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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2014, 10:20:05 PM »
Along with the Israeli government, their left wing news media, and their Supreme Court, I also hold Gilad Shalit's parents responsible.  After all, weren't they pushing for concessions to these monsters, as well as releasing more of these sand rat killers as a good will gesture?

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #26 on: June 30, 2014, 10:30:07 PM »
We read from the Holy Torah yesterday, the following:

Chukat Bamidbar 21

1. The Canaanite king of Arad, who lived in the south, heard that Israel had come by the route of the spies, and he waged war against Israel and took from them a captive.

The Canaanite… heard: He heard that Aaron had died and that the clouds of glory had departed… as is stated in [Tractate] Rosh Hashanah (3a). Amalek was always a chastising whip for Israel, ready at any time to mete out punishment. — [Midrash Tanchuma Chukkath 18, Num. Rabbah 19:20]

who lived in the south: This refers to Amalek, as it says, “The Amalekites dwell in the south land” (13:29). They changed their language to speak in the language of Canaan so that the Israelites would pray to the Holy One, blessed is He, to deliver the Canaanites into their hands, and [since] they were not Canaanites [their prayers would have no effect]. But Israel saw that they were dressed like Amalekites though they spoke in a Canaanite tongue. So they said, “We will pray generally [for success],” as it says, “If You deliver his people into my hand….” - [Midrash Aggadah , Yalkut Shimoni from Midrash Yelammedenu . Note that in these sources, the Amalekites changed their dress as well, and that version is found also in the Reggio edition of Rashi . The Yemenite manuscript, however, conforms with our reading. See Chavel fn. 87, Yosef Hallel , Leket Bahir fn. ד. See also Num. Rabbah 19:20.]
the route of the spies: Heb. דֶּרֶךְ הָאֲתָרִים, the southern route, taken by the spies (הַתָּרִים), as it says,“They went up in the south” (13:22). Another interpretation: The route of the great guide [the ark] (הַתַּיָּר) which went ahead of them, as it says, “traveled three days ahead of them to seek for them a place to settle” (10:33). - [Midrash Tanchuma Chukkath 18, Num. Rabbah 19:20]
and took from them a captive: It was only a single maidservant. — [Midrash Aggadah , Yalkut Shimoni from Midrash Yelammedenu]

2. Israel made a vow to the Lord, and said, "If You deliver this people into my hand, I shall consecrate their cities."

I shall consecrate: I shall consecrate their spoils to Heaven.

3. The Lord heard Israel's voice and delivered the Canaanite. He destroyed them and [consecrated] their cities, and he called the place Hormah.

He destroyed them: By execution.

and their cities: He consecrated them to Heaven.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #27 on: June 30, 2014, 10:33:18 PM »
Along with the Israeli government, their left wing news media, and their Supreme Court, I also hold Gilad Shalit's parents responsible.  After all, weren't they pushing for concessions to these monsters, as well as releasing more of these sand rat killers as a good will gesture?
Well... When America gives up 5 hardcore terrorists for a traitor, why not kidnap more innocent people. If it doesn't work out kill them...
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #28 on: June 30, 2014, 11:27:49 PM »
There is a traitor, Jacob Rosenblum who attends my synagogue who was friends with many of these terrorists in Chevron.  As I posted on the other threads, he stood side-by-side with these terrorists fighting the Israeli government in protests and standoffs. 

I wrote a post on my former Rabbi's facebook page, sharing my comments about the three dead children and the traitors who empower and assist terrorists in kidnapping and murdering Children:

 Baruch Dayan Ha Emet .. May these vicious criminals pay as well as all traitors among us who aid and assist the murderers of our beloved Jewish children! May Hashem bless the souls of these innocent children and bring his wrath on these wicked child murderers and all the traitors who dwell among us.

Rabbi Avremi:
 Yonatan- a better blessing from G-d would be that He open the eyes and give wisdom to the traitors amongst us, so that they are traitors no more.

Sorry Rabbi Avremi, a True Kahanist or someone beyond a Kahanist doesn't simply pray for the traitors to simply stop being traitors, but takes a proactive approach removing the traitors among us so they can prevent more innocent Jewish children from being butchered in cold blood. I apologize Rabbi Avremi that me and you will have to disagree here on this point.

Me: Shimon ben Shatah was a nasi (prince). His great dignity obligated him to undertake somber tasks. There was once a slave of King Yanai that had committed murder. The king therefore had to appear before the Sanhedrin. He had a throne brought into the antechamber adjacent to the Holy Temple, and on it he sat. Therefore Shimon ben Shatah told him, “Arise King Yanai, not before us, but before the Master of the world, Who has said, ‘Then the … men who have the grievance shall stand before the L-RD’ [Deuteronomy 19:17].” The king replied, “It is not what you say, son of Shatah, that I will do. I will do what the other judges decide.” The judges formed a semi-circle on both sides of the king. Shimon ben Shatah turned his attention to the right, but the judges on his right did not dare uphold the truth because of their fear of the king. They lowered their heads and looked to the ground. Shimon ben Shatah looked to the left, but those on his left also lowered their heads to the ground. Therefore Shimon ben Shatah said, “You fear a man more than G-d? Therefore may the One Who knows all thoughts bring upon you the punishment you deserve.” And thus G-d sent an angel and those judges who were afraid of the king immediately died. The new Sanhedrin formulated a religious decree according to which no king could henceforth be called before a court
(Sanhedrin 19a).

Even before he became a prince, Shimon ben Shatah promised himself that if he ever attained this high position, he would remove evildoers who deserved death from among the people of Israel (Yerushalmi, Sanhedrin 6:6).
a few seconds ago · Like

Me:  My Kahanist Jewish friend Dan wanted me to share that verse of Talmud with you.

I am assuming he is going to get into a debate defending his stance about allowing the traitor and friend of the child murderers, Jacob Rosenblum to stay at his synagogue and be an active part of the community.

It breaks my heart to get into an argument with my own former Rabbi.. The man who I trusted and looked up as my Jewish mentor.  I write this in anguish and sorrow.   What are other people's opinions about his response to me?  About not trying to condemn or punish a traitor, but just praying the traitor stops being a traitor??  His response sickens me.
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Sveta

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #29 on: July 01, 2014, 01:30:21 AM »
May Hashem avenge their blood! May curses fall on the "palestinian" nation and all their supporters. May rains of curses fall on all the nations that curse Israel. May Hashem's hand crush them at their roots. Hashem, avenge their blood.

Offline Secularbeliever

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2014, 02:07:58 AM »
Some modest suggestions

1) Immediately start building 100 thousand homes in Judea and Samaria.  Most should be beyond the separation fence.  Some should be in area B just so the Arabs learn that they can lose something they care about, territory.
2) Immediate imposition of a widely used death penalty.
3) Tell the left at the Universities, media and press to go to hell if they don't like it.  Outlaw them in the same way Rabbi Kahane was outlawed.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.

Offline Sveta

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2014, 02:15:42 AM »
Some modest suggestions

1) Immediately start building 100 thousand homes in Judea and Samaria.  Most should be beyond the separation fence.  Some should be in area B just so the Arabs learn that they can lose something they care about, territory.
2) Immediate imposition of a widely used death penalty.
3) Tell the left at the Universities, media and press to go to hell if they don't like it.  Outlaw them in the same way Rabbi Kahane was outlawed.

All excellent suggestions! The killers should be hunted down like dogs just like when Mossad hunted down the Munich massacre planners. Hunt them to all corners of the world. May they never rest. Turn their family's pride and stupid three finger salute into complete FEAR!

Offline muman613

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2014, 02:33:03 AM »
I know it will be difficult to hear, but here is a lesson... What the Rabbi said to EJA44 was correct, from a particular standpoint. The rabbi said something which is born through a lesson in the Talmud, which I will relate here, but attempt to put into the correct context which I feel the rabbi is missing.

First of all, the story from the Talmud... Here it is related in a lesson by Rabbi Kook, one of the first rabbis of the state of Israel.


Psalm 104: Let Sin be Uprooted

Rabbi Meir, the second century Talmudic scholar, had a serious problem. The thugs in the neighborhood were making his life miserable. Desperate for a way to escape their harassment, Rabbi Meir decided that drastic measures were called for. He decided to pray that the ruffians would die.

But Rabbi Meir's wife, Bruria, wasn't pleased with this solution. Bruria quoted to her husband the verse in Tehillim:

"Let sins be uprooted from the earth, and the wicked will be no more." (Psalm 104:35)

It doesn't say "Let the sinners be uprooted," Bruria pointed out. It says "Let the sins be uprooted." You shouldn't pray that these thugs will die; you should pray that they should repent! And then, automatically, "the wicked will be no more."

Rabbi Meir followed his wife's advice. Sure enough, the neighborhood hooligans changed their ways, due to the scholar's prayers.

Why didn't Rabbi Meir think of his wife's sensible solution himself?

Rabbi Meir was keenly aware that people have free will to choose between good and evil. Otherwise, how can we be held accountable for our actions? An essential aspect of the universe is humanity's freedom to act.

If so, thought Rabbi Meir, what use is it to pray that these gangsters should repent? After all, it is a basic principle of the world that God does not deny or limit free choice. And these fellows have already chosen their path — one of violence and hatred. So what good could such a prayer accomplish?

Bruria, however, had greater insight into the souls of their unruly neighbors. There is no wicked person who would not prefer to follow the path of righteousness. The wicked are just misled and compelled by their evil inclinations. No one is absolutely corrupt, to the extent that he cannot be influenced to improve his ways.

Bruria understood the greatness of the human spirit, which God created upright and good. We cannot alter the basic nature of the soul. Given this kernel of good planted in the soul — even in the most hardened criminals — it is logical to pray for Divine assistance that these people should succeed in breaking the shackles of their evil inclination. Such a prayer is like praying for the sick, who are unable to heal themselves, despite their great desire to be healthy.

Perhaps this is why the verse Bruria quoted ends with the exclamation, "Let my soul bless God, hallelujah!" The soul thanks God for its portion: for being created with Divine wisdom and integrity, so that it cannot be totally corrupted and destroyed. Only the sins may be uprooted, and the wicked gone. But the soul, created by Divine light, will live forever.

(adapted from Ein Eyah vol. I, p. 48 on Berachot 10)

Now it seems from this lesson that we should pray that the oppressor/traitor/evildoer repent from his evil ways. If they do, they will not need to be destroyed, as the Torah expects us to destroy the wicked in our midst. Hashem is the ultimate decider of what lives and dies, and we should hope that we can bring as many Jews back to the way of the Torah as we can.

Thus I understand what your rabbi is saying.

But on the other hand. There is a time and a place for everything, and being firm to stand against traitors in order to save Jewish lives is the most important thing to do at this time. Allowing a cancer to spread only causes more destruction. There comes a time when we must leave it up to Hashem whether a person repents or doesn't repent, but we cannot stand their continued assaults, and thus we must separate from the evil.

So, I will say that while it is good to pray that the wicked will repent so that they will not need to be destroyed, it is also good to pray for the destruction of the wicked. And do what we can to expose it, and prevent others from falling due to it's influence.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2014, 05:59:59 AM »
Muman, I want to thank you for your well researched post and explanation.  In a time like this, where emotions are running high, it would be easy to just thrash on any person who speaks otherwise of what we want to hear.  It is good to be rational, analytic and critical of all statements being made, especially when coming from a Rabbi.

I will say, that in effect, I agree 100% with everything you wrote.  As a matter of fact, if I was forced with a choice between Jacob Rosenblum being killed or making teshuva and even becoming a devout Kahanist, I would not hesitate for a second at wanting his teshuva and to become a Jewish brother.   However, at the same time I cannot wait for another 3 children or even 100 children to be butchered in cold blood with the help of people like Jacob Rosenblum, before he makes this teshuva.  The lives of 3 Jewish souls are very precious and if I should just keep praying in vain for the teshuva of Jacob and the large hordes of other traitors, while they are collaborating and working with the enemy, then we may find there won't be a Jewish people left to pray for.

So, I can see I was running to emotion in criticizing the Rabbi and wish I had the Talmudic understanding and interpretation skills you do to confront the Rabbi at this level.    On the same note, I also did a poor job of expressing my sentiments, since my emotions were running high.  In fact, I told the Rabbi that a year has gone by now, he is still very active in BDS, Palestinian Anti-Israel groups, travels to Iran ,etc..  Confront him and tell him to make teshuva or throw him out.    I did say that I wish he would make teshuva, but I did not emphasize it clearly enough.

However, I must warn people about him.  Rabbi Avremi is using this argument of praying for Jacob to become a good person as a means to justify allowing him to stay within the community and continue in his evil deeds.  Jacob has had over one year to make teshuva at this synagogue, yet he is as steadfast as ever in his quest to demonize Israel and coerce gullible Jews into supporting the Palestinian cause to kidnap, torment and murder more Jewish children.

Indeed, even the so-called Rabbi Brant Rosen, who is a friend of Jacob (travelled to Iran with him) and is one of the heads of the BDS organization may be able to warp Talmudic scripture against me in an argument that would make a less educated person on Talmud susceptible to feeling derailed.  Even, some of the people on Meir Weinstein's group who were misquoting Talmud verses to prove homosexuality is acceptable in Judaism.

That is why I am grateful for you and other people on JTF who can give me a more realistic and sincere interpretation of Talmud, based on the truth and principles of Torah, rather than on the basis of deceit, such as those using Talmud to promote a false cause.  For this, I do thank you and others here.   Hopefully, one day I will study it myself and then be able to use my own knowledge when engaged in such debate.

I guess what I was trying to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.   I apologize for lacking the book knowledge to win a debate with the Rabbi.  The Rabbi insists Jacob will change and that he is doing good by providing a good Jewish boy a place to daven and commune.  The fact that he befrinded, drank tea, ate and shared intelligence and collaborated with very likely the same terrorists in Chevron as those who murdered these boys are irrelevant.  The fact he hates Israel and could care less about Torah (promotes gay marriage, Che Guevara, Islam fanaticism) also means nothing to the Rabbi.

Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #34 on: July 01, 2014, 09:56:42 AM »
... and liberals seem to love these people (arabs and muslims) and portray them as victims.

See what the peaceful idiots did.....

Arabs Throw Stones at Ambulance Carrying Bodies of Murdered Boys

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #35 on: July 01, 2014, 10:45:41 AM »
Let's see if this wakes average Israelis up to any degree. I am skeptical, considering the extent to which average Israelis supported "disengagement" and freeing hundreds or thousands of Arab terrorists from jails in the past.

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2014, 12:00:58 PM »
Are Israelis in any way similar to Americans? .. specifically as follows.... Many Americans are totally oblivious to real issues indirectly affecting them because they are too consumed by trivial things such as TV programs, social life, etc.

But in America you have these groups as well....Additionally, there are many who inform themselves with liberally biased news and/or propaganda from Hollywood.... then there are those who are simply selfish and don't care about anything other than what they can get without having to earn it and if they can't get it they want those with "it" punished for having "it" (money, education, etc.)...

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2014, 01:35:37 PM »
There is a certain level of wickedness that once either a Jew or a Gentile crosses we pray for his downfall and not for his repentance.
Such as the prayer against the Informers and Minim in our Daily Prayers.

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2014, 02:56:39 PM »
Some modest suggestions

1) Immediately start building 100 thousand homes in Judea and Samaria.  Most should be beyond the separation fence.  Some should be in area B just so the Arabs learn that they can lose something they care about, territory.
2) Immediate imposition of a widely used death penalty.
3) Tell the left at the Universities, media and press to go to hell if they don't like it.  Outlaw them in the same way Rabbi Kahane was outlawed.
And who is going to do that? Livni? Bibi? Lieberman? Yalon? Perhaps Bennet or Lapid? Paahlease! Gathering of imbeciles and clowns. Ayrabs openly mock Israel, by stoning ambulance transporting bodies of 3 murdered children. Ayrabs are shooting volleys of mortars during the funeral, and Gaza is still standing, ramadaning their heart out. Pathetic traitors.
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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #39 on: July 01, 2014, 03:05:59 PM »
Let's not pretend that the Israeli army will do anything.

The protest where they were screaming "we want revenge" with "Kahane was right" is the only thing of physical worth that will come out of this. It's a chance to get a government that will exact revenge, not a chance for the neutered traitors to bomb empty buildings at massive cost to Israel.
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Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #40 on: July 01, 2014, 05:48:27 PM »
I also feel that the Iserali army should go in there and blow up the muslim areas apart.  But they are more afraid of what the world thinks of them.  Screw the UN and bomb the @%&# out of them.

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #41 on: July 02, 2014, 01:59:44 PM »
The 3 Jewish teens who were murdered by the Arabs were savagely mutilated that forensic experts had to determine through DNA, the identities of the victims. The fact was kept hidden by the Israeli-Authorities, so that the details wouldn't inflame the outrage of the public even further, forcing the government to take action. As of yet the only government response was a few loud barks and a few whimpers.

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #42 on: July 02, 2014, 02:06:22 PM »
I also feel that the Iserali army should go in there and blow up the muslim areas apart.  But they are more afraid of what the world thinks of them.  Screw the UN and bomb the @%&# out of them.

Agreed, they have repeatedly declared war on Israel.... if they want war then give it to them. :nuke:

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: The 3 teens are found dead near Hebron
« Reply #43 on: July 02, 2014, 04:13:05 PM »
The day of wrath is coming against these people...the biblical signs are upon us....the world may get to see it happen with modern technology!