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Hello from Germany!

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--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on August 19, 2007, 03:33:41 AM ---Torah Jews dont do what is pragmatic we do what is right, and I am not afraid of that accursed nation. I will not take that blood soaked hand.

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IMagine that your father or your brother murdered somone, and you were upset by this, how would you feel if people then acted as if you were the murderer?

There is a difference between individual and national crimes, when a nation wars against the Jewish people is different than an individual murder.


--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on August 19, 2007, 08:09:03 AM ---There is a difference between individual and national crimes, when a nation wars against the Jewish people is different than an individual murder.

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Whatever my distant relatives may have done, it doesn't make me guilty.

German Christ:

--- Quote from: EagleEye on August 18, 2007, 10:22:53 PM ---Put it this way.  I'm new here, but if we start insulting Germans, odds are they'll become angry.  There will be a backlash.  Maybe they will turn nazi.

If a German is supporting you, the pragmatic thing to do is to accept it.

--- End quote ---

You can be sure that this won't happen with me. When I joined this forum I already knew that some people wouldn't want me as a member. That's ok and I understand why they don't want to have Germans in here. When I was young I saw the only chance to prevent islamic rule by supporting nationalsocialism. But this is not accurate. I tried to change the thinking of these so calles nationaldemocrats by argumenting why israel should be supported and by saying why Islam is the problem. But they are full on hate on everything jewish. I just had problems and I know who stupid these people are. They even support Achmadinedschad. Now I stay away from everything that has to do with these people. My politician aims are far away from those of nazis. As I know today these monkeys even prefer heathenish believes to christianity.


I understand your agumentation, but I think it's neither profitable to denie any work with Germans nor is it accurate. The best friends are former enemies. In Europe and unfortunately in Germany too, there's again a growing anti-semitism. If you want to stop that, you have to talk to the people. In Germany many adolescent classify Jews as arrogant. The new german generation wasn't alive when those bad things happened in the beginning of the 20th century. They don't understand the anger of many jewish people on Germany and why they want to have an own country. It's now the chance of achieving a good reputation in Germany, by talking and acting to prevent Nazi-thinking in the future. We need every country and every western people to fight Islamism. As I said before, there is no time to keep alive old enmities. It's time to work together. You don't need to forgive the German people, but you should respect my engagement for a free Israel, for a jewish-christian friendship and for a free world, if these are your aims too.

There is a German organisation "I Like Israel", which organizes an Israel day in berlin every year, where German and Jews celebrate their friendship together. Thousands of people take part in it. With a friendly policy between Germany and Israel it could be even more.

I believe Germans collectively did support Hitler, maybe because they were desperate for leadership, maybe because they were anti-Jew even before Hitler.  I also understand exactly where Kahaneloyalist is coming from, but every nation has its dissidents, and I'd rather cooperate with them than encourage them to switch ideologies.  I also understand, after attention was called to it, why some people became angry with this poster.  Clearly Germans were the aggressors, and whatever they got hit with was simply retaliation.  Innocent Germans may have been hurt, but collectively Germany caused the war and you can't blame the world for fighting back.  I'm however, not convinced, just yet, that German Christ is a "holocaust revisionist/denier," I think he may have made the statement with the intention of saying "not all Germans are bad" and not as much with the intention of denying Jewish suffering.


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