Author Topic: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"  (Read 1850 times)

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Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« on: March 18, 2015, 09:59:26 AM »
 The Israeli left Propagandists (journalists) frustrated by the victory of right-wing parties in elections and one of them, Gideon Levy, didn't go to sleep before he wrote his opinion article in the Propaganda magazine Haaretz.

In order not to refer you to sites that support terrorism I copied the entire article here.

We also published on facebook (please share):

                  'Netanyahu deserves the Israeli people, and they deserve him'

The first conclusion that arose just minutes after the announcement of the exit polls was particularly discouraging: The nation must be replaced. Not another election for the country's leadership, but general elections to choose a new Israeli people – immediately. The country urgently needs that. It won’t be able to stand another term for Benjamin Netanyahu, who emerged last night as the man who will form the next government.

If after six years of nothing, if after six years of sowing fear and anxiety, hatred and despair, this is the nation's choice, then it is very ill indeed. If after everything that has been revealed in recent months, if after everything that has been written and said, if after all this, the Israeli phoenix succeeded in rising from the ashes and getting reelected, if after all this the Israeli people chose him to lead for another four years, something is truly broken, possibly beyond repair.

Netanyahu deserves the Israeli people and they deserve him. The results are indicative of the direction the country is headed: A significant proportion of Israelis has finally grown detached from reality. This is the result of years' worth of brainwashing and incitement. These Israelis voted for the man who will lead the United States to adopt harsh measures against Israel, for the man whom the world long ago grew sick of. They voted for the man who admitted to having duped half the world during his Bar-Ilan speech; now he has torn off his mask and disavowed those words once and for all. Israel said "yes" to the man who said "no" to a Palestinian state. Dear Likud voters, what the hell do you say "yes" to? Another 50 years of occupation and ostracism? Do you really believe in that?

Yesterday the foundations were laid for the apartheid state that is to come. If Netanyahu succeeds in forming the next government in his spirit and image, then the two-state solution will finally be buried and the struggle over the character of a binational state will begin. If Netanyahu is the next prime minister, then Israel has not only divorced the peace process, but also the world. [censored], dear world, we're on our own. Please don't interfere, we're asleep, the people are with Netanyahu. The Palestinians can warm the benches at the International Criminal Court at The Hague, the Israel boycotters can swing into high gear and Gaza can wait for the next cruel attack by the Israeli army.

The battle for all these has yet to be officially decided. The next prime minister will be crowned by Moshe Kahlon and the heads of other small parties. At the time of this writing, Kahlon has yet to declare his intention. The ball is in these parties' court; they will decide if Netanyahu continues. Most of them despise him, but it's doubtful whether they will have the courage to turn their backs on the public. That will be their test. That will be the test of their courage and integrity. Moshe Kahlon and Aryeh Dery, do you truly believe Netanyahu is better than Isaac Herzog for the society and social welfare you purport to care for? Does the country's decent and courageous president, Reuven Rivlin, believe Netanyahu will be a better prime minister than Herzog? There is a lot resting on his shoulders now – but the fact that a figure like Netanyahu and a party like Likud succeeded in maintaining power as the country's leading faction already says a great deal.

Netanyahu is threatening to surpass David Ben-Gurion as Israel's longest running leader. He is already in second place, and yet it's hard to think of one significant achievement on his part. The list of damage he has done is long. But he is the nation's, or much of the nation's, chosen one. That choice must be respected, even if it makes it difficult to hope for a good outcome. The only consolation is that another Netanyahu term will prompt the world to act. That possibility is our only refuge.

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2015, 02:18:40 PM »
His name is Jihadeon Levy.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 02:36:00 PM by Dan193 »

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2015, 02:20:17 PM »
Jihadeon Levy and Amira Hass wont even criticize when Israelis are lynched.
Another Israeli journalist at a different newspaper, Nahum Barnea of
Yediot Aharonot, wrote in November of 2000 that there are Israeli
reporters who do not pass the "lynching test." These are journalists who
could not bring themselves to criticize the Palestinians even when two
Israelis were savagely murdered by a Palestinian mob in Ramallah. Which
journalists? Gideon Levy, Amira Hass, and Akiva Eldar of Ha'aretz.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 02:44:58 PM by Dan193 »

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2015, 02:22:34 PM »
Gideon Levy had a Palestinian holocaust denier advising him,7340,L-4565828,00.html
Holocaust deniers in B'Tselem
Op-ed: The organization is not dealing with human rights, but encourages anti-Semitism; it's not about criticizing Israel's actions or about healing the world, it's about Jewish support of fabricated blood libels meant to assist Hamas.

There is such a thing as Jewish anti-Semitism. Those involved in it are good Jews, some of them are even the descendant of Holocaust survivors, who simply want Tikkun Olam (healing the world in Hebrew) and fight against the "genocide" that Israel has been conducting in Gaza.
Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter
Last week they published an article in the New York Times about the Israel's "genocide" in Gaza. This shouldn't come as a surprise after so many lies have been published in recent weeks about the conflict in Gaza in a series of articles and interviews given mostly by "human rights" activists and organizations such as "B'tselem" and "Breaking the Silence".
It is quite possible that their intentions were good, but when claiming in advance that Israel is guilty before it has even responded, their good intentions become some what problematic. One should read the types of articles written by "Breaking the Silence" Spokeperson Avner Gvaryahu in a British Newspaper as well as the comments written in response to it, in order to understand the sources from which anti-Semitism and Jewish anti-Semitism spring forth.
B'Tselem is the main supplier of factual background material thanks to researcher Atef Abu a-Rub who is also a Holocaust denier. The man is responsible for dozens of "researches" and reports about the Israeli abuse in the territories. He is so good at his job that when foreign reporters calls B'Tselem to visit the territories, it is Abu a-Rub who is sent to serve as their tour guide and shows them the area through his eyes.
The problem is not Atef Abu a-Rub; the problem is his operators. His former boss was Lizi Sagie, the organization’s former information director. Lizi claimed that Israel is responsible for humanity's greatest atrocities and that it adopted Nazi values. Sagie quit B'Tselem, but her spirit remained.
Member of B'Tselem public council Hussein Abu Hussein described Israel as a "big monster that attacks us on a daily basis and nibbles through our flesh… we all feel like crushing its head, but just talking will not help, therefore everyone has a role. Atef Abu a-Rub has a role. He is responsible for a flowing supply of "information" to describe Israel as a monster.
How much Abu a-Rub's information is worth? According to him, the mountains adjacent to the Jordan Valley used to be green until the Jews came and stole the water beneath them. In addition those Jews "kill dozens in their sleep and tell everyone it's because of the resistance". But the Jews, he said, manage to hide their evil deeds because they have a strong media. Yes, that is the man's opinions and the world is fed with B'Tselem "researches".
This diabolic propaganda is fascinating, because it succeeds in turning the tables. Holocaust surviving Jews become part of Hamas' propaganda mechanism that wishes to continue the work of those who were engaging in extermination of the Jewish people. Abu a-Rub and other "human rights" activists like him, succeed in creating one of the biggest scams of recent decades.
On one side stands a terror organization, who is also recognized as such by the EU and most of the Western powers, and declares regularly, in the most explicit manner, that its main goal is to annihilate the Jewish people. Since the Nazi regime there hasn't been such a strong body, almost a country, with such a diabolical ideology. On the other side stands Israel who withdrew from the Gaza Strip and begs this reign of terror to renounce terror and choose prosperity.
But the good Jews, the "Tikkun Olam" followers have really turned a corner. There is no doubt that Abu a-Rub and the likes of him have achieved an amazing success. The responsibility of most of it is his employers; B'Tselem's board which Hussein Abu Hussein is one of its members.
Amos Oz and A. B. Yehoshua, who are also sit in B'Tselem board, have completely different opinions, but them sitting there gives legitimacy to Abu a-Rub and Abu Hussein's radical views. They are having a hard time admitting that their organization is not dealing with human rights, but encourage anti-Semitism; it's not about criticizing Israel's actions or about healing the world, it's about Jewish support of fabricated blood libels meant to assist Hamas.
Abu a-Rub's story is taken from a fascinating book called "Catch the Jew" by Tuvia Tennenbaum. Tennenbaum, a former Israeli, wrote the book to a German publishing house following a similar journey through Germany, which was depicted in his book "I Sleep in Hitler's Room" Where Tuvia posed as a German reporter and toured the realm of the "human rights kingdom". The results were terrifying.
Tennebaum is a figurative character with figurative writing. Initially, I thought he was exaggerating, but I was worng. Tennebaum wasn't only writing, he also documented everything via photos and recorders. Tennebaum asked from B'Tselem a tour in the territories and B'tselem sent Atef Abu a-Rub who, off course, told him his 1001 Arabian Nights tales about the Jews' wrong doings.
It's important to mention that Abu a-Rub also contributes to Gideon Levy's research, so next time someone is reading this research they should know that perhaps, occasionally, they point out to things that needs fixing, but mainly they prove that this is a satanic propaganda mechanism; it is not clear whether B'Tselem and Levy planned it that way, but they sure serve as key players in it.
Tenenbaum wasn't just satisfied with one organization – he joined additional bodies and activists that together created a terrifying industry of lies. One of these organizations is "Rabbis for Human Rights" headed by Rabbi Arik Ascherman. Ascherman sent Tenenbaum with the organization's field agents who thought he was speaking only German and English, therefore spoke in Hebrew and in Arabic, two languages Tuvia is fluent in. They tried hard to provide him with evidence of Israel's atrocities, but he wasn't buying it.
Tennebaum was having a hard time understanding people like Ascherman who tries to make Israel look like a monster wrapped in the title of "human rights". Tenenbaum wrote in his book that even Ascherman's wife gave up on him; the man, she explained, is not interested in the facts.

It's rather crazy that we actually need to refute this "genocide" libel, but it's impossible not to. Israel's donation to the violence in the world since its establishment and in recent years is close to nothing. The difference is that every fatality in the Arab-Israeli conflict gets a thousand times more coverage than in any other conflict. But facts never confused anti-Semites, even if they are Jews.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 02:45:36 PM by Dan193 »

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2015, 02:25:32 PM »
The Israeli left Propagandists (journalists) frustrated by the victory of right-wing parties in elections and one of them, Gideon Levy, didn't go to sleep before he wrote his opinion article in the Propaganda magazine Haaretz.

In order not to refer you to sites that support terrorism I copied the entire article here.

We also published on facebook (please share):

                  'Netanyahu deserves the Israeli people, and they deserve him'

The first conclusion that arose just minutes after the announcement of the exit polls was particularly discouraging: The nation must be replaced. Not another election for the country's leadership, but general elections to choose a new Israeli people – immediately. The country urgently needs that. It won’t be able to stand another term for Benjamin Netanyahu, who emerged last night as the man who will form the next government.

If after six years of nothing, if after six years of sowing fear and anxiety, hatred and despair, this is the nation's choice, then it is very ill indeed. If after everything that has been revealed in recent months, if after everything that has been written and said, if after all this, the Israeli phoenix succeeded in rising from the ashes and getting reelected, if after all this the Israeli people chose him to lead for another four years, something is truly broken, possibly beyond repair.

Netanyahu deserves the Israeli people and they deserve him. The results are indicative of the direction the country is headed: A significant proportion of Israelis has finally grown detached from reality. This is the result of years' worth of brainwashing and incitement. These Israelis voted for the man who will lead the United States to adopt harsh measures against Israel, for the man whom the world long ago grew sick of. They voted for the man who admitted to having duped half the world during his Bar-Ilan speech; now he has torn off his mask and disavowed those words once and for all. Israel said "yes" to the man who said "no" to a Palestinian state. Dear Likud voters, what the hell do you say "yes" to? Another 50 years of occupation and ostracism? Do you really believe in that?

Yesterday the foundations were laid for the apartheid state that is to come. If Netanyahu succeeds in forming the next government in his spirit and image, then the two-state solution will finally be buried and the struggle over the character of a binational state will begin. If Netanyahu is the next prime minister, then Israel has not only divorced the peace process, but also the world. [censored], dear world, we're on our own. Please don't interfere, we're asleep, the people are with Netanyahu. The Palestinians can warm the benches at the International Criminal Court at The Hague, the Israel boycotters can swing into high gear and Gaza can wait for the next cruel attack by the Israeli army.

The battle for all these has yet to be officially decided. The next prime minister will be crowned by Moshe Kahlon and the heads of other small parties. At the time of this writing, Kahlon has yet to declare his intention. The ball is in these parties' court; they will decide if Netanyahu continues. Most of them despise him, but it's doubtful whether they will have the courage to turn their backs on the public. That will be their test. That will be the test of their courage and integrity. Moshe Kahlon and Aryeh Dery, do you truly believe Netanyahu is better than Isaac Herzog for the society and social welfare you purport to care for? Does the country's decent and courageous president, Reuven Rivlin, believe Netanyahu will be a better prime minister than Herzog? There is a lot resting on his shoulders now – but the fact that a figure like Netanyahu and a party like Likud succeeded in maintaining power as the country's leading faction already says a great deal.

Netanyahu is threatening to surpass David Ben-Gurion as Israel's longest running leader. He is already in second place, and yet it's hard to think of one significant achievement on his part. The list of damage he has done is long. But he is the nation's, or much of the nation's, chosen one. That choice must be respected, even if it makes it difficult to hope for a good outcome. The only consolation is that another Netanyahu term will prompt the world to act. That possibility is our only refuge.

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2015, 02:27:01 PM »
Frimet Roth who lost her daughter in the Sbarros massacre in 2001.
Read what she wrote about Gideon Levy and Amira Hass
She hits it right on the head.
Gideon Levy, who writes for Israel`s pre-eminent daily, Haaretz, fancies himself a champion of the weak and vulnerable. The day after my child`s cold-blooded murder by a Hamas bomber, Levy wrote the following in his weekly piece detailing Palestinian suffering:

"These children, every child in the world should have protection as though he were a VIP. Every child in the world is a VIP"
Levy did not mention the seven Jewish children whose graves were dug that day because he did not mean those children. He never does.

Levy`s colleague, Amira Hass, the only Israeli journalist who lives in a Palestinian town, Ramallah, was equally indifferent to my child`s murder. The first piece she published in Haaretz after the Sbarro massacre made no mention of the fifteen victims. Instead, it was an emotive tirade about the Palestinian right of return, reminding her readers of two major Jewish settlements close to Jerusalem that she fears "won`t be evacuated": the city of Maaleh Adumim and the Jerusalem satellite community of Givat Ze`ev.
Murdered Jewish children do not move Hass either.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 02:46:01 PM by Dan193 »

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2015, 02:35:32 PM »
Once again Jihadeon Levy caught lying.
Levy says,
If Netanyahu succeeds in forming the next government in his spirit and image, then the two-state solution will finally be buried and the struggle over the character of a binational state will begin.

Wait a minute, Gideon Levy is well known for supporting the right of return and flooding Israel with millions of Arabs.
What Gideon Levy wants is Israel controlled by Palestinian Islamo fascists.
Here's Levy in his own words.
Friday, October 01, 2010
Gideon Levy On The Palestinian Right Of Return
Gideon Levy is an Israeli journalist and editor for Haaretz. He's been called everything from a hero to a stooge for Hamas. When he spoke in Ottawa recently, Dennis Gruending was there taking notes:

We have to compensate the Palestinians and help them where they are and we have to help others to come back. Years of brainwashing in Israel have made the Palestinian refugee issue a taboo. I do not fear the repatriation of refugees. We have absorbed a million Russians in the past 10 years and half of them were not even Jewish. Yet Palestinians who grew up here cannot have the same right. And not all of the five million refugees would want to come back. If we had courageous leadership or pressure from the bottom up, we could change but we don’t have that.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 06:03:23 PM by Dan193 »

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2015, 02:36:17 PM »
Jihadeon Levy is supporting Abbas when he's naming streets after Arabs who bludgeon 3 month old Jewish babies with axes.

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2015, 02:37:57 PM »
MK Says Haaretz's Levy Is a Traitor
Coalition Chairman Yariv Levin wants Gideon Levy put on trial for spreading lies 'in the service of the enemy'.
By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 8/3/2014

Coalition Chairman MK Yariv Levin (Likud) wants Haaretz journalist Gideon Levy put on trial for treason, following articles he wrote in the course of Operation Protective Edge.

"Gideon Levy is the lowest kind of provocateur,” Levin told Channel 2 Saturday evening. “When someone who lives among you turns himself into an enemy mouthpiece, while spreading lies, out of the hope that this will undermine your ability to wage war – this is called, in simple Hebrew, 'treason'.

"Levy writes the enemy's lies in an Israeli newspaper, and then these writings are quoted all over the entire world as if they were written by Israelis, and as if they reflect a reality that is supposedly objective,” he explained.

"In no other country would anyone have published the evil screeds he writes, and I believe that [in other countries,] legal proceedings would have been initiated against him – proceedings of the kind that are initiated against people who harm the soldiers even as they charge forward.

"It is time we stop regarding despicable phenomena like this with tolerance,” MK Levin added. “My statement is not harsh. What is harsh and grave is behaving like this at a time like this, when we see the difficult prices we are paying, and how difficult the struggle we are waging is.”

Haaretz has reportedly hired bodyguards for Levy, who aroused anger recently when he penned a provocative article in which he accused IAF pilots of murdering innocents.

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2015, 02:41:36 PM »
If Jihadeon Levy wants a 1 state station solution, he's free to move to Gaza and be a human shield for Hamas.
Time to be single-minded
The end of the world? Why? Arabs and Jews already live together today, but discrimination, inequality, past tensions, racism, nationalism and mutual fear hinder relations between them.
By Gideon Levy   
If you will it, it is no dream: one just state for two peoples.
 The establishment of a Jewish State was perceived as something no less crazy less than 100 years ago. Subversive? The establishment of a Palestinian state was considered no less subversive even less than three decades ago.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 05:57:29 PM by Dan193 »

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2015, 02:42:08 PM »
It should be pointed out, Gideon Levy supported the Palestinian massacre of the Dolphinarium disco in 2001.
Read the article Under the volcano (HA'ARETZ, 10 June 2001)
Do a google search of Under the volcano Gideon Levy
We now know Gideon is no different then an Arab terrorist.

Levy basically admits in the article the Palestinians have every right to slaughter Israeli teens to flood Israel with millions of Arabs.
Here's what Levy says, Who will declare that a just solution to the conflict must include not only a fair territorial solution but also a just solution for the refugees, including recognition of their right of return?
The Palestinians resorted to violence and dared to demand the right of return
Then Levy says, that there are too few differences between a person who blows himself up outside a discotheque and kills 20 boys and girls, and a person who frivolously fires shells at a house in which an infant girl has just finished drinking milk from her mother’s breast.

Gideon, Suicide bombers target anybody. They target people with nothing to do with anything.
Israelis target those who fund and carry out suicide bombers.

There is a difference between terrorism and defense of innocents.
Israel targets terrorists, Israeli civilian deaths are the Palestinians goal.
Big difference

To imply a moral equivalence between the two, is an insult to the intelligence.

It's freekin amazing that the Arabs start   wars engaging in violence, terror, murder, behead Jewish babies and teach their children hate and lies against the Jews and Israel. 
These are the savages that Levy supports as Palmediawatch has documented.
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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2015, 02:46:53 PM »
To really show you how insane Gideon Levy is, in 2010, he called Assad moderate and a man of peace and blames Israel for wanting to keep the Jewish Golan.

Yes the same Assad who's slaughtering and gassing his own civilians.
The same Assad who's bombing hospitals and killing patients and doctors not under his control.
A peace crime
What more can Assad say that he hasn't already? How long must he knock in vain on Israel's locked door?
Gideon Levy
JulY 11, 2010
Assad bombed hospitals: UN
Andy Soltis and Geoff Earle
September 13, 2013

He even targeted hospitals.

Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad’s forces committed clear-cut war crimes by bombing wounded people seeking urgent treatment in rebel-held regions, UN investigators said Friday.

The UN found Assad loyalists also tortured victims in their own medical centers, including a government military hospital in Damascus.

In another military hospital in the city of Homs, “Doctors were ordered to keep victims alive so that they could be interrogated further,” the UN report by a team of 20 human-rights experts said.

The regime used the denial of medical care as a “weapon of war,” the report concluded.

The bombing and shelling of hospitals began in early 2012 and is continuing, according to the report. The Syrian army has also occupied hospitals, using them as bases for snipers, tanks and soldiers, according to the report.

Ambulance drivers, nurses and doctors have been attacked, arrested, tortured or just disappeared when they tried to help the wounded, the report said. “As such attacks continue, field hospitals have literally been driven underground, forced to operate in the basements of houses,” it added.

The chilling indictment of the regime comes as UN chemical-weapons inspectors prepare to turn over their findings on the Aug. 21 attack that killed more than 1,400 people.

The inspectors were not allowed to say who was responsible. But UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon inadvertently said Assad’s regime “has committed many crimes against humanity.”

Ban thought his comments were not being broadcast, but they were shown on UN television.

In other developments in the Syrian crisis:

The main anti-Assad group in exile said it was “deeply skeptical” about Syria signing an international treaty banning the production and use of chemical weapons. “This gesture comes as too little, too late to save civilians from the regime’s murderous intent,” said the US-backed Syrian National Council.

Secretary of State John Kerry ended a second day of talks in Geneva with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in a bid to expand an agreement on seizing Assad’s chemical weapons into a broader plan to end the 2 1/2-year civil war.

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2015, 02:49:18 PM »
Gideon Levy supports the murder of Jewish babies by Palestinian terrorists.
Read this great article which rebukes the lies of Gideon Levy.
Friday, October 24, 2014

Gideon Levy's fantasy and some video reality
From insane-leftist Gideon Levy in Haaretz:

The uprising is on the way. When the next wave of terror emerges from the alleys of East Jerusalem, Israelis will pretend to be astonished and furious. But the truth must be told: Despite Wednesday's shocking incident, the Palestinians are turning out to be one of the most tolerant nations in history. Mass arrests, violent settlers, deprivation, expulsion, neglect, dispossession — and they remain silent, except for the recent protest of the stones.

After I read this I happened to see this video report from Israel's Channel 10 showing dozens of recent attacks against Jews in Jerusalem - firebombs, rocks thrown at buses, small rockets and more. It is in Hebrew but it is self-explanatory.

This version of the video was enthusiastically reproduced by a pro-terror Arab media outlet with the headline "See how the people of Jerusalem [i.e., Arabs] make the lives of Zionists into hell."

But Levy knows that things have really been quite calm.

From poster Ken Kelso
If you read the paragraph in that Gideon Levy article, Levy supports the murder by this Palestinian terrorist of the Jewish baby.
Here's what Levy said. Jerusalem, the capital of apartheid, awaits the uprising
Mass arrests, violent settlers, expulsion, and dispossession: With that as the lot of Jerusalem's Palestinians, no one should have been surprised with Wednesday's terror attack.
By Gideon Levy.

Levy is lying completely through his teeth.
It is the Jews that are being terrorized by Palestinian terrorists in Jerusalem.
I'm curious how is Haaretz allowed to get away with reporters like Levy who support Arabs slaughtering Jewish babies.

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2015, 02:51:14 PM »
As Chaim Ben Pesach said about Gideon Levy.

Gideon Levy is an extreme left-wing reporter for the German Nazi-owned newspaper "Haaretz" and also works frequently for Israeli Bolshevik television. In this video, while defending the black African Muslim illegal aliens who are invading Israel, Levy shouted at a Jew from the former Soviet Union: "Go back to Russia!" This just further shows how viciously anti-Semitic the self-hating Israeli news media is.

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2015, 03:53:58 PM »
Yemach Shemo V'Zichro to the Erev Ravim among us. The sages told that they would be the WORST enemies of the Jewish people.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2015, 05:13:16 PM »
Why do you think the leftist want to let all the African and other third world parasites in?

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2015, 06:02:27 PM »
I  should point out, 2 years ago Gideon Levy wrote an article quoting some nun how Assad is a man of peace and didn't gas the Syrians.
What next from Levy, Saddam Hussein didn't order the gassing of the Kurds.

Levy is a Stooge for Assad, Hamas and Fatah.
On visit to Israel, Syrian-based nun backs beleaguered President Assad
Why a Carmelite nun believes the chemical attack in Damascus was faked.
By Gideon Levy
Sep. 1, 2013

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2015, 08:48:31 PM »
We deserve for levy to commit suicide.  Then he can join his new people in the muslim hellfires.

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2015, 09:13:16 PM »
He should be bathed in white phosphorus.

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2015, 01:52:01 AM »
I call him Yehudon Levi!!!!!!

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2015, 08:14:06 PM »
Gideon Levy is a supporter of this butcher Assad.,7340,L-4431940,00.html
Syrian general: Assad ordered me to gas people
Former chemical weapons chief in Assad's army tells The Telegraph orders to use WMDs against civilians came from the top; claims Syrian dictator transferring some chemical weapon stocks to Hezbollah, Iran
09 .22.13

Offline Dan193

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2015, 08:14:38 PM »
To fully understand how evil this Assad family is that Gideon Levy has always supported.

In an unbelievable chilling terror attempt that says something:
A pregnant Irish woman named Anne-Marie Murphy was about to board an El Al flight in 1986 at London's Heathrow airport when her bag was found to contain three pounds of plastic explosives.
The explosives were going to be used to blow up the plain.
Assad Sr, the father of the current Syrian dictator ordered this would be bombing using the Irish woman who didn't know bombs were in her bag
As a result, Britain cut off diplomatic relations with Syria.

In 1986, Ms. Murphy unwittingly attempted to carry a bomb onto an El-Al flight. The bomb was hidden in her luggage by her fiancée, Nezar Hindawi. Hindawi was a Jordanian working for the Syrian intelligence agency who met her in her native Ireland. He impregnated Murphy, then proposed to her and suggested they fly to his native Jordan for the wedding. He said they'd fly on separate flights, and he thoughtfully provided her with a new suitcase from the Syrian embassy.

Unknown to her, the suitcase contained a false bottom, filled with 3 ½ pounds of the same plastic explosive later used in the Lockerbie bombing. The calculator "gift" that he pushed to the bottom of the suitcase also doubled as a detonator for the explosives.

Thankfully, the El Al security screener was suspicious of a pregnant Irish Catholic woman with no Israeli friends or relatives, traveling alone during Passover to Israel. Under heavy questioning, the full story came out, and the explosives were found by airline security personnel. Hindawi tried to escape England with the help of the Syrian embassy, but was caught and arrested. He had been instructed by his Syrian handlers to select a woman to carry the bomb to, since it was "more secure that way". His bomb surely would have killed everyone on the flight, including the fiancée he had kissed goodbye at the airport and their unborn daughter.

As it turned out, Hindawi was already married to a Polish woman he had met in London. Ms. Murphy, who was adamantly opposed to abortion, had her baby daughter before Hindawi's trial began. She raised her daughter, alone, in Ireland. Her daughter, wherever she is today, whatever she knows about her past, is 25 this year.

Offline Dan193

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Re: Gideon Levi: "The nation must be replaced"
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2015, 08:15:30 PM »
More of Assad that Gideon Levy supports.
Inside Bashar Assad's torture chambers
By Michael Isikoff
Oct 13, 2014