I am going to agree with Chaim and Kahaneloyalist that there is no reason why a "proud German" should be permitted to be a member of the forum. I did not see this guy firsthhand, but Chaim read his posts aloud and it looks like this member is trying his darndest to spread his Nazi taqqiyah throughout the hated Juden. Guys like him, who appear to be reasonable and merely out to "educate" us, are far more dangerous than the outright, flaming Nazis. Nobody will give the latter the time of day, but most JTF posters were willing to humor a bright-sounding, charismatic kid who "innocently" tried to "enlighten" us about the "realities" of the Holocaust and the Hun savages that were responsible for it.
Jimmy Sullivan said a very similar thing about Erica--that she was a lot more dangerous than the uneducated, openly hateful and raving blacks. We were kind and tolerant to her and were willing to hear her out. Our enemies will take this as a weakness. Take it from a Gentile, guys: Jews must have a backbone and, like Newman says, not give even one inch!