I'm glad you asked LSDBR, because questions are one of the main things Passover is about.
I get people to ask questions all the time during Passover. For instance ever since Passover starts I drink Mexican Coca-Cola. Every Coke drinker knows that Mexican Coke is super good (my tax preparer related to me how she thought Mexican Coke was better than normal Coke). The reason I drink Mexican Coke during the Holiday week is because Mexican Coke is made using sugar as the sweetener (rather than the Corn Syrup) used in normal Coke.

So, what is the point of Matzah during the holiday or what is the point of my posting this thread? The point of Matzah during the holiday is complex, the simple understanding is that Matzah is what the Bnai Israel carried with them out of Egypt because they didn't have time for the dough to rise. But as the children sing in Mah Nish TaNa the question of why we eat it is paramount.
Four Questions
What makes this night different from all [other] nights?
2) On all nights we eat chametz or matzah, and on this night only matzah?
Mah nishtanah halyla hazeh mikol halaylot
2) She'bechol halaylot anu ochlim chametz o matza, halyla hazeh kulo maztah?
There are several points of making this post, but the primary one was to discuss what we eat and drink during the eight days during which we are forbidden from eating Chametz (and as an Ashkenazi Jew I am not permitted to eat Kitniyot which are beans, rice, pasta, corn)...
I usually snack on Gefilte fish... Some people (mostly non-Ashkenazi) don't really like gefilte fish, but I do know some Sefardim who like it too. I also make Borscht (Beet soup) which is a traditional soup we eat during the holiday.