Author Topic: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?  (Read 14541 times)

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Offline artgijo

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Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« on: August 24, 2007, 01:58:22 AM »

I have noticed something very strange in USA.The blacks are totally segregated community and always carry deep inferiority complex. They identify everything in Black or white, I find the white people do not have that problem. Same is the case with Muslims, they segregate into communities and start dirty allegations against everyone anywhere in the world. Both these communities have deep inferiority complex. The famous hollywood actor Mr.Morgan Freeman(Black) once said, how much ever I have achieved success, everyday I get up with a feeling that I am a black man. This is stupid and insane.

Blacks and Muslims invite problems for themselves. So they feel the heat. Moreover both these communities have less IQ and brain. The day such people become majority, USA will have a tough time. I invite comments on the same. I feel races have to be segragated according to geographical locations for better harmony and prosperity of the world. Don't try to mix oil and water, It will never mix.


« Last Edit: August 24, 2007, 02:00:54 AM by artgijo »


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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2007, 02:03:17 AM »
Right again, as usual Gijo.

They do have less IQ. They do have an inferiority complex. That's why they hate. They're like stupid children put in the 'high achievers' class in a school. They get left behind, they can't compete, they get angry and then attack.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2007, 09:22:14 AM »
I disagree with the idea of forced integration. I also disagree with the idea of forced segregation. Both of these ideas are racist and unconstitutional. So I think the Supreme Court was correct on both its rulings, one being Brown vs. Board of Education which eliminated forced segregation as well as the most recent decision which eliminated quota systems and forced integration in our schools. I also don't subscribe to the idea of "reverse racism." There is no such thing. Regardless of what direction the prejudice is coming from and who it's aimed towards, it's still racism. So whether it's white prejudice against blacks or black prejudice against whites, it's just plain racism either way.

I think you may have interpreted what Morgan Freeman was saying. I think he may have been saying that no matter how successful he becomes, he never forgets who he is and where he came from.

I disagree with Newman's assertion that "they" are inferior, stupid, and hateful. I work in a school in the south Bronx with Black and Hispanic children. Yes, there are many children that are unruly, disrespectful, lazy, abusive, and recalcitrant. But this certainly does not describe all or most of them. Most of the children are well behaved, respectful, obedient, and do what is asked of them.


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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2007, 09:30:47 AM »

I disagree with Newman's assertion that "they" are inferior, stupid, and hateful. I work in a school in the south Bronx with Black and Hispanic children. Yes, there are many children that are unruly, disrespectful, lazy, abusive, and recalcitrant. But this certainly does not describe all or most of them. Most of the children are well behaved, respectful, obedient, and do what is asked of them.

Well they sure as hell change when they leave school. If you don't believe me, go hang out in Bed' Stuy' at 3AM and prove me wrong.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2007, 09:53:05 AM »

I disagree with Newman's assertion that "they" are inferior, stupid, and hateful. I work in a school in the south Bronx with Black and Hispanic children. Yes, there are many children that are unruly, disrespectful, lazy, abusive, and recalcitrant. But this certainly does not describe all or most of them. Most of the children are well behaved, respectful, obedient, and do what is asked of them.

Well they sure as hell change when they leave school. If you don't believe me, go hang out in Bed' Stuy' at 3AM and prove me wrong.

At 3AM in Bed Stuy, you will find hoodlooms that are dangerous and violent criminals. But are you saying that this represents all or most of the people of Bed Stuy? The rest of the black people who work, obey the law, and are good citizens will not be found outside making trouble at 3AM. So I don't see how this example applies to the whole equation of "they."


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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2007, 09:59:12 AM »

I disagree with Newman's assertion that "they" are inferior, stupid, and hateful. I work in a school in the south Bronx with Black and Hispanic children. Yes, there are many children that are unruly, disrespectful, lazy, abusive, and recalcitrant. But this certainly does not describe all or most of them. Most of the children are well behaved, respectful, obedient, and do what is asked of them.

Well they sure as hell change when they leave school. If you don't believe me, go hang out in Bed' Stuy' at 3AM and prove me wrong.

At 3AM in Bed Stuy, you will find hoodlooms that are dangerous and violent criminals. But are you saying that this represents all or most of the people of Bed Stuy? The rest of the black people who work, obey the law, and are good citizens will not be found outside making trouble at 3AM. So I don't see how this example applies to the whole equation of "they."

Guess what?

The 'boons are 14% of your population yet they account for 69% of the crime. Do the math. They're FIVE TIMES disproportionately criminal.

Here's something to help you with your next post about how poor and hard-done-by they are and how it's all big, bad, greedy, whitey's fault:

Offline Hail Columbia

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2007, 10:06:03 AM »
artgijo, it's simple.  Multiculturalism is a farce, and the minorities are the very first to be conscious of it, and they act accordingly.

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Offline Kananga

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2007, 10:09:47 AM »
Some of us believe we have no other choice.  Some blacks conclude that either we have to segregate ourselves, rebel against the system,  or except the inferior status that racist YT imposes upon us.

I gave up on trying to gain acceptance a long time ago, which allows me to pursue whatever possiblities that present themselves before me.

Offline dawntreader

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2007, 10:14:02 AM »
Ok, this is a gigantic stereotype. If you recall, it has only been 40 years since Black people in the United States have been afforded a completely "equal" status to white people.

Those who have, for most of their lives (people in my parents' and grandparents' age brackets, not mine) lived in a prejudiced society, where they were afforded a second class citizen standing...are likely to retain a "slave mentality." It's hard to break those thought patterns when one grows up in a society like that.

You don't know what Morgan Freeman faced as he grew up do you?

Also, if you take it from a Biblical point of view, one must remember that the Hebrews had a slave mentality when they left the land of Egypt. Their spies said of the Promised Land "We can't go in there! We're like grasshoppers and the local residents are Giants!" Only two spies gave a good report...and because of that slave mentality, no one who was an adult at that time was allowed to enter the Promised Land EXCEPT those two spies who rejected the mentality of their brethren.

Their kids, who did not grow up as slaves, but rather were born during the 40 years of wandering in the desert had a different mind set and they were able to move forward in freedom and make something of themselves.

The same is true in the USA's black community. Those who are my age are moving forward by and large (Maybe not in NYC, I don't know, I don't live there) but over the length and breadth of the States (Which I have traveled and have actually lived as I grew up), I can see marked difference between Black people who are my parents' age vs. those who are my age.

So those "silly" commercials where you have Black people coming in to fix electronics and broken TVs etc. are not silly at all. They are actually normal and things that happen in real life. Yes, Black Real Estate agents, and investment brokers etc.

Chaim was wrong in his last broadcast...the Blacks in the USA are not like some backwoods African tribe in Nigeria or the Congo. They are as educated and intelligent as you or I. Frankly I think the racism (And that's what it is...racism, it doesn't have anything to do with the group's supposed greater wicked behavior than white people) needs to stop on this forum.

I've done the math, I've seen the statistics, but the fact of the matter is that there is plenty of crime in the White community too. It just happens that a lot of it is "White collar" crimes and not necessarily violent crime. But crime is's still wickedness (Take a look at Enron...yup...these corporate leaders who bilked millions of people of their money were largely WHITE men....).

Call wickedness evil, but stop blaming racial groups for all the world's ills. Sheesh.
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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2007, 10:15:45 AM »
Some of us believe we have no other choice.  Some blacks conclude that either we have to segregate ourselves, rebel against the system,  or except the inferior status that racist YT imposes upon us.

I gave up on trying to gain acceptance a long time ago, which allows me to pursue whatever possiblities that present themselves before me.

Imposed how? and on whom?

Imposed on Allen keys, Bill Cosby, Crazy Joe Clark, all the Black Doctors, lawyers, armed forces officers???? They don't seem to suffer from this 'imposition'.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2007, 10:24:33 AM »

I disagree with Newman's assertion that "they" are inferior, stupid, and hateful. I work in a school in the south Bronx with Black and Hispanic children. Yes, there are many children that are unruly, disrespectful, lazy, abusive, and recalcitrant. But this certainly does not describe all or most of them. Most of the children are well behaved, respectful, obedient, and do what is asked of them.

Well they sure as hell change when they leave school. If you don't believe me, go hang out in Bed' Stuy' at 3AM and prove me wrong.

At 3AM in Bed Stuy, you will find hoodlooms that are dangerous and violent criminals. But are you saying that this represents all or most of the people of Bed Stuy? The rest of the black people who work, obey the law, and are good citizens will not be found outside making trouble at 3AM. So I don't see how this example applies to the whole equation of "they."

Guess what?

The 'boons are 14% of your population yet they account for 69% of the crime. Do the math. They're FIVE TIMES disproportionately criminal.

Here's something to help you with your next post about how poor and hard-done-by they are and how it's all big, bad, greedy, whitey's fault:

You're proving my very point. Most of the crimes are committed by a small portion of people. But it seems like you are making the common mistake of thinking that since most crimes are committed by blacks, that means that most blacks commit crimes. No, it's that most crimes are committed by a small number of blacks who are recidivists. That's what causes the relatively small number of the population to account for the large number of crimes.

Now if it is true that five times as many blacks commit crimes compared to other populations, that too doesn't mean that there are five times as many blacks that commit crimes versus those blacks that don't commit crimes. It's like saying if the New York Yankees hit five times as many homeruns compared to the other teams in the MLB, that means that the New York Yankees consist of five times the number of homerun hitters versus non-homerun hitters. That wouldn't be the case. A statistic like this would be caused by a small number of power hitters hitting a whole lot of homeruns while the rest of the team would not be big homerun hitters.

Offline Kananga

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2007, 10:28:10 AM »
Some of us believe we have no other choice.  Some blacks conclude that either we have to segregate ourselves, rebel against the system,  or except the inferior status that racist YT imposes upon us.

I gave up on trying to gain acceptance a long time ago, which allows me to pursue whatever possiblities that present themselves before me.

Imposed how? and on whom?

Imposed on Allen keys, Bill Cosby, Crazy Joe Clark, all the Black Doctors, lawyers, armed forces officers???? They don't seem to suffer from this 'imposition'.

Really?  I don't know man. I guess it all falls somewhere in between having thick skin and a deathwish. If I'm dammed to hell, then that's between me and G-d. 

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2007, 10:29:34 AM »
Black people are inferior. They just roam in the hood while all the white scientists invent everything. If anyone wants to see affirmative action in progress just check out the "doctors" in brookdale hospital in brooklyn.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline Kananga

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2007, 10:30:17 AM »
You are inferior!


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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2007, 10:31:31 AM »

You're proving my very point. Most of the crimes are committed by a small portion of people. But it seems like you are making the common mistake of thinking that since most crimes are committed by blacks, that means that most blacks commit crimes. No, it's that most crimes are committed by a small number of blacks who are recidivists. That's what causes the relatively small number of the population to account for the large number of crimes.

Now if it is true that five times as many blacks commit crimes compared to other populations, that too doesn't mean that there are five times as many blacks that commit crimes versus those blacks that don't commit crimes. It's like saying if the New York Yankees hit five times as many homeruns compared to the other teams in the MLB, that means that the New York Yankees consist of five times the number of homerun hitters versus non-homerun hitters. That wouldn't be the case. A statistic like this would be caused by a small number of power hitters hitting a whole lot of homeruns while the rest of the team would not be big homerun hitters.


Now you're drawing a real looooong bow.

(no pun intended)

Chaim has the statistics on the % of black men with criminal records and it's at least HALF.

Offline Kananga

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2007, 10:32:48 AM »
Felony records?

Offline Daniel

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2007, 10:34:08 AM »
Black people are inferior. They just roam in the hood while all the white scientists invent everything. If anyone wants to see affirmative action in progress just check out the "doctors" in brookdale hospital in brooklyn.

Are these board certified doctors? If so, I'm very surprised since I've been led to believe that the same tests and standards are administered to all the doctors applying for board certification. Are you saying that even in the medical field, that the medical boards are dumbing down their tests and standards to get more black people on board?


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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2007, 10:35:37 AM »
Felony records?

Given that many felonies are pleaded down to misdemeanors I think it's safe to go with all crimes here.

Offline dawntreader

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2007, 10:36:35 AM »
They just roam in the hood while all the white scientists invent everything. If anyone wants to see affirmative action in progress just check out the "doctors" in brookdale hospital in brooklyn.

Again...this might be how it is in the Bronx...but get real man. That's not how it is across the whole USA. Have you ever been outside NYC?
Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished.
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We have met the enemy and they are ours.
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Offline Daniel

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2007, 10:37:15 AM »

You're proving my very point. Most of the crimes are committed by a small portion of people. But it seems like you are making the common mistake of thinking that since most crimes are committed by blacks, that means that most blacks commit crimes. No, it's that most crimes are committed by a small number of blacks who are recidivists. That's what causes the relatively small number of the population to account for the large number of crimes.

Now if it is true that five times as many blacks commit crimes compared to other populations, that too doesn't mean that there are five times as many blacks that commit crimes versus those blacks that don't commit crimes. It's like saying if the New York Yankees hit five times as many homeruns compared to the other teams in the MLB, that means that the New York Yankees consist of five times the number of homerun hitters versus non-homerun hitters. That wouldn't be the case. A statistic like this would be caused by a small number of power hitters hitting a whole lot of homeruns while the rest of the team would not be big homerun hitters.


Now you're drawing a real looooong bow.

(no pun intended)

Chaim has the statistics on the % of black men with criminal records and it's at least HALF.

Chaim makes the same mistake in logic that you do. 95% of those blacks who voted, voted for Sharpton and Jackson, therefore 95% of blacks are anti-white and anti-american. It doesn't make sense and is not an accurate or logical conclusion.

Offline Kananga

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2007, 10:38:13 AM »
NO it's not safe to assume anything.  Especially when your only objective is to dehumanize black people.


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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2007, 10:38:44 AM »
They just roam in the hood while all the white scientists invent everything. If anyone wants to see affirmative action in progress just check out the "doctors" in brookdale hospital in brooklyn.

Again...this might be how it is in the Bronx...but get real man. That's not how it is across the whole USA. Have you ever been outside NYC?


You've just reiterated DWI's point.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2007, 10:42:20 AM »

You're proving my very point. Most of the crimes are committed by a small portion of people. But it seems like you are making the common mistake of thinking that since most crimes are committed by blacks, that means that most blacks commit crimes. No, it's that most crimes are committed by a small number of blacks who are recidivists. That's what causes the relatively small number of the population to account for the large number of crimes.

Now if it is true that five times as many blacks commit crimes compared to other populations, that too doesn't mean that there are five times as many blacks that commit crimes versus those blacks that don't commit crimes. It's like saying if the New York Yankees hit five times as many homeruns compared to the other teams in the MLB, that means that the New York Yankees consist of five times the number of homerun hitters versus non-homerun hitters. That wouldn't be the case. A statistic like this would be caused by a small number of power hitters hitting a whole lot of homeruns while the rest of the team would not be big homerun hitters.


Now you're drawing a real looooong bow.

(no pun intended)

Chaim has the statistics on the % of black men with criminal records and it's at least HALF.

Also, do these statistics show that half of all criminals are black or that half of all blacks are criminals? There's a big difference between the two!


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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2007, 10:43:08 AM »
NO it's not safe to assume anything.  Especially when your only objective is to dehumanize black people.

Nobody's seeking to dehumanize anybody.

I just wanna get to the a spade a spade, as it were.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Why Blacks and Muslims Segregate themselves?
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2007, 10:43:55 AM »
They just roam in the hood while all the white scientists invent everything. If anyone wants to see affirmative action in progress just check out the "doctors" in brookdale hospital in brooklyn.

Again...this might be how it is in the Bronx...but get real man. That's not how it is across the whole USA. Have you ever been outside NYC?

It's not even a fair or accurate description to use a broad paintbrush on the Bronx like this.