Hmmm... noticing a trend here. A lot of fatties. 
Gentlemen, for those of you that want to get in shape, this guy's program, "ripped rulez", is fantastic, it will get you results.
Disclaimer: I'm not associated with the guy, I just did the program and really liked it and giving you a recommendation.
And guys, where you are now physically means nothing, if you have the desire and knowledge, get on a good program of diet and excercise and stick to it, you can make your physique what you want it to be.
After the initial grind starting something new, you stick to it, then start seeing results, and it even becomes fun, like a hobby you enjoy, next thing y'know, you look like an athlete.
Israelbody's os the best method for bodybiilders, Ori Hofmekler's for street fighters and lovers