Author Topic: Shaker Assem (Hizb ut-Tahrir) is interviewed by Jürgen Apfel (German Nazi Party)  (Read 8169 times)

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Here you can read all about the plans of the Nazi-Musel conspiracy. It's an article of the nazi-magazine "Deutsche Stimme" (German voice). All out of their own unwashed mouths. I love this fools:

(Please read first: This article is very long. I can't translate it by my hands. So i have used the google-translator. It's not perfect, but i think you are able to understand it. Some mistakes i have found and corrected)

World politics
Free Palästina from the Zionists!

Shaker Assem over the order the Islam, the imperialism, Israel terrorism and the problem

After the participation Udo Voigts and refuge Mahlers at a public series of lectures that in the meantime (not yet validly) forbidden Islamic organization Hizb ut-Tahrir tried the media immediately to design cross connections between both parties. The Federal Government put to the NPD Verbotsverfahren a grotesque statement after, in which it tried to prove a proximity to the party to of Bin Laden aluminium Kaida to its writs. The following interview with Shaker Assem was led only few hours before the prohibition expressed in a night and nebula action against the organization after the law relating to associations. The interview makes clear that there are punctual agreements in the evaluation of geopolitical connections. In addition, on the other hand many contrasts between the offensively spoken points of view Shaker donkey donkey and those become obvious the NPD. Regardless of its it belongs to a democratic controversy culture in a constitutional state not to swing primitively the prohibition club to argue to respect but with the arguments of other-thinking essentially, the interlocutor personally to respected and its opinion. The readers of the DS can make themselves so a genuine impression of political wanting at present in Germany of living Muslims and form their own judgement whether the prohibition Hizb ut-Tahrirs took place rightfully. Interesting the prohibition appears itself anyhow particularly before the background of the reason, on the meeting in Berlin, which supports anti-Americaistic and allegedly anti-Jewish agitation as well as allegedly open publicising of force. So remarkably it is that Islamic groups in the FRG can perform obviously unimpaired their work, so long it does not anmassen itself to practice criticism at the world domination efforts of the USA or at the state terrorism of Israel so obviously is likewise that Hizb ut-Tahrir farmer victim in a transparent Politmanöver became. It is obvious that it was for the government Schröder again once at the time to address symbolic devotion greetings to the USA and Israel and form itself at the same time in the apron of the coming elections of the federal parliament relating to domestic affairs as” Vorkämpfer “in the fight against foreigner extremism. Not to exclude it is also that Hizb ut-Tahrir had to believe also therefore in so that Otto Schily in the NPD Verbotsverfahren connections of the party to Islamic groups, becoming ever more embarrassingly for him, can try to design to lead in order so the public with bizarren statements over the alleged danger of the NPD in errs.

DS: Dear Mr. Assem, in October you held in DO to Berlin a lecture about” the Iraq - a new war and the consequences “. After the press reported country widely the fact that the NPD chairman Udo Voigt and refuge Mahler were present as listeners discussed argwöhnische observers in politics and media their motives for the attendance of a panislamistisch fundamentalist meeting. What were your impressions of the motives Voigts and Mahlers both in the process of the discussion and in the following weeks?

Assem:Since I had pulled only briefly before the lecture from Austria to Germany, I knew the Mr. Voigt and Mahler, still the NPD at the time neither. Only Mr. Mahler was me in connection with the RAF a term. It was a lady journalist of the transmitter Aipa TV, which drew the attention of me to the presence of the two gentlemen and their affiliation. Since it concerned a public meeting, us the two gentlemen were just as welcome as all other guests in the hall. If you ask me for the motives in such a way believe I that each politically active humans, who have an understanding for the importance of world politics are anxious straight in the current very delicate phase to catch up from all sources information to attach to exchange contacts, opinions and state the own positions. It is obvious that a large country cannot extract itself such as Germany, with its highly developed industry and economy, from the catches of world politics. Each change in one politically, economically and strategically as important region as the Near East has a direct influence on Germany. No politically conscious German may accept the present development at the gulf - with the threatening war against the Iraq - with indifference. If thinking humans in Germany, to who the interest of Europe is because of the heart, try not with all Kraft to against-steer this development the entire European interests in this region threaten to be away-swept of the American Hegemonialsucht. This war is not only a fate war for the Iraq, but also for Europe. Europe threatens to come still more strongly into American dependence to play world-politically a still more subordinated role and diminish completely to the appendage of the USA. It saw me been pleased during the lecture that there are politically conscious humans, who recognized that and with them the available means to try to work against also in the national German camp.

DS: The formula” panislamistisch fundamentalist “is too contents empty, in order to be able to imagine under it something concrete? What are the substantial elements of your world view and which role play thereby the” Kalifatsstaat “- straight with consideration of the circumstance that in Europe in the meantime 20-30 million Muslims live?

Assem:We understand the Islam not only as bare faith, which regulates the personal relationship of humans with G-d, but as comprehensive life order, which regulates also the relationship of humans with itself and with other humans. Therefore the Islam has its own economic, society and a state system. These systems represent equally göttliche requirements for us Muslims as our daily prayer. The Islamic world was occupied in the course of the Kolonialisierung by the west of powers, robbed of their sovereignty and brought into political, economic and cultural dependence on colonial powers. The Islamic state, which embodies the Islamic life order practiced, was divided areas under winner powers, which Islamic legislation replaces to a large extent abolished and by western-secular by the Englishmen after the First World War destroyed, its. One set persons, who mentally, politically and culturally the colonial gentleman perfectly to the point of these” independent “states developed again purged and were totally alienated from their peoples and thus its Islamic roots. These rulers were and are nothing else as Vasallen of colonial powers, which govern their interests represented and their peoples with brutal arbitrariness and inconceivable Schlechtigkeit. The straight present sky-crying Kollaboration of the rulers at the gulf with the American aggressors is the best proof for it. We are convinced of the fact that the actual cause for the weakness of the Muslims lies in its miserablen and/or not at all existing Islam understanding. Over the centuries the Islam understanding and Islam consciousness diminished with the Muslims ever more, until it led to these terrible Dekadenz and degeneratingness in the Islamic world. Only this mental weakness made possible it for colonial powers to flood the Muslims with strange culture and strange ideas so to occupy their countries and to fall it into such a dependence. We strive now to produce by clearing-up work, documents, books, lectures and discussions a true, collective Islam consciousness in the Muslim masses. To this consciousness also the realization belongs that it is for the Muslims a göttliche obligation to live in all areas of life after the göttlichen laws. And that is possible for the so-called Kalifat, which implements strength of the State of all Islamic laws and the affairs of its citizens - Muslims such as Nichtmuslime only within an Islamic state, - really takes care of. This state is however no” G-d state “in the conventional sense, there the head of state, the Kalif, is not infallible and to remain always criticismable must. The Kalif cannot switch also and walten as it wants. It is subjected to control mechanisms and has itself in the same way by the Islamic state law to hold, like all other citizens also. The Kalifat is therefore neither a dictatorship still another western democracy, but after our conviction a very efficient system of government, which really corresponds to the nature of human communities. Also the Islamic Wirtschaftsystem, whose Rahmengesetze the state specifies, is not capitalistic. Although selfinitiative it are promoted and protected individual prosperity a thought out rearrangement system for the fact that also the less-wealthy and socially weak one ensures in the society human being-worthy getting along is guaranteed. The Islamic law that raw materials and Bodenschätze must be property of the public, represents at their use everything participates, only one measure of many. We exert ourselves for the fact that the Muslims in their collective, above all such as officers and military, regain also influential personalities this Islam consciousness. Then a change in the Islamic world will be seizable.
Here it must be mentioned that we do not recognize the today's fixing of the boundaries in the Islamic world. These borders were drawn artificially by the colonial gentlemen after the destruction of the Islamic state in Istanbul. For us it is also a göttliches requirement that the countries of the Islamic world must be united in only one state under the guidance of a Kalifen. That was in the past like that and also again will in the future like that be. At each time there may be only a Kalifen. In the Koran it means” and holds all together to the rope of G-d and is not not in disagreement! “(Sure 3, verse 103).
Which concerns the Muslims in Europe, then they are part of the Islamic community, the” Umma “. It applies to produce also with them an Islamic consciousness thereby it to an establishment of the Islamic state in the Islamic world - and not in Germany or Europe - strives.

DS: With the Muslims immigrated to Europe it concerns not alone around member of a religion, but humans of different origin, different mentalities and cultural traditions. Now all parties in the Bundestag aim at the Zwangsgermanisierung of the immigrants with their integration politics quasi. How do you stand to this politics, which lead to the fact that both Germans and foreigners lose their national identity, by being systematically alienated from their homeland, culture and tradition - and how stand you to as well known from the NPD publicised demand” foreigner feedback instead of integration “?

Assem: We must know that nearly everything fled here residents of Muslims from the precarious economic situation in their homelands. Hardly someone from them gladly to Europe into the geographical and cultural foreigner pulled. That is also the reason, why many of them orient themselves until today strongly at their homeland. I know a great many Muslims in this country and only very few from them feel really probably here. As soon as the economic situation in its homelands improved by the establishment of the Islamic state, most of them will in my opinion again return. What should hold back it of it? Instead of in Germany because of their head cloth to be angepöbelt and from the job market to a large extent excluded, had it in their countries of origin then the possibility of realizing their faith within all ranges. One can set up easily the rule here: For each creditors the Muslims are, the more strongly are their tendency to return to their homelands. Some of them return now already, from fear before assimilation and identity loss of their children, to their countries of origin and accept thereby large financial cuts.
We face the demands for integration of the established parties very critically, since it hides the tendency, of scooping out the Islam in Europe and of adapting it completely the European conditions. The integration, which imagines the European Union, is the integration of Döner Kebab and Baklava, not however from Islamic ideas and conceptions. The call to the so-called” euro Islam “, which has to orient itself at the German” guidance culture “, speaks volumes about it. No, when Muslims we touch the German order not, take up however for us to say that we want to retain our identity.
Which concerns the demand” foreigner feedback instead of integration “, then tolerance has and humanity to walten. It is me a request to make nationalconscious Germans clear that the Islam is not their enemy. Rather the true enemy sits in its heads. It is this the fun company, after craze ever more pleasures, without taking over the readiness, responsibility and do without something fun in favor of of children and family. It is the boundless individualism, which destroys whole families, because he is fixed on egoistic striving for personal satisfaction. Why is the birth rate in the cellar, although the prosperity is larger in this country ever? Why are the homes for the elderly overcrowded with old humans, whom one pushed away, because one finds no more use in the family and/or in the society for her? I see old humans abmühen completely abandoned with going assistance and am no daughter, no son, no Enkelkind at their side - why?
The cause for it is the liberty illusion, to which many purged; striving for absolute” liberty “of the Individiuums, which does not give it in truth, which is vorgegaukelt humans however incessantly in media and society. After one separated in the west religion from the life, to play, striving for benefit and satisfaction of the own needs than only life purpose remained for G-d and religious requirements in the lay life no more role. Hieran threatens to destroy the German people - not at the Islam. Straight ones within this range can crib themselves from the Germans - please you permit me the comparison - some from the Muslims. In the Islam have parents, family and children a high value.
I know some German married couples, which are converted to the Islam. With an impact the ill ideas of the fun company from its head were, them have again a positive attitude to the family and are all around content with itself and their life.
Why thus the agitation against the Islam? National humans should concentrate rather on the principal problems of the German spirit, instead of on the Muslim women running around with head cloths, from whom most the dear today than tomorrow would leave the country. A large part of the problem after establishment of the Islamic state automatically to solve, presupposed the Germans overcome their problem in the head. One should consider oneself however now, how one wants to then fill up the deserted desert of districts such as Berlin cross mountain.

DS: The abtrünnige Islam author Ibn Warraq explained in a” Figaro “- interview, the cowardice of the Europeans frightens it not less than the Islamics themselves. He meant with the fact that the advance Islam in Europe particularly in the weakness of its opponents was appropriate, when those are to be seen the Europeans as non--Muslims in the sense of the friend enemy distinction fundamental for the Islam. For this also the” days of the open mosques “taken up joyfully by politicians fit, which are regarded as indications of the religious tolerance, of many Muslims however however also as indications of the weakness of the” disbelieving “visitor. How do you judge on the one hand the Naivität and on the other hand the strong reservations of the Germans in handling the Muslims living in Europe?

Assem: The Europeans are not cowardly and very probably consider themselves, how they can deal with the problem Islam in Europe. Therefore nevertheless this calls to the euro Islam and to the German guidance culture. In addition, one knows in Europe that one does not reach nothing at all with the Muslims, if one attacks her directly in her faith foundation. Thus one reaches only the opposite that the Muslims go only quite on the barricades and to their faith to hold. Therefore such attacks on some statements of avowed Islamhasser are limited, while one concentrates in the medialen main stream rather on attacks against Islamic laws and the Islam as life order. If one would follow people such as Ibn Warraq, one would drive the Muslims only more strongly into the hands of so-called” Islamics “. The political establishment in Europe could not do a larger favour to us. Recent and best example of it is the genocide at the Muslims in Bosnia. After the Bosnian Muslims recognized the fact that they were murdered only deliberated itself, because they were Muslims, them only quite upon their faith, which was guessed/advised nearly completely in oblivion.
Nevertheless I point the reproach of the Islamic” friend enemy distinction “theologically and Islam-legally decided back. We Muslims have very probably to have differentiated the obligation under the Nichtmuslimen between those, fight and drive us out and those, which were not involved in so an aggression. Allah, the raised one, holds in the Koran unmistakably: ” Allah does not forbid you being against those pietätvoll and fair which fought not the faith because of against you and did not drive you out not from your dwellings. Allah loves indeed those, which are fair! “(There Sure 60, verse 8) G-d its love attached it not only permitted at Pietät and justice, is us, but our göttliche responsibility to be good-natured and friendly opposite that humans who did not meet us with hostility. Therefore it does not come us into the sense to keep humans for naive or weak if they come to meet us friendly and visit us in our mosques. This conception is so abstrusely, blindwütig and hate-fulfilled that I can answer it only with the Koran verse: ” The eyes do not go blind, on the contrary the hearts in the chest go blind! “(Sure 22, verse 46) also we have nevertheless the göttliche responsibility to clear these humans up over the Islam upon the fact that it it may itself deliberate and thus before the eternal fire in the the other world is errettet. How can we fulfill this task, if we despise humans and lay their obligingness out as weakness? Each humans, and who we did not clear up over the Islam, on the recent day complaint will lead against us, before it occurs hell. We are pleased about each not-Muslim attendance in a mosque and I personally make happy me about each not-Muslim attendance with my lectures, as I was pleased also about the attendance of the Mr. Voigt and Mahler.
Which concerns the reservations of the Germans in handling the Muslims, then this is particularly to negative propaganda in the German media against the Islam to attribute. Also the school clearing-up over the Islam is consciously misleading and fragmentary. In addition, the wrong behavior of many Muslims in this country stirs up prejudices and misunderstandings. Therefore it is only quite our obligation to clear humans up here and to remove the wrong prejudices over the Islam from the heads.

DS: The prophet Mohammed was not only Verkünder of welfare teachings, but also leader of a war-prominent moslemischen army and head of a moslemischen state. And so today the mosque is not only a place of the prayer, but also a place of the political decision, from which from conquests and revolutions can proceed (” see, to Allah loves those, which fight on its way in battle order… “). Contrary to the large” internal “Dschihad (” holy war “) the small does not belong” expresses “to the Islamic juridical system, it is however an important component of the Rechtgläubigkeit. To what extent can you reconstruct therefore the criticism of the non--Muslims, who question the thesis to by nature peaceful and tolerant Islam?

Assem: The mosque is surely not only a place of the prayer, but also one, in which in the Islamic state political decisions are made. Since the Islam is a comprehensive life order, there cannot be a separation between religion and state. We take this conviction up for us, without wanting to force upon here it to humans. Also the war is an affair, which the Islam in the detail regulated. A war may turn only against fighting soldiers and not against the civilian population, which we do not want to win and kill. Destruction wars like the IITH world war, which put the German cities in debris and ash, with millions civilian dead ones are inconceivable in the Islam. It is really amazing, why with the topic war is referred always the Islam, although Muslims were not, who threw atom bombs off on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Also there was not Muslims, who in Viet Nam with napalm bombs whole regions devastated or which by uranium-equipped Sprengköpfe radiate-contaminated south Iraq. And nevertheless with the topic war is placed again and again the Islam against the pillory.
The war accompanied humans since their existence on ground connection. It gave it in the past, and it will unfortunately also in the future give it. Also the establishment of the Islamic state will draw probably bloody wars for the Muslims. Because if the Americans want to put now the down-lying Iraq, which represents no more danger for its interests of power, in debris and ash, like if a Kalifat develops, which will clear up with their entire Hegemonialeinflüssen in the Islamic world. A military conflict with the USA seems to me therefore from today's viewpoint inevitably. You are however certain itself that the Muslims are mentally prepared for a war. ” Fights and for Allahs sake against those, which fight you, commits however no infringements! Indeed, Allah loves those not, which commit infringements! “(Sure 2, verse 190)” Allah bought its life and its fortune from the Gläubigen, on that them the Paradies belongs. They fight on the way Allahs, it kill and are killed! (This is) a promise - binding for him, in the Thora, in the gospel and in the Koran! Thus make you happy the trade, which you were received! Because this is indeed the enormous profit! “(Sure 9, verse 111)
You are insured that we got involved in this trade, and that it is the Islam, which will force the superpower the USA into the knees. Take me with the word!

DS: About 30,000 members are organized in the community milli Görus, which represented an Islamic society and state understanding to center of the 90's. The Koran was considered as only condition, the Basic Law as a sign of the Unglaubens. The party Allahs was recognized as only, rejected democracy. Today the organization with such confessions holds back itself, which might be however strategically motivated. How do you stand to the requirement for superiority of groups, still Islam-centered, such as milli Görus?

Assem: I know our brothers of milli Görus very well! Believe me, those are harmless. The actual danger for the capitalistic Hegemonialanspruch threatens from those people, with which you lead a straight interview. Milli Görus and/or its master party at that time Refah did not even create it to cause in their Turkish homeland any change. After their Prime Minister at that time Erbakan by the military co-operation contracts with Israel, ratified by him, and the locking decrees for the Turkish Koranschulen, signed by him, carried military good services out, it was set off short hand from them. Something similar of the flat Americans with its pulling son and current candidate on the office for Prime Minister in Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
What is however this whole gossip of a” Islam-centered requirement for superiority “? We Muslims admit us to the Islam as life order. And there this life order after our conviction is göttlich revealed, regards we it also as the correct. So is an attitude a crime? Is it not natural that humans, who are convinced of the correctness of a thing regard it also as the best and optimal one? Doesn't that do automatically to everyone of us? Former American president Richard Nixon explained in one of his books openly that he regards the American system as the best on the world. Was it therefore gegeisselt? An American journalist, with whom I led recently a principle discussion across capitalism, said to me openly that he capitalism, if he were used correctly, as which best system regards. This opinion I must grant him exactly the same, as he me my. Only may more that one live in Germany, which professes itself without reservation to the Basic Law? Is that the newest interpretation of the liberty of opinion in this country? We do not meet the German Basic Law with hostility. Also we do not want to touch the existing order here. We say only clearly and clearly that this secular condition is not the unsrige! Is that a crime?
I do not know not one Islamic grouping, which tries seriously to create a Kalifatstaat in Germany. So a conception is directly absurd. We will want to create an Islamic state nevertheless not here, where humans to the Islam not to profess themselves at all, it at the same time even reject and from the Islamic world refrain, where humans the Islam dear and only for to wait by it to be governed? Is the bare list so of a thesis not already a bad Diffamierungskampagne with the intention of instigating humans here against the Islam in view of this fact?

DS: The Islamic solidarity, peace and tolerance requirements apply naturally to the Muslim community, thus the” Umma “- however you apply also to so-called” disbelieving ones “, does under which the Islam all non--Muslims - thus also the Christians, Atheisten, Pantheisten and new heaths - understand?

Assem: In the Islam the fundamental requirement applies that nobody may be forced to the entrance into the Islam. It means in the Koran unmistakably: ” There is no obligation in the faith! “(Sure 2, verse 256) also one must be convinced of the Islamic faith foundation, thus it of G-d, which creator is accepted, otherwise is one a Heuchler. Already from this consideration it would be nevertheless absurd to force upon to humans the Islam if their lip-service would not be accepted by G-d anyway. The tolerance requirement applies in the Islam therefore to humans of all confessions and faith directions. Excluded from it only the heidnischen Arabs were in the Arab peninsula at present the prophet. Since G-d honoured it, by revealing its message to entire mankind in its own language, whereby they could recognize its göttlichen indication clearly, they were placed before the only choice: to assume either the Islam or the sword! That applied however only to the heidnischen Arabs the time at that time. Today the tolerance requirement applies to all. Thus the G-d envoy determined: ” Who does to an protection-ordered (Nichtmuslim in the Islamic state) wrong, has me personally wrong done to that! “The prophet wrote its governor in Yemen: ” On that no Jew or Christian by force by his faith one divert! “As the prophet over the trailers of the zarathustrischen faith in Persia, how one was to proceed with them, said he was asked: ” Proceeds with them in same way as with the trailers of the books (Jews and Christians). Eat however not from their slaughter cattle and marry their girls not! “A clear proof for the fact that the tolerance requirement applies to all Andersgläubigen - even to new heaths and communists. The best proof for the tolerance Islam is the fact that it gives in nearly all countries of the Islamic world to today not-Muslim minorities, even on the Arab peninsula, the origin area Islam. If the Islam with” fire and sword “would have spread, as it is the usual opinion in Europe, by these minorities after 1,400 years no trace would have remained more remaining. On the other hand the Inquisition in Spain used only few years, in order to extinguish the last remainder of Islamic traces. , I must say thorough work!
I would like to state a small example of Islamic tolerance understanding still gladly: For Jews and Christians - in the reason however for all Andersgläubigen, the Islam is as well known a wrong faith. And the prophet Islam is therefore for it a wrong prophet - a liar and a Hochstapler thus. Although these humans do not recognize not only the Islamic” Basic Law “, but beyond that still the Islam their existence right on and grant them within its borders protection and security reject, recognize the whole Islam. Other around in the” free west “however obviously no more matter of course is ...

The whole original-article can you find here (German Language):
« Last Edit: September 13, 2007, 04:57:41 PM by Goldfasan »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline mord

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Why is Germany stupid don'nt they understand moslems want to take over Germany and make Germay live in Sharia .Europe must wake up before it's to late
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ulli

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Why is Germany stupid don'nt they understand moslems want to take over Germany and make Germay live in Sharia .Europe must wake up before it's to late

I can't understand it. Today was a very hard day. The ZDF (Second German TV) shows at 9/11 a film with all conspiracy-theories of musel left-wing and nazi phantasies. They show them, but without critical comment.

look here mord:

The speaker of this film told us: A command-bunker in America. Here so belive some people is the central of the greatest conspiracy of our time. A conspiracy, that causes a war. The war against terror.

Every war begins with a lie.

The operation is strictly secret. Only a few knew what happens realy on september the 11.

The september 11. is a wound, that America does to itself. A terror-attack under a wrong flag.

Americas symbols of might and its own power in the crosshair of their own gouvernment?

Our gouvernment will kill their own citzens, when it sees a profit in it and then they will cloud it.

The sepptember the 11. a genocide to their own people?

The most of the people knew where they were, as it happens and the towers were burning. But did they know what really happened?


This is the real left-wing German-TV. And mord, what you should know: Every German, who ownes a tv or radio must pay every month for it to the public-tv. They have a own organisation called GEZ. This means fee-collecting-center. They tell us thats because of cultural issues, but this is hate-speech and no culture.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2007, 07:16:40 PM by Goldfasan »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline mord

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Why is Germany stupid don'nt they understand moslems want to take over Germany and make Germay live in Sharia .Europe must wake up before it's to late

I can't understand it. Today was a very hard day. The ZDF (Second German TV) shows at 9/11 a film with all conspiracy-theories of musel left-wing and nazi phantasies. They show them, but without critical comment.

look here mord:
Who pays for these T.V. stations the govt? are the people in Germany sleeping ?they beleive it? this is why i wish Stoiber could have been chancellor.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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so Germans have to pay tax for this program,it's a big station?
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ulli

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Here you can view the Leftwing-propaganda-Film of ZDF in complete picture:

Yes mord

Look here (I don't know this - I am shocked)

They have,44 EUR for leftwing-propaganda. Thats are 10114758313,082808 USD

You don't believe it

look for yourself:

Every German, who has a TV must pay 17,03 EUR or 23,64 USD every month. If you watch this, like Chaim would say, bolchewik propaganda or not, you have to pay.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2007, 07:12:57 PM by Goldfasan »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline mord

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Thats terrible people who don'nt like it have to pay
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ulli

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Thats terrible people who don'nt like it have to pay

Americans are not stupid!

At minute 19:10 of the German hate-speech 9/11-film, there tell the american authorities the Germans, that they can't film the Pentagon and the wreck of the airplain, that is crashed in it.

The reason for it:
We can't support your query. The ministry of defence gives the permission to film, when it is profitable for the ministry of defence or when your project is in national intrest. I have decided that your projekt will not fullfill this minimal premises. :laugh:

Mord, who is Alex Jones? In the film he speaks a lot about the US-conspiracy. But he didn't look like a Nazi, or a communist or a muslime.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2007, 08:12:11 PM by Goldfasan »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline mord

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Thats terrible people who don'nt like it have to pay

Americans are not stupid!

At minute 19:10 of the German hate-speech 9/11-film, there tell the american authorities the Germans, that they can't film the Pentagon and the wreck of the airplain, that is crashed in it.

The reason for it:
We can't support your query. The ministry of defence gives the permission to film, when it is profitable for the ministry of defence or when your project is in national intrest. I have decided that your projekt will not fullfill this minimal premises. :laugh:

Mord, who is Alex Jones? In the film he speaks a lot about the US-conspiracy. But he didn't look like a Nazi, or a communist or a muslime.

Alex jones is a real nut i'll post a link to the nuts site  heres one     he's what you call in Geman a Grosse dumkopf :laugh:
« Last Edit: September 13, 2007, 08:17:15 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ulli

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Thats terrible people who don'nt like it have to pay

Americans are not stupid!

At minute 19:10 of the German hate-speech 9/11-film, there tell the american authorities the Germans, that they can't film the Pentagon and the wreck of the airplain, that is crashed in it.

The reason for it:
We can't support your query. The ministry of defence gives the permission to film, when it is profitable for the ministry of defence or when your project is in national intrest. I have decided that your projekt will not fullfill this minimal premises. :laugh:

Mord, who is Alex Jones? In the film he speaks a lot about the US-conspiracy. But he didn't look like a Nazi, or a communist or a muslime.

Alex jones is a real nut i'll post a link to the nuts site  heres one     he's what you call in Geman a Grosse dumkopf :laugh:
Yes i think you are right. Here is a similar site of his from Germany
He has watched too much Akte X (The x-files) and now He is mentally ill. I think he can't accept the reality. But believes he, like all conspiracy-freaks in the UFO-Conspiracy? :laugh:
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Shaker Assem (Hizb ut-Tahrir) is interviewed by Jürgen Apfel (German Nazi Pa
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2007, 08:23:32 PM »
Thats terrible people who don'nt like it have to pay

Americans are not stupid!

At minute 19:10 of the German hate-speech 9/11-film, there tell the american authorities the Germans, that they can't film the Pentagon and the wreck of the airplain, that is crashed in it.

The reason for it:
We can't support your query. The ministry of defence gives the permission to film, when it is profitable for the ministry of defence or when your project is in national intrest. I have decided that your projekt will not fullfill this minimal premises. :laugh:

Mord, who is Alex Jones? In the film he speaks a lot about the US-conspiracy. But he didn't look like a Nazi, or a communist or a muslime.

Alex jones is a real nut i'll post a link to the nuts site  heres one     he's what you call in Geman a Grosse dumkopf :laugh:
Yes i think you are right. Here is a similar site of his from Germany
He has watched too much Akte X (The x-files) and now He is mentally ill. I think he can't accept the reality. But believes he, like all conspiracy-freaks in the UFO-Conspiracy? :laugh:

Yes on saturday night he was put in jail for the night he was using a loudspeaker
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Shaker Assem (Hizb ut-Tahrir) is interviewed by Jürgen Apfel (German Nazi Pa
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2007, 08:23:58 PM »
Hello mord, there is an other american psycho called Dylan Avery in this film. Is he very famous in the USA :laugh:

This film is diabolical. First they tell the version of Jones, Avery, Bülow usw. and than they say that they are in some points wrong. After that they play the ball back to the US-government and accuse them to hold evidence back and that must have a reason. After this they show an eye in a crosshair and play drastic music. But i think they have no good wittness with Alex Jones etc.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2007, 08:34:13 PM by Goldfasan »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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no i never heard   of that nut  heres a tape fom saturday night he was arrested in new york he called police nazis :laugh: ::)     

Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Shaker Assem (Hizb ut-Tahrir) is interviewed by Jürgen Apfel (German Nazi Pa
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2007, 08:42:29 PM »
no i never heard   of that nut  heres a tape fom saturday night he was arrested in new york he called police nazis :laugh: ::)     

i have headeaches after watching this video. Is this comedy?

In this conspiracy film is another freak. He is professor for philosophie. He means that the gouvernment uses the command-central of the mayor of New Nork in the world-trade center to coordinate the attacks. They want to destroy the world trade center to destroy evidence. So 3000 Americans were killed by the gouvernment. The name of the crazy-professor is Jim Fetzer.

In my oppinion education doesn't protect you for becoming mentally ill.

I thought only in Germany were this ill people, but in the USA are they too.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2007, 08:51:58 PM by Goldfasan »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Shaker Assem (Hizb ut-Tahrir) is interviewed by Jürgen Apfel (German Nazi Pa
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2007, 08:44:20 PM »
no i never heard   of that nut  heres a tape fom saturday night he was arrested in new york he called police nazis :laugh: ::)     

i have headeaches after watching this video. Is this comedy?
No it's real he's a fool he thinks he can make noise and not get arrested they put him in the police car :laugh:
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: Shaker Assem (Hizb ut-Tahrir) is interviewed by Jürgen Apfel (German Nazi Pa
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2007, 09:05:59 PM »
There is also a German member of the socialists in this film. In his oppinion the towers were blasted by professional shot firer. His name is Alexander von Bülow. He is a former minister of the federal German gouvernment. He has written a book: The CIA an september 11.
I think he knows better, but he hates the USA and he has talked so much about conspiracies, that he now convinced to be right.
This film is absolut freakshow. :laugh:
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Shaker Assem (Hizb ut-Tahrir) is interviewed by Jürgen Apfel (German Nazi Pa
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2007, 09:14:25 PM »
There is also a German member of the socialists in this film. In his oppinion the towers were blasted by professional shot firer. His name is Alexander von Bülow. He is a former minister of the federal German gouvernment. He has written a book: The CIA an september 11.
I think he knows better, but he hates the USA and he has talked so much about conspiracies, that he now convinced to be right.
This film is absolut freakshow. :laugh:
LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: Shaker Assem (Hizb ut-Tahrir) is interviewed by Jürgen Apfel (German Nazi Pa
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2007, 09:29:57 PM »
Hello mord. I the final words of the film are:

This is the central command of America. Here happens at september no conspiracy. But the conspiracy of cloud own mistakes is the real conspiracy. The september 11 2003 mythos and truth.
Incompetence and sloppiness make the september 11 more worse.
What is, is incompetence, secretiveness and that the US-government trys to cloud their own mistakes. For all other conspiration theories are no evidence.

Are this last words good? ???

I think the people in Germany remember allmost the issues of Bülow & co.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Shaker Assem (Hizb ut-Tahrir) is interviewed by Jürgen Apfel (German Nazi Pa
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2007, 11:18:31 AM »
Hello mord. I the final words of the film are:

This is the central command of America. Here happens at september no conspiracy. But the conspiracy of cloud own mistakes is the real conspiracy. The september 11 2003 mythos and truth.
Incompetence and sloppiness make the september 11 more worse.
What is, is incompetence, secretiveness and that the US-government trys to cloud their own mistakes. For all other conspiration theories are no evidence.

Are this last words good? ???

I think the people in Germany remember allmost the issues of Bülow & co.
The moslems admitted they did it
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Shaker Assem (Hizb ut-Tahrir) is interviewed by Jürgen Apfel (German Nazi Pa
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2007, 01:11:29 PM »
Hello mord, back to the origin-issue of this thread. The party Hizb ut-Tahrir, who colloborates with Nazis, has an english website:
Look here:

They are in Great Britain too!
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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On the Brian site they don'nt sound that extreme just like all moslems
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Yes they're just better in taqiya; Why Germny don't have normal Far-Right  anti imigartion pro US party party like BNP, Vlaams Block or Forza Italia?  Why the NPD is against Jews who are 50 000 in Germny not eight milions Turks? :o It is madness.
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

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Re: Shaker Assem (Hizb ut-Tahrir) is interviewed by Jürgen Apfel (German Nazi Pa
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2007, 05:33:02 PM »
Yes they're just better in taqiya; Why Germny don't have normal Far-Right  anti imigartion pro US party party like BNP, Vlaams Block or Forza Italia?  Why the NPD is against Jews who are 50 000 in Germny not eight milions Turks? :o It is madness.
They hate the jews. They really think, that the Jews are mainly responsible of all bad things in the whole world. They are completly paranoid. This is the main cause, why they support the muslimes.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Yes they're just better in taqiya; Why Germny don't have normal Far-Right  anti imigartion pro US party party like BNP, Vlaams Block or Forza Italia?  Why the NPD is against Jews who are 50 000 in Germny not eight milions Turks? :o It is madness.

Maybe someone will start a new party.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2007, 12:52:37 PM »
Maybe someone will start a new party.

We try this a lot of times, but it's not easy in Germany. Because of our History...

When we try to start a new party the left-people always tells us nazi. That's a big problem.... :'(