Author Topic: Liberals being Liberals  (Read 1856 times)

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Offline mosquewatch

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Liberals being Liberals
« on: August 26, 2007, 09:38:12 PM »
Put this together this video today. I do understand that some people on this forum do not like Michael Savage. Put that aside please,just for the moment, and watch what our "Liberal Friends" have too say.
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Re: Liberals being Liberals
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2007, 10:14:22 PM »
 ***********LIBERAL DISEASES 1***********

One of MANY (of the COUNTLESS) phsycological  issues that the liberal has is a type of Munchausen's Syndrome by proxy.*

They are addicted to feelings of self-gratification, moral superiority and the need to attone for some imaginary past crimes of their forebares.
They are as addicted to these needs as a junkie is to his crack fix.
In porder to get THEIR 'fix', they require victims. They endlessly search out victims. Where there are NO victims, they will create victims. They have absolutely NO intention of eliminating the causes of victimhood, because the victim serves as the vehical for their fix.

The pathology of the liberal is most akin to that of a depraved sex addict.

Once they locate the victim, the liberal wallows in the victims misery (often a creation of liberal a fireman who moonlights as an arsenist). This is liberal 'foreplay'. They then apportion blame for the victim's situation on whites, the church, capitalism, guns, conservatives or anyone else EXCEPT the the real culprits- liberals or the victim himselfe. This is liberal 'copulation'. They then proceed to demand punitive measures against the scapegoats on their list  to private the victim . And demand legislative change that will inflict suffering on the majority community. This is the liberal 'climax'. They then bask in the warm inner glow of self-righteousness and the adulation of other liberals. This is the liberal 'laying back with a cigarette'.

This process must be repeated constantly, throughout the liberal's lifetime. The frequency of the acts depends on the voraciousness of the individual liberal's appetites.

« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 10:26:15 PM by newman »

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: Liberals being Liberals
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2007, 10:21:17 PM »
newman ,

 That post was brilliant.
No peace, without FREEDOM.

Offline fjack

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Re: Liberals being Liberals
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2007, 01:05:31 PM »
The liberal has also created a self sustaining industry out of 'victimhood'. The vast majority of sociologists, psychologists, school guidance counselors, teachers and the rest of the 'people serving professionals' are all liberals. By increasing the number of 'victims' they can keep this industry going till the earth crashes into the sun, and the liberal will even find a way to blame that on white oppresion of the world's people of color. If you really have a chat with these liberals you will find out that they are not well educated at all. They have been indoctrinated by the liberals that fill their already empty heads with the same garbage that has been drilled into them by the public school systems of ALL the major cities. They hear the same liberal hogwash being throw at them from the pulpits, the news media, hollywierd, the 'talking heads' that annoy us on Sunday morning, the likes such as Bono and hoprah, right up to the nitwit in the white house. They constantly bring up the drunken whore monger michael king (martin king) without bringing up the truth about him, we have a postage stamp of malcolm excrement and mosiah garvey, both criminals and garbage garvey wasn't even a citizen. The liberal is deluded into thinking that beastial behavior is the result of some unseen force that lurks around the predator that was invented by whites to make these creatures feel inferior and thus the overwelming urge to commit the most horrific acts that an animal can commit. The liberal is addicted to the drug 'it is important that children of color feel good about themselves'. They set up these useless roll playing in schools that show the darkies pictures of black egyptians, black Jews, black presidents of the USA, black popes, black scientists and on and on. Even with all this feel good, jamal and latrine still can't read or make even the simplist of calculations. So when latrine and jamal go to college, unprepared, the liberal will have further employment as a remedial english and math teacher, more student advisor positions and more mentoring, whatever the hell that is. This is what liberalism was, is and will always be.