Author Topic: Two Years in Jail For Criticizing Transgender, ‘Gender Fluid’ Ideology  (Read 1641 times)

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Offline Shlomo

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Offline cjd

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It seems like this sort of lunacy is going into high gear not only in Canada but here in the U.S as well... Personally I don't think there is the moral fortitude left in either country to halt it off... As for me with 30 or at best 40 years left to roam the earth there is no point in my stressing over it... The circles I travel in don't have this sort of element in it... If the young folks today want to live under conditions like this G-d bless them... If not it's up to them to halt it off.   
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline nessuno

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I think we should all claim gender fluid or self identify. Stop worrying about it.  Put an end to them thinking they can bully themselves into a position of superiority.  Under 20s, in most cases, accept this stupidity wholeheartedly.  Thanks to the public schools and media.  I often hear, in my own home, people have a right to be what they want or feel.  I don't argue anymore.  I just tell my day that thinking will come back to bite you in the behind.  ???  Like when you get nudged out of your chosen college, or the job your best qualified for, by a gender fluid. come face to face with a man, claiming gender fluidity, alone in the ladies room.
Life as we know it is over.

CJD, who said TV would be the ruination of this country?  To bad we can't tell him he was right.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.