Author Topic: Harper Collins excludes Israel from it's Atlases Catholic in Britain angry  (Read 2411 times)

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Publisher HarperCollins omits Israel from school atlas 'to meet local preferences'
31 December 2014 09:32 by Abigail Frymann Rouch

The Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has accused the publisher HarperCollins of harming peace efforts in the Middle East through its production of atlases that omit Israel from their maps. Collins Middle East Atlases, which are sold to English-speaking schools in the Muslim-majority Gulf, depict Jordan and Syria extending all the way to the Mediterranean Sea.

Collins Bartholomew, the subsidiary of HarperCollins that specialises in maps, told The Tablet that including Israel would have been “unacceptable” to their customers in the Gulf and the amendment incorporated “local preferences”.

Bishop Declan Lang, chairman of the Bishops’ Conference Department of International Affairs, told The Tablet: “The publication of this atlas will confirm Israel’s belief that there exists a hostility towards their country from parts of the Arab world. It will not help to build up a spirit of trust leading to peaceful co-existence.”

The Tablet has also learned of customs officers in one Gulf nation allowing school atlases to reach their intended recipient only once Israel had been struck out by hand.

Dr Jane Clements, director of the Council of Christians and Jews, told The Tablet that maps that excluded Israel risked causing confusion and de-legitimising the nation in the eyes of the students who used the atlases.

She said: “Maps can be a very powerful tool in terms of de-legitimising ‘the other’ and can lead to confusion rather than clarity. We would be keen to see relevant bodies ensure that all atlases anywhere reflect the official UN position on nations, boundaries and all political features.”
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Dan193

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Thank you for posting this important article

Offline Dan193

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I just saw the best comment about this on HarperCollins twitter account.
@HarperCollins @HarperCollinsUK did you have a rep providing petrol at the Salman Rushdie book burnings by any chance?

Offline Dan193

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Another great comment on HarperCollins twitter account.

Manos Papadopoulos ‏@Manos4545  3h3 hours ago
@HarperCollins @HarperCollinsUK you Just want to make money from the Arab world by removing Israel from your maps@Big shame

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Avi B. ‏@avijustin  49m49 minutes ago
@HarperCollins @HarperCollinsUK if people had not called you out, you would continue to push a Middle East with no Israel

Offline Dan193

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Avi B. ‏@avijustin  48m48 minutes ago
@HarperCollins @HarperCollinsUK what a load of bs. You tried to profit by giving into other peoples hate.

Offline Dan193

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HarperCollins UK
5 hrs ·
HarperCollins regrets the omission of the name Israel from their Collins Middle East Atlas. This product has now been removed from sale in all territories and all remaining stock will be pulped. HarperCollins sincerely apologises for this omission and for any offence caused.

David Codrea You only regret being exposed.
44 · 4 hrs

Andrew Fox I am sure that you do regret the omission but do you regret in having been instrumental in potentially poisoning the minds of impressionable children who deserve to live in peace. Does the person or team responsible for this reprehensible business deci...See More
32 · 4 hrs · Edited

Jon Enten I personally will advise those in my group to boycott all Harper Collins publications. The Harper Collins apology is insincere and to call it an "omission" is more insult to injury!
25 · 4 hrs

Aimee Kunau What an amazingly weak apology. You ought to be ashamed of your blatant anti-semitism. What century are you living in? This "oversight" of Harper Collins will not be swept under the rug.
20 · 4 hrs

Marsha Grant The "omission" of the name Israel? You know this was not a mistake, it was deliberate. Perhaps you bowed to pressure from the thousands of Moslems who now live in the UK. What happened to the UK that was a leader of the world. It's now a sad shadow of its former self.
19 · 4 hrs

Douglas de la Brodoff unbelievable- apology not accepted - no excuse for such behavior - no Harper Collins books in my future
10 · 4 hrs

David Caplan What an excuse! An omission? From an international publish house - rubbish. Such an apology merely adds insult to injury and does them no credit.
10 · 4 hrs

Tania Dodd As a British Christian, I will no longer buy any HarperCollins products for myself or my book-loving daughter. You are anti-Semitic and you're only doing this u-turn because you've been caught out. Your company is a disgrace. Wiping the Jewish nation from the map makes you no better than Hitler.
9 · 3 hrs
3 Replies · 34 mins

Erika Hall I'd like to hear the circumstances of how this happened in the first place and what will be done to ensure such a huge mistake will never happen again. An apology is a start but not enough. Esp as you are publishing material used to educate.
9 · 4 hrs

Phillippa Hasenson It was probably in their edition that says the World is flat .....
7 · 4 hrs

Dawn Rice So, middle easterns will get maps clearly defining the borders and labeling Israel, as they should?
8 · 4 hrs · Edited

Sean Gardner Right, and you can bet this won't happen. They are sorry they were caught!!
2 · 50 mins

Einav Baadany What a shame! You gave up to Muslims' pressure and erase the name if the only democratic state in the Middle East.
7 · 3 hrs

Geoff Allen Just another company scared of the jihadi jokers I call you as you are racist anti Semites and you offer a cheap apology whoevers idea this was in the first place needs to be named and shamed and then sacked. You wouldn't of dared leave a Muslim country off the map to appease the Jewish but your quite happy to leave Israel out to appease Muslims shame on you!
7 · 3 hrs

Nico Weyers You make it sound like you accidentally forgot to capitalise a City name or something. Instead, you PURPOSEFULLY made a DECISION to discriminate against an entire country. It's an outrage
6 · 2 hrs

Peter Charles What will you be doing now to recall the stock that has already been sold - will you be publishing an apology for "the omission"to those who bought them in the countries where they were sold? If not, then it seems that you are perfectly happy for the miseducation to continue.
5 · 3 hrs

Benjamin Barnard Whatever your motivations were for doing this, commercial or otherwise, you are in your actions enforcing prejudices and fuelling anti-Semitism, which is itself being increasingly fuelled by anti-Israel sentiments. Maps are a powerful tool for teaching...See More
5 · 3 hrs

Jane Au Strauss Did you actually think you could get away with such revisionism and that nobody would notice? I am certain you only regret that your reprehensible actions were exposed for what they are.
5 · 4 hrs

Mark GS Too late............, you guys knew exactly what you were doing, you have made your sales to the Middle East, took a bit of flack ,cowardly apologised on FB and walked off to the bank with the money.As said below you have helped educate and implant so...See More
10 · 4 hrs

Harvey Garfield Major publishing house produces revisionist atlas under pressure from oil rich Arab states . An utter disgrace . Apology not accepted
3 · 2 hrs

Jonathan Adcock WOW - what a stupid decision. Enjoy the backlash!
3 · 3 hrs

Lisa Wooldridge Anti-Semitic and totally unforgivable !! I will not be purchasing any books from this disgusting company !!!!!!!
2 · 2 hrs

Cindy Donaldson there is only one way that happened & that was for it to have been done on purpose. This is unacceptable. Israel will always be a nation. you only regret it because you got caught & we are all making a big stink about it. you deserve whatever backlash you get.
2 · 2 hrs

Alexander Popivker But "West Bank" wasn't omitted... So strange! Bastardi!
2 · 2 hrs

Alan Taylor i will not be buying your books again , you dhimmis
2 · 3 hrs

Nico Weyers That's just pathetic. You had people in charge that made these decisions. How do we know other material you publish isn't "edited" for fear of offending others. You're only sorry because you were caught out. You disgust me Harper Collins!
2 · 4 hrs

Nicola Sutton Oops!
2 · 5 hrs

David Gordon Are you saying that there are two versions of your childrens' atlas, one with Israel and one without? Do you not do versions of your atlas which omit the Falklands (claimed by Argentina) or Girbraltar (claimed by Spain) or which omit Australia (out of respect for aboriginal sensibilities). Is it just Israel which is singled out for special treatment?
4 · 2 hrs

Tania Dodd 'Special treatment'. Such an accurate phrase. Haven't we heard that term before in recent history.
1 · 58 mins

Fred Shanks Let me be as peaceful and tolerant like the Muslim you tried to appease. Screw you and your product , and the person who made this decision needs to respectfully f**k off and die you anti-Semitic pig.
Fred Shanks's photo.
1 · 53 mins

Chris El Newton I called them freakin idiots and they took my post down..they seem to be very good at "omissions" in deleting countries...freakin idiots!
1 · 1 hr

Mark David Wow - a typical modern, politically correct non-apology.
"regrets the omission" - wasn't it deliberately omitted at the request of your customer?
"any offence caused" - how can you question whether "offence was caused?"...See More
3D Test of Anti-Semitism: Demonization, Double Standards, Delegitimization - Natan Sharansky
3D Test of Anti-Semitism: Demonization, Double Standards, Delegitimization - Natan Sharansky
1 · 57 mins · Edited

Marvin Crane Harper Collins is guilty of the most heinous crime. INTELECTUAL & EDUCATIONAL DISHONESTY. You are Cowards. SHAME.
1 · 1 hr

Clarence Conner So are you truly remorseful? Which executive was fired for this egregious error? If not one, then you cannot be honestly remorseful for the omission but only that you got exposed.
1 · 1 hr

Dom Hallett Damage is already done, you pathetic wimps!
1 · 2 hrs

David Fishman You better regret it!
1 · 3 hrs

Peter Palladian - Books not to buy. Suggest authors move their trade elsewhere.

Author Listings: HarperCollins Publishers
Search results
1 · 3 hrs

Ellie Gaines Indeed, the very idea of deliberately removing Israel from a map does nothing to perpetuate the Peace championed by discerning closet bigots who will spend the rest of their lives floundering in mental poverty.
1 · 4 hrs · Edited

Simone Greenwood I'm glad to hear the apology and the action taken regarding the atlases.
1 · 4 hrs

Euphrosene Labon Better late than never but shameful anyway.
1 · 4 hrs

Russell Vandermolen Then that would make you a little ignorant Liza Bahramired. I'd say that's more accurate.
3 · 3 hrs

Marc Shleifman Damage done! If they had any integrity as a company they would have told their Arab clients to suck it up or find another company
14 mins

Nil Maleficent Williamson Disgraceful and racist in the most appalling manner
19 mins

Richard Shapiro Lying cowards
41 mins

Fraser Clann MhicLeòid You purposely did that you scums, you know Israel is a country in the middle east. What political party do you raise you hand to?
43 mins

Linda Shiels Some of you people need to take a pill and lighten up...I think it's a funny story... if it was done deliberately , they wouldn't be apologizing now would they?
50 mins

Sean Gardner This was no mistake and you know it. I won't buy a title published by you again and will urge everyone I know to do the same. I'll also push incredibly hard with policy makers in Texas to avoid purchase of your books that sets the stage for the nation. You don't deserve the right to publish for students in the US.
51 mins

Boaz Levin Will advise everyone i know not to purchase your books
1 hr

Boaz Levin Shame on you!!!
1 hr

Tommy Gordon You mean you regret getting caught trying to change history
1 hr

Kieran Crump what happened?
1 hr

Tim Unger You are only sorry that you have been called out over this. If you are really sorry the person or team that made this decision should be fired now.
1 hr

Miron Ophir #harpercollinssuck

The honest thing would be to recall all copies from all the retailers, and not continue to sell this via your retailers.
2 hrs

Glauca Rossi This wasn't an omission. It was done deliberately. This is racism at his highest. I will never buy any books from you.
2 hrs

Tomer Minuskin Shame on you HarperCollins.
2 hrs

Franklin Hernandez Morons.
2 hrs

David Yefet Erika Hall Spot on. Answers please. At least explain yourselves...
3 hrs

Sarah Victoria N Disgusted that you omitted them in the first place! Rightly so that you have apologised #Israel
4 hrs

Itzhak Waiss Omission???? Is Israel a new country????? U can regret it, but u r not small company.......u should respect to be respected! But we know what it happens.........
2 · 4 hrs

Liza Bahramirad Well considering Israel wasn't a country for so many years then the UN just decided that it would be (because we all know Israel uses money and lobbying to abuse its UN power) and to disregard Palestine I'd say it's pretty accurate and hilarious.
1 · 2 hrs · Edited

Erika Hall Accurate for a publisher to ignore a whole country? would you have them go back and only publish historical maps? ?
2 · 3 hrs

Geoff Allen Israel was a country long before many others and it is again now
4 · 2 hrs

Harvey Garfield Patently clear the company is grovelling to oil rich Arab states . Israel is a nation state under the UN Charter . Get used to it !
1 · 2 hrs

Sarah Victoria N Israel has been a country for thousands of years. Unfortunately, you've been fed a lie from the media and other inaccurate sources.
2 · 2 hrs

Daniel Clayden " we all know Israel uses money and lobbying to abuse its UN power " Hahahaha. 1) This is a clear antisemitic trope in modern form (the Jews use their money, own the media, etc... substitute the word "Jews" for "Israel") 2) What UN power? do you know how many UN resolutions have been directed against Israel? Meanwhile the UN ignores pretty much everything that goes on in Arab countries. I think you'll find its the Arab countries who are using their petro-dollars to influence the UN, buy votes, etc.
4 · 2 hrs

Nurit Brukarz The UN just decided it would be? Yep, sure.... That's exactly how it all went down...stick to poetry and taking care of your arab husband deary
2 · 2 hrs · Edited

Daniel LaRusso Brainwashed by arab family much, dear?
1 · 1 hr

Mark David I respectfully suggest you go read a good history book about the Middle East - presumably one that wasn't published by HarperCollins - try Lawrence In Arabia, for example.......

Lawrence in Arabia
NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BYNew York Times • Christian Science...
49 mins

Ambrosine Yolanda Shitrit We wrote today that your actions were "a holocaust in Print .. Annihilating the Jewish people, my family and others from the world" Shameful #NeverAgain
30 mins · Edited

Aaron B-man I do not accept your apology.
46 mins

Offline IsraelForever

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Harper Collins disgusts me!  Shame on them!  I can't help but wonder if there are any Jews in the executive offices of Harper Collins.  If so, I spit in their faces.

But I must say that I have great respect for Bishop Declan Lang, chairman of the Bishops’ Conference Department of International Affairs, in his condemnation of Harper Collins. 

I'm going to send a letter to Harper Collins and state that I will be buying a map soon and you can be sure it won't be a Harper Collins map.  We need to offset the money that they think they'll make in Arab countries by the lack of sales by Jews all over the world. 

Offline mord

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Harper Collins must have received alot of mail that it disobeyed it's quranimal masters
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03