If confronted by a mugger, tell him that since you saw the film 'Papillon', you've got a great place to hide your money.

A rat can last longer without water then a camel.
I always have the urge to laugh whenever someone posts something very serious. It just suddenly strikes me, that this world is important and everybody cares so much...and that sets me off. Whenever i listen to any of Chaim's shows, I giggle to myself.....this usually happens on the train and people step 2 inches away from me.
I also find Yacovs posts quite funny sometimes, for no reason.
When I was younger-a lot younger-

I used to stand in the middle of the bus without holding onto anything so i could pretend i was on a skateboard when going down the hill.
I crack open custard creams, eat the middle filling and leave the biscuit in the packet.
Salt isn't white, it is translucent and appears to be opaque when light is scattered off its small particles, the same case goes for milk.