself and some of his Jew-hating/Anti-Israel terrorist friends.   Turns out this guy has seen the inside of an Israeli prison before.. 

I have written a letter to my Rabbi that I am going to post here later, that talks all about this Palestinian Freedom Fighter named Jacob.  I encourage everyone to be active in fighting Jewish Palestinian Terrorists who seek to infiltrate our Jewish communities.   I am not only going to expose him, but also some of his friends, one who most of us Jewish nationalists know quite well.

I discussed the issue about confronting him to two Chabad rabbis who know him quite well..  Sadly, I feel my efforts have fallen upon deaf ears.  So, I have to take it upon myself to expose him and educate others about the Nazi-like agenda of destroying the Israeli nation that this man and his contemporaries have.

I was considering , Dan, taking your advice about the story about Yannai Ha Melech to the rabbis, but being not very shomer of a Jew, I fear they will just belittle me or ridicule me for dare challenging them on the spiritual level.

Dan, can you post me a Talmudic verse that I can present to people in regards to this dilemma?  I am having a hard time understanding the technical aspects of the story of Yanai Ha Melech.  I want to include it in a copy of the letter I wrote to the Rabbi which talks about Jacob and the need to confront him and his agenda to destroy the Jewish people and nation of Israel.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 02:20:34 AM by EveryJewA44 »
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2014, 04:45:22 AM »
This guy is off the scale traitor. He puts Israel under cherem, then you MUST put him under cherem. You synagogue must publicly rebuke this guy and expel him.

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2014, 07:17:39 AM »
I'm not shomer either, but let me ck the internet for it. Ask Chaim as well
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein