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What is your Height? Weight??
--- Quote from: lubab on September 02, 2007, 02:16:16 PM ---5'9
160 lbs.
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For those of you who think you have a weight problem, let me just say, that I wish I had your weight problem. I am so fat, that when I sit around my home, I really do sit AROUND my home. It has been so long since I exercised, that these days the only exercise I do is jump to conclusions and make comments that are a bit of a stretch. When people talk about laughing their ass off, I think to myself, "What a great idea." The closest I get to doing push-ups, is to be a push-over. The only running I do is having a run in my socks. It is a lucky thing that there are just some things I cannot stomach. I am so fat, that instead of getting some sophisticated hit man to rid the world of ahmedinijad, all that is really required to end his pathetic existence is to get me to sit on him. It would flatten to death that shitler-wannabe instantaneously.
--- Quote from: JewishTeddyBear on September 02, 2007, 02:50:18 PM ---For those of you who think you have a weight problem, let me just say, that I wish I had your weight problem. I am so fat, that when I sit around my home, I really do sit AROUND my home. It has been so long since I exercised, that these days the only exercise I do is jump to conclusions and make comments that are a bit of a stretch. When people talk about laughing their donkey off, I think to myself, "What a great idea." The closest I get to doing push-ups, is to be a push-over. The only running I do is having a run in my socks. It is a lucky thing that there are just some things I cannot stomach. I am so fat, that instead of getting some sophisticated hit man to rid the world of ahmedinijad, all that is really required to end his pathetic existence is to get me to sit on him. It would flatten to death that shitler-wannabe instantaneously.
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I reccomend that you eat less and exercise, two years ago I couldn't do a press up, now I do 100 each night, to be fair, I don't know anything about weightloss, I was never fat, just weak.
Joe Schmo:
Losing weight is a matter of eating less, not exercize.
--- Quote from: Scriabin on September 02, 2007, 02:54:27 PM ---Losing weight is a matter of eating less, not exercize.
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Exercise burns calories, true not putting the calories in in the first place does help.
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