Author Topic: The Big Apple Has A Worm: CAIR  (Read 1330 times)

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Offline MasterWolf1

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The Big Apple Has A Worm: CAIR
« on: August 21, 2007, 03:46:05 PM »
The Big Apple Has A Worm
by Rich Carroll
CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) tied closely to Hamas and other Islamic TERRORIST organizations must be laughing themselves silly about now at the tax paying citizens of New York, but let's back-up just a little to fully outline this bunch of thugs we call "CAIR":
Since its founding in 1994, CAIR and its employees have combined and conspired with the Islamic Association for Palestine, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, the Global Relief Foundation and foreign nationals hostile to the interests of the United States to provide material support to known terrorist organizations, to advance the Hamas agenda, and to propagate radical Islam.
Bassem Khafagi, CAIR Director of Community Relations:  Arrested by the United States due to his ties with terror-financing.  He pled guilty to charges of bank fraud and agreed to be deported to Egypt.
Ghassan Elashi, founding board member of CAIR-Texas, arrested and charged with export fraud, dealing in the property of terrorist organizations, conspiracy and money laundering.  Found guilty and deported.
Siraj Wahaj, CAIR board member, Co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing, called for replacing the American government with an Islamic caliphate and warned that America will crumble unless it accepts Islam.
Rabih Haddad, CAIR Fundraiser, co-founder of Global Relief Foundation and found guilty by the US Treasury Department for financing Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.
Consistent with Hamas, CAIR has served as a conduit for the distribution of materials and funds from foreign nationals to groups within the United States for the purpose of promoting radical Islam and attack anyone who rejects their ideology.
Enter the Khalil Gibran Islamist Academy in New York City.  Six years after being bombed by Islam, New Yorkers are tax funding a private school for Muslims. (Gasp that they would tax-fund a private school for Christians!).  And surprise!; the principal of the new "school" Dhabah Almonstater, was presented a plaque and award by, you guessed it:  CAIR.  More importantly, the curriculum of her New York Department of Public Education school has been designed by the radical American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee [ADC].
The ADC's funder [and recipient of the ADC's "Global Achievement Award"] Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal's 10 million dollar donation to the 9/11 victims charity was rejected by then NY Mayor Giuliani because of Talal's claim that American policy towards Israel was the reason for the terrorist outrage. Talal has also raised money to reward the family's of suicide bombers.

The ADC is also in the forefront of filing discrimination lawsuits and legal challenges aimed at obstructing the FBI, JTTF and Homeland Security from investigating Arab and Muslims who pose potential terrorism threats.

Six years after the attacks and still no memorial at Ground Zero, instead 2007 will see the opening of the taxpayer funded Brooklyn based madrassah; "The Khalil Gibran International Academy for Arabic and Islamic Culture."

Am I being too harsh on New Yorkers?  Hold on; there's more:  On September 9, 2007, Muslims from the tri-state area will converge on New York for the Muslim Parade which the city has agreed to host.  And if past parades are any indication, law enforcement will need to be on high alert, as the participants have been amongst the most radical Islamists in the nation.  The parade amounts to an Islamist rally for terrorism, anti-democracy and anti-Americanism.  Past parades have included such extremists as death squad leader Ashrafuzzaman Khan, co-conspirator of the 1993 WTC bombing and the new principal of the Khalil Gibran Islam Academy who defended T-shirts calling for Intifada in New York.  The parade is being co-sponsored by the Muslim Brotherhood of Pakistan, a brutally radical group who just last year provided Hamas with $99,000.000 for the purpose of killing innocent Israeli civilians.

This author cannot help but think that somewhere in the Arabian desert twelve old men are sitting inside a tent eating figs and laughing and at least one making the comment, "Akmed, the secular humanists and atheists in America will give us their sovereignty without having to fire another shot!  They actually think WE are the victims of 911!"  (Raucous laughter)....

This author also can no longer have faith in the citizenry of New York to help defend my sovereign nation against a murdering cult who's sole purpose is global domination of Islam.  I am no longer interested in the "Apple".  The worm can have you.

« Last Edit: August 21, 2007, 03:48:08 PM by MasterWolf1 »


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Re: The Big Apple Has A Worm: CAIR
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2007, 03:54:24 PM »
New York's had many problems for a long time: