I have noticed something very strange in USA.The blacks are totally segregated community and always carry deep inferiority complex. They identify everything in Black or white, I find the white people do not have that problem. Same is the case with Muslims, they segregate into communities and start dirty allegations against everyone anywhere in the world. Both these communities have deep inferiority complex. The famous hollywood actor Mr.Morgan Freeman(Black) once said, how much ever I have achieved success, everyday I get up with a feeling that I am a black man. This is stupid and insane.
Blacks and Muslims invite problems for themselves. So they feel the heat. Moreover both these communities have less IQ and brain. The day such people become majority, USA will have a tough time. I invite comments on the same. I feel races have to be segragated according to geographical locations for better harmony and prosperity of the world. Don't try to mix oil and water, It will never mix.
Unfortunately you are right. But only half right.
First of all Blacks didn't separate themselves in the beginning they were separated and treated like Rudolph (The Rednosed Reindeer

) when they were first shipped here. They were told from the beginning that they're not worth the dirt they'd be shovelling. They were even targeted by the very first American gang; the KKK. Blacks have been trying to tell people that they're important since slavery but no one listened so some adopted the mentality and said, "We'll never be thought of as equal to the whites" and settled for the worse. Some forced legislation to be seen. Now as for those who exist today, there are some blacks who LOVE being part of the in-crowd, where they can associate with everyone from every culture and not feel the sting of racism. Some, just can't assimilate because of the negativity that their grandparents experienced. Its amazing how many blacks I meet who just DON'T trust white people because of an experience that their grandparents had with them.
It should be changed. I've never separated myself from white America but I've felt the sting of being unfairly treated by some whites. Never the less, no matter what they do or say to me, I know I'm not less than and that I'm just as important and as valued as they feel THEY are.
Then there are those who DO invite trouble. I dont' have an excuse for them. All I can say is that ignorance is what it is. Dumb-assedness (new word) without the effort of trying to understand. Gang bangers become who they are because they want to stand out and feel big and important, but what their actually doing is separating themselves from law-abiding citizens who do right most of the time. Drug dealers are certifiably nuts to me because anyone willing to kill off the population of black people with poison for a buck has to be crazy without a shadow of a doubt. Women who have kids with different men... well there could be something to that. Some have husbands have kids with them, divorce them, get married again, have more kids and so on and so forth. I can't stand in judgment of them. But I can teach my teenagers who are 15 and 16 that having sex and having children is a HUGE responsibility that changes everything that makes them special. So although I can't tell others what to do with their lives, I can have a positive impact on my children's lives.
I think that's all... for now.