I saw a lot of videos of the JTF at youtube. I agree with the Message of Chaim ben Pesach completly.
We have in Germany a lot of trouble with fanatic
"musels" (A german cuss for muslime). In some parts of a couple of cities you can't go, without beeing attacked, because of the criminal character of the Musels.
A katholik Christ has posted on our site called "Die grüne Pest" a JTF-Video about the islam. On our site are people from all Europe, USA and Israel. The most of them are Christians, but a couple of Jews are there too.
I wan't to know, who was the maker of this great video and so I am here.
I will not keep secret, that there are a lot of western people in Germany, who support islam. From Nazis (They call themself autonome nationalists, free fellowships) who printed t-shirts with the face of the devil achmadinedschad and as he has promised to come to the football-wm, they said, they will make a welcome party for him.
This Foto is linked from a Website of a Nazi-Group near my hometown:
But a lot of more dangerous is the "Islam is Peace" party. In the left German media have a voluntary directive, who said, that no newspaper and magazine should mention that the suspect of a crime is a muslim. So the people in Germany are to be think, that there are no muslim terrorists or criminals.
Yesterday the Musels have attempted to murder a Rabbi, but no Newspaper mentioned that the murder was a musel. Only a jewish leader named Graumann said the truth.
But this danger concerns not only jews, but christians like me too. In all countries of the world, who are in the hand of the Nazi-Musel, they murder christians, they rape christians and they rob christians. On our website in Germany, i have written a lot of text, to say the truth to the people about communism, nazism and islam and that the free economy, civil rights and the civil society with its noble worths, like in the USA and Israel is the only way, with the help of G-d in a bright future.