Infidel, I did as you suggested and looked at all your past posts. And I will share some of them for everyone here:
I am Kiwi from PAA thought I would drop in and say gday since some of you seem interested in forum bashing, I thought you might like to have a go a someone that can defend themselves.
Just want to say I belong to many types of forums most military based, Some are Israel based as well.
Also don't be jumping to a judgement on me also. Yes I am a White Nationalist there are many different kinds of NW. I am not a skin head or a Neo Nazi.
We are not all cut from the same cloth.
And this is exactly what you said regarding Nazis on this thread:
And yes I heard the same words from the Nazis about jews.
Now besides your ungrammatical posts, I just don't understand where you are coming from. You call yourself a white nationalist, but condemn the Australian rioters for being the same thing? Did you condemn just as much the hoodlum Lebanese when they raped Australian women and attacked lifeguards trying to rescue people?
You should know that on this forum, we will always side with law abiding citizens rather than moosies of any nationality. I wouldn't be surprised if the Australians just decided to take matters into their own hands due to these Lebs merely getting their wrists slapped. So DO NOT call the Australians Nazis. Out of anyone, we at JTF should know about Nazis, and any more attempts to loosely throw around that terms will get you banned.
I highlighted for you that yes I am
NOT a neo nazi.
Funny cause they call me a jew, you call me a nazi.

And hearing something said is
different to labelling.
Read the rest of my posts Lisa you will find I support Australia whole heartly, and I defend it with my life, which is more than I can say for others.
Ban me? Why because I have a different opinion, lol.
That same post Lisa I was informed I would not get banned just because I don't have the same opinion.
What is that? justice? fairness? tolerance?
Qualitys few people have.