Infidel, you certainly did compare the Cronulla rioters to the Nazis, and that will not be tolerated on this forum.
Now if you are against vandalism/the destruction of private property, that's one thing. But do not come here defending Lebanese hoodlums against the Australians!
As I see it, the Australians, as well Europe and the rest of the Anglosphere, have bent over backwards to appease the Muslims. However, the Australians are not the same as the surrender monkey, cheese eating French. They will not stand by idly as their lifeguards are attacked and their women are raped by these Lebanese gangs.
So don't even think of defending the Lebs here!
All due respects Lisa you have no idea what happen there, or what the real issues are. The Roits were
RACE related, Roiting is against the civilzed laws of this country, promoting and encourging volient acts is
against the law.Or do now we no longer follow the law? Shall we mindlessly attack everything and everyone? This was never a jewish issue,
it was a white Australia issue. And WHITE NATIONALISTS were arrested for most of it. Or was that piece of information kindy left out? I am pleased to see you lot working together on the one thing.
Have you Lisa even read my posts on the other topics? As a moderator is that not your job to understand and fairly choose the course of action taken?
Because you would clearly of seen
that I don't support the Lebs. I was merely pointing out if you are going to behave like and animal, then clearly one will think of you as one, since the
WN started the roit.
Now answer me this if a group attacks loots and roits against another group of people soley on race, name me one other well know group that sounds like. 
Well we all know that answer............
Nothing like being fully informated of the facts is there. I am pleased I could assist in correcting some onesided information.