Author Topic: Israeli uberdumpf pilot  (Read 453 times)

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Offline Yerusha

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Israeli uberdumpf pilot
« on: July 13, 2014, 05:06:58 PM »
Like Schwarznegger in "Running Man", this Israeli pilot idiot said :"I will not target innocent women and children!",7340,L-4542857,00.html

The Torah's command when fighting a mortal foe of Yisroel is just the opposite: to specifically include women and children, just like the British and Americans did when bombing Germany in WW2.

Israeli pilots are all chosen to be leftists, and if any start to show even a hint of becoming frum, are immediately taken off flying duties!

However in the current zeitgeist, for attempting ethnic cleansing and even unintentonally targetting civilians, especially of Islamics, even out of national survival, which are all Torah ideals, the world would rise to fight as one, as the poor Serbs found out in 1999.

If Israel tried the same today, not only would NATO luv to immediately drop 3 divisions of paratroops in to Judea, there would also be a mass uprising of Jewish bleeding-heart leftists, Haredim and secular rightists, and even so-called religious "rightists" like Riskin, Levanaon and Aviner.

Typical example of an Israeli Leftist pilot, the current Mayor of Tel Aviv Ron Huldai: once brave in his 1973 War hayday, but now an anti-Shabbat, pro-Arab idiot!

« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 05:24:17 PM by Yerusha »