Author Topic: Gematria of Ted Cruz is 326, Gematria of Meir Kahane is 327  (Read 2857 times)

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Gematria of Ted Cruz is 326, Gematria of Meir Kahane is 327
« on: February 02, 2016, 02:18:11 PM »
Ted טד =13
Cruz 313 = קרוז
Meir 251 = מאיר
Kahane 76 = כהנא
Sometimes we allow Gematrias to be off by one
So when Yaakov (Jacob) says Ephraim and Menashe will be to me like Reuven and Shimon Breishit/Genesis 48:5 Baal Haturim says that Ephraim and Menashe equal Reuven and Shimon in Gematria
If you do the math Ephraim & Menashe (including the &) = 732
אפרים ומנשה = 732 בגימטריה
Reuven & Shimon = 731
ראובן ושמעון = 731

What does this mean? You could speculate in different directions. But it least it's a way to get attention to a general introduction I found concerning gematrias at

Offline edu

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Re: Gematria of Ted Cruz is 326, Gematria of Meir Kahane is 327
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2016, 02:26:47 PM »
גימטריאות Gematriot
The Midrash Tanaim (to the Baraita of the Thirty-two Methods of Rabbi Eliezer the son of Rabbi Yossi HaGelili), mentions a number of keys or ways of assigning each letter of the Hebrew alphabet to a number. The purpose is to capture the spiritual association between words that have the same gematria. The gematria equivalence relation can give deeper insight into the spiritual connection between the words whose gematria is the same. The use of gematria can expand our awareness of the relatedness of different ideas or concepts as they are spelled out in Hebrew. Gematria can help us understand meanings which are hidden. However, gematria equivalence between words suggesting an association which is not in accordance with Jewish tradition or which is not in accordance with Torah are not considered to be valid.

Gematriot is the plural of Gematria. Why is the subject called Gematriot? Because there are multiple techniques of gematria. We list here a few of the most common ones.

Two good references on gematriot are the books by Rabbi Glazerson, Rabbi Dovid Leitner. The book by Earl David makes a comprehensive use of some of the techniques of gematria in interpreting the different sections of the Torah.

Matityahu Glazerson, Through the Lens of Gematria, Raz-Ot Lev Eliyahu, Jerusalem, 2007
Dovid Leitner, Understanding the Alef-Beis, Feldheim, New York, 2007
Earl Avraham David, Code of the Heart, Mazal and Bracha Inc., New York, 2004
גימטריא Gematria Values
The gematria value of a word is the sum of the gematria values of the letters of the word. There are two conventions for the final letters. In one convention, the one shown in the table below, the five Hebrew final letters are given gematria values of 500 through 900, respectively. By this convention the gematria value of ך is 500. In the other convention, a final letter takes the gematria value of its corresponding non-final letter. So by this convention, the gematria value for the letter ך is 20 since it is the final form of the letter כ.
One of the important constants in mathematics is Π, pi. It relates the diameter of a circle to its circumference. As every grade school child knows, the relationship governing the circumference C of a circle with its diameter D is C=ΠD.

It is interesting, therefore, that the sum of the inverse gematria values of the 27 Hebrew letters totals 3.1401548 about .046 % smaller than 3.141592653589, which is Π, pi, accurate to 12 decimal places.


To represent thousands, the letters used to represent the ones are used. So א, which is spelled as אלף, and is pronounced alef has the same spelling as elef, which means 1000. In a similar manner, ב represents 2000. If we sum the inverse gematria values of the 27 letters and then include then next two letters as thousands the resulting sum is more than 3.141592653589 by about .0019777 %.


Hundreds   Tens   Ones
100 = ק   10 = י   1 = א
200 = ר   20 = כ   2 = ב
300 = ש   30 = ל   3 = ג
400 = ת   40 = מ   4 = ד
500 = ך   50 = נ   5 = ה
600 = ם   60 = ס   6 = ו
700 = ן   70 = ע   7 = ז
800 = ף   80 = פ   8 = ח
900 = ץ   90 = צ   9 = ט
Gematria Table
The relationship between words or phrases that have the same gematria is one of the ways of expounding Torah. The source for this is found in the verse Deuteronomy 32:47.

It is not an empty thing from you, for this is your life.     כי לא דבר רק הוא מכם כי הוא חייכם.

Rabbi Jacob Ben Asher commonly known as The Baal HaTurim and Rabbi Aharon Rokeach, commonly known as the Rokeach, both point out that the numerical value of the first part of the verse כי לא דבר רק הוא מכם is 679. The gematria of Gematriot, גימטריאות, the plural of gematria, is also 679.

I just quoted an excerpt from the article I linked to.
Those who are interested can go into more detail by following the link.