Chakma613, just as JTF is against people trying to convert Jews, we are also against Jews telling Christians and others, either directly, or via implication that their religion is idolatery (sp?) or that it's wrong in any way.
For the purpose of this movement, we work with people whose religious beliefs do not always match our own. That's life. Decimos seems geniunely interested in our movement. So I don't think it's appropriate to scare him away by bickering about what is and is not idol worship.
In other words, if you want to continue pontificating about how Christianity is idol worship, or how no one is allowed to have differing opinions than your beloved rabbis, do so elsewhere.
Consider this your first and only warning!
On the surface, your idea is a good one. However, I canot allow you to spread sheker about torah. You stated that xtianity is not avodah zarah, and I had to correct you, this is my responsibility, and indeed mitzvah. I see nothing wrong with what I said - had you not told the poster in question what tyou told him about xtianity, I would not have said anything.
As you have not desisted, I feel compelled to answer you.
You say that my faith Christianity is idol worship. And yet, I ahve no idols, no pictures or statues or any other physical objects that I bow to. I have but one God that I serve, the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. Now, I believe that God has three components to him, just like a tree has roots trunk and branches and is yet one tree, God as the creator of all things (including trees) can surely be more complex than a tree, can he not?
decimos: If you have any questions about Christianity please contact me with the pm feature.