1. Any Jew that is truly learning Torah but is being supported by himself or by his parents willfully (meaning he didn't ague with his parents and make them support him when they didn't want to) until he becomes a Rabbi is contributing to the Jewish world spiritually by their learning.
2. I agree with the Rambam's words that anyone who is learning off charity is trampling on the Torah, is sinning and will burn in hell. I also agree with our Sages who write in Pirkai Avot that Torah without a livelihood causes sin and you will end up burning in hell. The only exception who I don't think are sinning by learning w/o working themselves is if they are a big Torah Scholar and they have someone who volunteers to support them.
3. I think that Kahanism for the most part is the correct Torah Path but I don't hate non Kahanist Jews as you say I do. I will debate them though, and so far no one has been able to debate me. I think that fanatical Jews that break the chain of tradition and teach fanatical beliefs are evil. Like being anti Zionist (meaning Israel should be abandoned to save 1 Jewish life as my Principle stated), saying that the only correct path is one who learns all day, saying that Jews who work for a living are ignorent, saying that Rabbis must be worshiped and followed blindly regardless of the correctness of their actions, saying that not religious Jews don't matter, picking up prostitutes at night while learning during the day with a Stramuel, causing your fellow Jews to sin by teaching them fanaticism in your Yeshiva, making people leave Judaism by teaching fanaticism etc. Saying that water has to be filtered in order to be Kosher is bordering on insanity as well but I won't call it evil, I call it stupid.
RE1: we finally agree on something.
RE2: Supporting a talmud chacham can hardly be seen as charity. In addition, abandoning torah study for the sake of worldly occupation is talked about in the Gemara(masekta ta'anis), see the story about Reb Yochanan and Ilfa...the mala'achim wanted to kill them because they wanted to earn a living rather than study.
RE3:What you conisder fanaticism is what the rabbanim paskened the halacha as, if you want to debate with them go ahead. What they teach at my yeshiva is torah, not fanaticism and had it not been for them, I'd still be a secular Jew. Also, as I said before, there are 70 paths to torah, all are equal; you cannot say that Kahanism is the only way, it may be for you, but not every Jew is the same. I know I'll get flamed for saying this, but not many gedolim supported secular zionism, they did in the beginning, but it was always a touchy subject. Now, religious zionism is a different story, but they are sadly the minority in Israel, so I will talk for now about the secular zionists. I can certainly understand the charedi opposition to secular zionism, and had I been around when the early secular zionists were around, I would have been against them too. However now that religious zionism is a reality, it should be embraced and taught in mainstream yeshivos(which it is, for the most part), but we must respect members of the frum community who wish to not be zionistic, we can debate with them and such, but being a non-zionist does not equal being evil, to say that would mean that almost every Gadol at the time of 1948 was evil