Author Topic: Terror attack on Israeli synagogue  (Read 3589 times)

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Offline Dan193

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Re: Terror attack on Israeli synagogue
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2014, 12:20:49 PM »
Here's a video from Chaim from last week which talks how he would stop Arab terrorists from murdering Israeli civilians.
This is a must hear.   Chaim for PM.

Offline serbian army

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Re: Terror attack on Israeli synagogue
« Reply #26 on: November 18, 2014, 01:20:21 PM »
I saw horrible pictures of this is hard to even comment...but we must pray now for those who are in critical condition.. Among them is one policeman who fought against the attackers...
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: Terror attack on Israeli synagogue
« Reply #27 on: November 18, 2014, 03:30:22 PM »
Any Jew who has the ability to own a gun and to protect His/Her community and does not, Shame On You!!

When will we naive and ignorant Jews finally get the point that our lives are actually in danger?     

Kahane said every Jew should have a gun.. Any Jew who doesn't own a gun and has the ability to own a gun and does not is not a TRUE Kahanist.  The ability to not own a gun could be for exapmle being barred by fascist gun control laws like in Israel or New York City or if you have a felony conviction, etc.     Obviously, is this situation, I can respect why you would not have a gun.  But for those WHO CAN own a gun and choose to be unarmed, you are committed a senseless crime against your people by participating to the weakness and helplessness of the Jewish community.  You, the Kahanist, are suppose to be vigilant and suppose to be the one that is there to defend your community when terror strikes.  How can you when you are only armed with a keyboard and a computer screen?

It just amazes me how the reaction of Jews here in Seattle to the shooting at the Jewish FEderation was to ban law abiding citizens from owning guns.  Nevermind that these terrorists have all types of weapons at their disposal and would cherish all the restrictions and controls on people's right to protect themselves as many idiotic Jewish people vote away in both Israel and the USA.

Most Jews really are gullible, brainwashed and simple-minded sheeple who live in fear and submission to their corrupt and self-serving governing authorities.  It is this sheepish and helpless mindset of Jews is why Hitler so easily was able to round up most of Europe's Jewish population and systematically exterminate them.  There was many documents showing how hard of a time Hitler had wiping out the gypsies and how much he preferred his more submissive and compliant Jewish prisoners who pretty much would follow orders and were much easier to kill.   The Nazis soldiers would write documents about how terrifying of an experience it would be to kill gypsies who would be kicking and screaming to the grave and try to fight back , whereas the helpless and naive Jew would just cower and pray and not resist making it a much simpler matter.

Things have not changed...  Same helpless sheeple waiting for a Second Holocaust.

If you call yourself a Kahanist and are not armed and not actively participating in the defense of your community, just ask yourself, "What type of Kahanist are you really?"   Just ranting on a "Kahanist Forum" does not make you any more of an asset to your community or will do a damn thing to protect the next attack.     We Jews , in general are a re-active people, not pro-active.

Now, Netanyahu is going to bomb some school in Gaza that is housing rockets , the UN will scream genocide and Netanyahu will SAY MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, the synagogue massacre has been avenged.  And, they will bulldoze some home in East Jerusalem, which will subsequently be re-built.

Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.