Author Topic: I'm not a Trump Supporter but he is right for wanting to halt Muslim Immigration  (Read 2111 times)

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Offline edu

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Islam as a religion is very anti-semitic. If there are some Muslims who are not anti-jewish, it is because they are not fully faithful to their religion, but have inserted into their religion Western Values.
Who can be sure that one day these not so religious Muslims won't become more devout Muslims and do what their religion tells them to do.
73% of Palestinians agree with genocidal hadith about Muslims killing Jews hiding behind trees

“Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.” — Sahih Muslim 6985

A few years ago, the Horowitz Center mounted an initiative to ask Muslim groups in the United States to repudiate this genocidal hadith. We sent a statement around to CAIR, ISNA, the MSA, etc., but none of them (unsurprisingly) would sign on. Even Zuhdi Jasser was wary of doing so, telling me that he rejected the hadith as inauthentic in the first place, and so he didn’t see any need to repudiate it. He ultimately did, but that was the line that Muslim spokesmen in general took, when they deigned to comment on the issue at all: they said that no Muslim believed that hadith to be authentic anyway, so what was the big deal?

Well, here is the big deal. 73% of Palestinians think it is authentic, and where they live Islamic jihadists are indeed killing Jews. Yet will Muslim leaders in the U.S. denounce them and call upon their coreligionists to renounce Islamic antisemitism and live in peace with the Israelis? Will the mainstream media put them on the hotseat and ask them about how they think this genocidal hadith may provoke violence among Palestinians who victimize innocent Israelis, and call on them to renounce it?

None of that will happen, and you know it won’t. The media and the Islamic supremacists will work to further the OIC’s anti-free speech agenda by wringing their hands about how “far right rhetoric” leads to violence. But the real incitements to violence in Islamic texts and teachings, and from Islamic imams, will, as always, go unremarked, unrebuked, unrepented, and unchecked.
The Genocidal 72 Percent

By:   Michael Lumish
Published: December 7th, 2015
Latest update: December 6th, 2015
This is the contemporary Ku Klux Klan.

As with the Klan they feel it necessary to wear masks.

They are worse than Night Riders because they feel free to carry out their violence in the daytime because they know they have Arab-Palestinian society, as created by Yassir Arafat and the PLO, behind them… as well as the Western-Left.

A recent Watan Research Center poll, conducted between November 14 and the 21st of this year, reveals that 72 percent of Arabs living in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza favor the Stabbing Intifada.

This is to say that 72 percent of Arabs who live within the Land of Israel believe that they have a religious-political imperative to send their kids into the streets with kitchen knives for the Allah-inspired purpose of murdering random Jews.

It does not matter the age of those Jews; a woman in her 80s, a child in her crib, it does not matter.  Nor does it matter the personal beliefs of those Jews.  All that matters is that, if you are to kill them – and you are, young Achmud – that they be Jewish.  Even Palestinian-Arab Jihadis do not necessarily have a particular desire to murder Tibetan-Buddhist care-takers , after all.

{But, who knows, really?}

Still another way of gaining perspective on this 72% figure is to understand that it also means that 72% of Arabs within Israel yearn for the genocide of the Jews.  It can mean nothing else.  If you believe that Allah wants you to send your children into the streets for the purpose of killing Jews then, ipso facto, you favor the genocide of the Jews.

There is no way to escape from that conclusion, now, is there?

Referencing a recent poll of Arabs within Israel, Dalit Halevy, writing in Israel National News, tells us:

A full 72% said they support continuing the “Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Intifada,” as it has been termed, until it achieves its “goals,” which they were later asked to define.

No less than 44% of the Arab public expressed support for an armed intifada terror war using guns, 18% gave support to stabbing attacks, and 14% supported attacks throwing rocks at Israelis.

The goal of the intifada terror war according to 48% of the Arabs is the “liberation of Palestine,” indicating the conquest and occupation of all of Israel.

Offline Nevski

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Ofcourse he is right on this!
A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. - Ecclesiastes 3:8

Offline Yehudayaakov

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he can say anything he wants that doesnt mean he means it that s easy propaganda particularly he drops before the end of the race.

Online Joe Gutfeld

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I'm glad that he has the nerve to say that.

Offline Shlomo

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Remember how the phony right works... they make promise after promise to get elected and then never keep a word of it.

Remember how Netanyahu promised there would never be a so-called “Palestine” and said Arabs were showing up to vote?

Now he supports a Two-State [Final] Solution with the terrorists and wants to work closer with Obama.

What is Trumps past record? He was a liberal who paid the Clintons to come to his wedding.
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Hi Alexander Sporn. Shlomo, ban this terd.

Online Mishmaat

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Online Joe Gutfeld

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Remember how the phony right works... they make promise after promise to get elected and then never keep a word of it.

Remember how Netanyahu promised there would never be a so-called “Palestine” and said Arabs were showing up to vote?

Now he supports a Two-State [Final] Solution with the terrorists and wants to work closer with Obama.

What is Trumps past record? He was a liberal who paid the Clintons to come to his wedding.
Everyone who is in politics is a phony!

Offline realist26

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Agree.  Regardless whether he is serious or not, his anti-Muslim statements have put the issue on the map.  People are now not afraid to say what they think and confront political correctness.  Who would have thought 6 months ago, that a leading US presidential candidate would call for a ban on Muslim immigration? 

Online Joe Gutfeld

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Ted Cruz will NEVER make a comment like this, even though he should.

Offline Israel Chai

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screw "making a comment like this," cruz actually DISAGREES with trump on this issue, proving that cruz is a PIECE OF GARBAGE LEFTIST JUST LIKE TRUMP

That's nonsense. Trump is for letting "Syrian" "refugees" in, but just recently decided after all these years of dealing with the Saudis not to let them in. Cruz doesn't want any Syrian refugees that are muslim, but isn't going to create a public relations nightmare by banning people from vacationning in the USA.
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Offline Bryce Armstrong

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"but isn't going to create a public relations nightmare"

So how come Trump is slaying all other candidates in the media?

Offline Israel Chai

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"but isn't going to create a public relations nightmare"

So how come Trump is slaying all other candidates in the media?

He's not slaying Cruz, and public relations nightmare in this case isn't referring to most of the American people, they see it's not a dumb cause, it's referring to what happens when they try to implement it. An actually righteous position would be to kick all the ones Obama brought in and not to bring any more in, Trump said he wouldn't kick anyone out. Though not bringing more in is the next best thing and better than that nothing, it doesn't make him a leftist.

If a muslim wants to come to America on a buisness trip to buy American stuff, it's good for America. It's not a sane position to ban them from coming, it's a sane position to ban mass immigration from the middle east, which Cruz is against and Trump openly supported. It's like when he said he'll kick all the Mexicans out and then let them back in, he's just talking for votes.
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Offline Bryce Armstrong

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All I know is, Trump is getting all the media's attention and he sucks all the air out of the room for the rest of the candidates.

Compare this to the PR stunt Cruz pulled with Glenn Beck which probably (hopefully) wrecked Becks career.

Offline Israel Chai

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you're just as anti-semitic as cruz is for wanting muslims to come to america you jew-hating piece of scum

Lashon Hara will permanently ruin your mazal to ever get married. Learn not to talk to Jews that way, read Torah and you'll figure it out.

1. How is Cruz antisemitic?
2. Where did I say I want muslims to come to the USA?
3. If Trump says he'll let "Syrian" "refugees" and illegal mexican immigrants in one day, and then says "ban all muslims" when Hitlery has another scandal, do you honestly believe him?
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Online Mishmaat

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cruz is anti-semitic because he wants jew-hating muslims to immigrate here, and since you agree with this, as you yourself said that it's "good" if muslims come here on vacation, you are also anti-semitic you jew-hating scum.  i don't believe trump, he's a communist piece of garbage.

If you said he wanted Jew-hating Muslims to swarm into Israel by supporting a two-state "solution" than you would have had a point.

There's no future for Jews in America.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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In fact, Fakestinians are anti-Semitic, be them Muslim or not. Many Muslims are not anti-Semitic, and not because they have assimilated Western values, but simply because they pay no attention to those Hadiths. There are also anti-Semitic like verses in the NT, and they have been used to kill Jews in the past, but that doesn't mean that all Christians are anti-Semitic. Many groups are not even classified, and we cannot tell whether they could be considred Muslim or not. BUT, what is true is that ALL yihadists are Muslim. Trump proposed a register of Muslims. As a Libertarian I cannot agree with him, BUT what about the UN having a declaration that all Zionists are racists? What about the US, European and Israeli laws banning all Kach supporters as terrorists? What about all Muslim States keeping a register of non-Muslims? If we lived in the fascist times, I as an Italian, I would have no problem with being in a register, and pass an exam to prove that I am not one of the fascists. The same applies when some criminals hide in a certain city, nothing wrong in screening anyone arriving from there.

Offline Israel Chai

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cruz is anti-semitic because he wants jew-hating muslims to immigrate here, and since you agree with this, as you yourself said that it's "good" if muslims come here on vacation, you are also anti-semitic you jew-hating scum.  i don't believe trump, he's a communist piece of garbage.

Wtv, you don't need a shidduch anyways, I do though, so all I'll say is your insults are deeply offensive, and everyone should be warned that you're a liar.

You shouldn't believe Trump, he flip-flopped already

I didn't say for vacation, I said business. Arab muslims fund a lot of American businesses, the economy would take a huge dip if they couldn't travel freely.

Cruz also clearly doesn't want muslim immigrants, he's against this whole "Syrian" thing, and has spoken against muslim immigration before.

He just doesn't want to do a bacon test on everyone coming into an American airport. I've said it before, either America deports all the religious muslims and accepts no more, and the muslims kill themselves off, or they'll kill Americans until they're willing to do that, or until America is part of the caliphate. I also indicated that should I think for a moment that Trump is actually being honest, I'll support that issue, even though it's very simplistic compared to the needed solution.

Don't insult and judge people you don't know, it's cruel and disgusting.
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Offline Israel Chai

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The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline edu

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Raulmarrrio2000 stated
In fact, Fakestinians are anti-Semitic, be them Muslim or not. Many Muslims are not anti-Semitic, and not because they have assimilated Western values, but simply because they pay no attention to those Hadiths. There are also anti-Semitic like verses in the NT, and they have been used to kill Jews in the past, but that doesn't mean that all Christians are anti-Semitic.
Because some of the Muslims coming to the USA are not so devout they pay no attention to those Hadiths. But just like the male attacker in the recent attack in California became more devout over time and then became a violent Jihadist, why take unneeded risks. Would someone with reason bring ten time bombs into his house even though eight or nine of them happen to be duds?

As far as the difference between Christian anti-semitic texts and Muslim anti-semitic texts, at least the situation today is that there is not a serious Christian Terror problem. But all our experiences over the last 100 years, shows there is a real Muslim Terror problem.
In France in many areas it is not safe for a Jew to walk the street if he looks publicly like a Jew. Many of the synagogues need armed guards.
Who is behind all this? Muslims!!! Let's not bury our head in the sand because of Libertarian principles. Or if you prefer, I will answer in a time of war even a Libertarian will be less concerned for the rights of outsiders in order to protect his community.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Why hasn't Alexander Sporn been banned yet (again)?