Author Topic: New Israel Fund rushes to send money to muzzieroaches anti Israel protestors  (Read 495 times)

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New Israel Fund Rushes To Help, Sends Anti-Israel Protesters

Posted by: Zion Mike July 17, 2014   

With friends like these..


The citizens of Israel are now into their second week of a horrific war of rockets inflicted upon them primarily by the Hamas terror group operating out of Gaza. So far over 1350 rockets have been hurled at Israeli population centers, traumatizing children and putting an unfathomable burden on the little country. Tens of thousand of Israeli reservists have been pulled from their families and await possible orders to enter into a dangerous ground war with a ruthless enemy.

There is hopefully some comfort for Israel in the stalwart support of tried and true organizations like the Jewish National Fund, the Orthodox Union, Magen David Adom, One Family and the Jewish Federations of North America, all who have set up Emergency Funds to support the beleaguered Jewish state. These special campaigns are providing much needed services like counseling , medical assistance, mobile shelters, toys and foodstuffs.

    We are thrilled that our “Stop the Sirens” campaign is being implemented in collaboration with local Jewish Federations- and other groups. We in North America stand shoulder to shoulder with all Israelis. – Jewish Federations of North America

One organization, the New Israel Fund issued an impressively evenhanded press release today to publicize their unique effort to support and raise the morale of the besieged citizens of Israel.

     Given the military confrontation between Israel and Hamas, which came on the heels of unprecedented incitement and tension between Jewish and Arab Israelis, the New Israel Fund stands ready to fund projects through our Emergency Grant Program.

The New Israel Fund (NIF) promotes itself as a younger, hipper pro-Israel organization, and they certainly are trendsetters. As part of their own Emergency response to the terror war on Israel, NIF has authorized an expedited grant to “Al Amar to help establish a series of special working groups for young Palestinian-Israeli political activists to help them organize non-violent protests.”
Emergency grants to fund protests against Israel.

Emergency grants to fund protests against Israel.

What a great morale booster it will be to Israeli families hunkered down in their bomb shelters to hear the heartwarming chants of NIF funded protesters rushed to the scene to decry the Jewish state.

NIF is no less concerned about the stresses this war has inflicted upon the valiant men and women of the IDF. It will be a source of great comfort for the soldiers to know that NIF has rushed an emergency grant to BDS funded B’Tselem an organization whose sole purpose is to critique and thus hamper Israel’s defensive operations. As a nod to the appreciation Israelis have for B’Tselem’s efforts, NIF has also designated emergency funds for extra security at B’Tselem’s offices (not kidding).

While the sentiment of NIF’s efforts to “support Israel” in these difficult times is certainly appreciated, we respectfully suggest that they consider redirecting some of that same type of “support” towards Hamas, the IDF would surely appreciate the help.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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