Hey Boergeneral,
Didnt SA not have tv until 1976? South Africa was vehimently anti television.
You are perfectly correct cosmo

The reason our leaders (back then, they were TRUE leaders) did not want TV's, is because they feared the exposure of evil to their people. And they were spot on!
Imagine if they saw what is on TV these days! They would turn around in their graves!!!!!!
Another interesting thing that was ILLEGAL in SA up until the 80's I think, was pornography. Once again, people did not want to be exposed to such filty and evil.
You see, White South Africans (Boers), are VERY VERY religious people. And we are VERY srong believers in the Tanach/Torah. So really, i suppose one could say that to some extent, Boers are Jewish in a way, except we believe Jesus is the Messiach, and we don't follow ALL of the 613 Laws (but many of those laws are followed by the Boers-because as I say, we are really Tanach Christians).
Am i wrong to say this?
I completely agree with the OLD leaders - Pornography, filth on TV, cigarretes, filth/evil music etc etc, will be illegal if I were to become president of SA, and im sure that the majority of the Boers would agree.