Author Topic: New RINO speaker of the house "admits" Bengazi commission is to attack Hillary  (Read 945 times)

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Offline Israel Chai

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The Benghazi Select Committee was allegedly crafted to investigate the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya in 2012. While many suspected the investigation was a partisan attack against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the suspicion was confirmed earlier this month.
Meet the Press.

House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy admitted to Fox News host Sean Hannity that the committee was set up to bring down Clinton. Republican Rep. Richard Hanna confirmed this during a radio interview last week, and former committee investigator, Major Bradley Podliska, is suing the committee for wrongful termination for refusing to target Clinton. The issue of the Benghazi committee was discussed during the Oct. 18 edition of "Meet the Press" on NBC.

MSNBC host and NBC news anchor, Andrea Mitchel, joined host Chuck Todd, along with Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo and Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff, both members of the Benghazi Select Committee. Pompeo said that the committee is attempting to determine whether or not Sidney Blumenthal, a Clinton adviser, was a main source of intelligence leading up to the attacks.

Not appearing to be convinced, Mitchell questioned Pompeo, "How long for this final report?...Is it going to be in the middle of 2016? Is it going to be after the election?" Pompeo could do nothing but laugh, turning to the veteran news anchor, saying "That's a good question, Andrea." Pompeo attempted to clarify the committee's stance, claiming that Clinton did rely on Blumenthal for her information. Pushing back, Mitchell called Pompeo out on his statement, saying that his information was just not accurate.

    "That is factually not correct...I cover the State Department. That is just factually not correct."

Schiff, a Democrat on the committee, made one of the more stunning comments of the panel discussion. "We can't put an end date on it because we don't know what this committee's supposed to look for," Schiff admitted, stating that, "Apart from damaging Hillary Clinton, it has no reason for existence."
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Israel Chai

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The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge